1. 09 10月, 2013 1 次提交
  2. 04 10月, 2013 4 次提交
    • A
      Replication: install the write handler when reusing a cached master. · df0c9600
      antirez 提交于
      Sometimes when we resurrect a cached master after a successful partial
      resynchronization attempt, there is pending data in the output buffers
      of the client structure representing the master (likely REPLCONF ACK
      If we don't reinstall the write handler, it will never be installed
      again by addReply*() family functions as they'll assume that if there is
      already data pending, the write handler is already installed.
      This bug caused some slaves after a successful partial sync to never
      send REPLCONF ACK, and continuously being detected as timing out by the
      master, with a disconnection / reconnection loop.
    • A
      Replication: fix master timeout. · d7fa6d9a
      antirez 提交于
      Since we started sending REPLCONF ACK from slaves to masters, the
      lastinteraction field of the client structure is always refreshed as
      soon as there is room in the socket output buffer, so masters in timeout
      are detected with too much delay (the socket buffer takes a lot of time
      to be filled by small REPLCONF ACK <number> entries).
      This commit only counts data received as interactions with a master,
      solving the issue.
    • A
      PSYNC: safer handling of PSYNC requests. · c8c1006c
      antirez 提交于
      There was a bug that over-esteemed the amount of backlog available,
      however this could only happen when a slave was asking for an offset
      that was in the "future" compared to the master replication backlog.
      Now this case is handled well and logged as an incident in the master
      log file.
    • A
      Add REWRITE to CONFIG subcommands help message. · 81f614ef
      antirez 提交于
  3. 26 9月, 2013 1 次提交
  4. 17 9月, 2013 1 次提交
  5. 04 9月, 2013 1 次提交
  6. 03 9月, 2013 2 次提交
  7. 30 8月, 2013 3 次提交
  8. 29 8月, 2013 1 次提交
    • A
      Fixed critical memory leak from EVAL. · 752b1fca
      antirez 提交于
      Multiple missing calls to lua_pop prevented the error handler function
      pushed on the stack for lua_pcall() to be popped before returning,
      causing a memory leak in almost all the code paths of EVAL (both
      successful calls and calls returning errors).
      This caused two issues: Lua leaking memory (and this was very visible
      from INFO memory output, as the 'used_memory_lua' field reported an
      always increasing amount of memory used), and as a result slower and
      slower GC cycles resulting in all the CPU being used.
      Thanks to Tanguy Le Barzic for noticing something was wrong with his 2.8
      slave, and for creating a testing EC2 environment where I was able to
      investigate the issue.
  9. 27 8月, 2013 9 次提交
  10. 22 8月, 2013 2 次提交
  11. 21 8月, 2013 4 次提交
  12. 20 8月, 2013 3 次提交
  13. 19 8月, 2013 8 次提交
    • A
      Revert "Fixed type in dict.c comment: 265 -> 256." · 56212725
      antirez 提交于
      This reverts commit 009515f9.
    • A
      Fixed type in dict.c comment: 265 -> 256. · 009515f9
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      assert.h replaced with redisassert.h when appropriate. · 837817b2
      antirez 提交于
      Also a warning was suppressed by including unistd.h in redisassert.h
      (needed for _exit()).
    • A
      Added redisassert.h as drop in replacement for assert.h. · bd353d9a
      antirez 提交于
      By using redisassert.h version of assert() you get stack traces in the
      log instead of a process disappearing on assertions.
    • A
      dictFingerprint() fingerprinting made more robust. · c7da5fc6
      antirez 提交于
      The previous hashing used the trivial algorithm of xoring the integers
      together. This is not optimal as it is very likely that different
      hash table setups will hash the same, for instance an hash table at the
      start of the rehashing process, and at the end, will have the same
      Now we hash N integers in a smarter way, by summing every integer to the
      previous hash, and taking the integer hashing again (see the code for
      further details). This way it is a lot less likely that we get a
      collision. Moreover this way of hashing explicitly protects from the
      same set of integers in a different order to hash to the same number.
      This commit is related to issue #1240.
    • A
      Fix comments for correctness in zunionInterGenericCommand(). · 83685507
      antirez 提交于
      Related to issue #1240.
    • A
      Properly init/release iterators in zunionInterGenericCommand(). · 3ad87c65
      antirez 提交于
      This commit does mainly two things:
      1) It fixes zunionInterGenericCommand() by removing mass-initialization
      of all the iterators used, so that we don't violate the unsafe iterator
      API of dictionaries. This fixes issue #1240.
      2) Since the zui* APIs required the allocator to be initialized in the
      zsetopsrc structure in order to use non-iterator related APIs, this
      commit fixes this strict requirement by accessing objects directly via
      the op->subject->ptr pointer we have to the object.
    • A
      dict.c iterator API misuse protection. · 05379f49
      antirez 提交于
      dict.c allows the user to create unsafe iterators, that are iterators
      that will not touch the dictionary data structure in any way, preventing
      copy on write, but at the same time are limited in their usage.
      The limitation is that when itearting with an unsafe iterator, no call
      to other dictionary functions must be done inside the iteration loop,
      otherwise the dictionary may be incrementally rehashed resulting into
      missing elements in the set of the elements returned by the iterator.
      However after introducing this kind of iterators a number of bugs were
      found due to misuses of the API, and we are still finding
      bugs about this issue. The bugs are not trivial to track because the
      effect is just missing elements during the iteartion.
      This commit introduces auto-detection of the API misuse. The idea is
      that an unsafe iterator has a contract: from initialization to the
      release of the iterator the dictionary should not change.
      So we take a fingerprint of the dictionary state, xoring a few important
      dict properties when the unsafe iteartor is initialized. We later check
      when the iterator is released if the fingerprint is still the same. If it
      is not, we found a misuse of the iterator, as not allowed API calls
      changed the internal state of the dictionary.
      This code was checked against a real bug, issue #1240.
      This is what Redis prints (aborting) when a misuse is detected:
      Assertion failed: (iter->fingerprint == dictFingerprint(iter->d)),
      function dictReleaseIterator, file dict.c, line 587.