提交 aaa7fe15 编写于 作者: A antirez

no more allocation stats info in INFO, useless now that we have jemalloc.

上级 33d2761b
......@@ -1335,18 +1335,6 @@ sds genRedisInfoString(void) {
info = sdscat(info,"allocation_stats:");
for (j = 0; j <= ZMALLOC_MAX_ALLOC_STAT; j++) {
size_t count = zmalloc_allocations_for_size(j);
if (count) {
if (info[sdslen(info)-1] != ':') info = sdscatlen(info,",",1);
info = sdscatprintf(info,"%s%d=%zu",
(j == ZMALLOC_MAX_ALLOC_STAT) ? ">=" : "",
info = sdscat(info,"\r\n");
for (j = 0; j < server.dbnum; j++) {
long long keys, vkeys;
......@@ -55,16 +55,13 @@
#define update_zmalloc_stat_alloc(__n,__size) do { \
size_t _n = (__n); \
size_t _stat_slot = (__size < ZMALLOC_MAX_ALLOC_STAT) ? __size : ZMALLOC_MAX_ALLOC_STAT; \
if (_n&(sizeof(long)-1)) _n += sizeof(long)-(_n&(sizeof(long)-1)); \
if (zmalloc_thread_safe) { \
pthread_mutex_lock(&used_memory_mutex); \
used_memory += _n; \
zmalloc_allocations[_stat_slot]++; \
pthread_mutex_unlock(&used_memory_mutex); \
} else { \
used_memory += _n; \
zmalloc_allocations[_stat_slot]++; \
} \
} while(0)
......@@ -83,8 +80,6 @@
static size_t used_memory = 0;
static int zmalloc_thread_safe = 0;
pthread_mutex_t used_memory_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
/* Note that malloc_allocations elements are initialized to zero by C */
size_t zmalloc_allocations[ZMALLOC_MAX_ALLOC_STAT+1];
static void zmalloc_oom(size_t size) {
fprintf(stderr, "zmalloc: Out of memory trying to allocate %zu bytes\n",
......@@ -185,11 +180,6 @@ size_t zmalloc_used_memory(void) {
return um;
size_t zmalloc_allocations_for_size(size_t size) {
if (size > ZMALLOC_MAX_ALLOC_STAT) return 0;
return zmalloc_allocations[size];
void zmalloc_enable_thread_safeness(void) {
zmalloc_thread_safe = 1;
......@@ -40,8 +40,5 @@ size_t zmalloc_used_memory(void);
void zmalloc_enable_thread_safeness(void);
float zmalloc_get_fragmentation_ratio(void);
size_t zmalloc_get_rss(void);
size_t zmalloc_allocations_for_size(size_t size);
#endif /* _ZMALLOC_H */
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