1. 27 9月, 2012 12 次提交
    • M
      Fix warning in redis.c for sentinel config load · f1057534
      mrb 提交于
    • M
      Some cleanup in sentinel.conf · fcc8bf99
      mrb 提交于
    • A
      Sentinel: abort failover if no good slave is available. · 374eed7d
      antirez 提交于
      The previous behavior of the state machine was to wait some time and
      retry the slave selection, but this is not robust enough against drastic
      changes in the conditions of the monitored instances.
      What we do now when the slave selection fails is to abort the failover
      and return back monitoring the master. If the ODOWN condition is still
      present a new failover will be triggered and so forth.
      This commit also refactors the code we use to abort a failover.
    • A
      Sentinel: reset pending_commands in a more generic way. · 2085fdb1
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      Prevent a spurious +sdown event on switch. · f8a19e32
      antirez 提交于
      When we reset the master we should start with clean timestamps for ping
      replies otherwise we'll detect a spurious +sdown event, because on
      +master-switch event the previous master instance was probably in +sdown
      condition. Since we updated the address we should count time from
      scratch again.
      Also this commit makes sure to explicitly reset the count of pending
      commands, now we can do this because of the new way the hiredis link
      is closed.
    • A
      Sentinel: debugging message removed. · 7c39b55d
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      Sentinel: changes to connection handling and redirection. · e47236d8
      antirez 提交于
      We disconnect the Redis instances hiredis link in a more robust way now.
      Also we change the way we perform the redirection for the +switch-master
      event, that is not just an instance reset with an address change.
      Using the same system we now implement the +redirect-to-master event
      that is triggered by an instance that is configured to be master but
      found to be a slave at the first INFO reply. In that case we monitor the
      master instead, logging the incident as an event.
    • A
      Sentinel: check that instance still exists in reply callbacks. · 8ab7e998
      antirez 提交于
      We can't be sure the instance object still exists when the reply
      callback is called.
    • A
      Sentinel: more robust failover detection as observer. · e01a415d
      antirez 提交于
      Sentinel observers detect failover checking if a slave attached to the
      monitored master turns into its replication state from slave to master.
      However while this change may in theory only happen after a SLAVEOF NO
      ONE command, in practie it is very easy to reboot a slave instance with
      a wrong configuration that turns it into a master, especially if it was
      a past master before a successfull failover.
      This commit changes the detection policy so that if an instance goes
      from slave to master, but at the same time the runid has changed, we
      sense a reboot, and in that case we don't detect a failover at all.
      This commit also introduces the "reboot" sentinel event, that is logged
      at "warning" level (so this will trigger an admin notification).
      The commit also fixes a problem in the disconnect handler that assumed
      that the instance object always existed, that is not the case. Now we
      no longer assume that redisAsyncFree() will call the disconnection
      handler before returning.
    • A
      Fixed an error in the example sentinel.conf. · d26a8fb4
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      Typo. · 5b5eb192
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      First implementation of Redis Sentinel. · 120ba392
      antirez 提交于
      This commit implements the first, beta quality implementation of Redis
      Sentinel, a distributed monitoring system for Redis with notification
      and automatic failover capabilities.
      More info at http://redis.io/topics/sentinel
  2. 21 9月, 2012 3 次提交
    • A
      Test for SRANDMEMBER with <count>. · 2812b945
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      SRANDMEMBER <count> leak fixed. · 31fe053a
      antirez 提交于
      For "CASE 4" (see code) we need to free the element if it's already in
      the result dictionary and adding it failed.
    • A
      Added the SRANDMEMBER key <count> variant. · dd947715
      antirez 提交于
      SRANDMEMBER called with just the key argument can just return a single
      random element from a Redis Set. However many users need to return
      multiple unique elements from a Set, this is not a trivial problem to
      handle in the client side, and for truly good performance a C
      implementation was required.
      After many requests for this feature it was finally implemented.
      The problem implementing this command is the strategy to follow when
      the number of elements the user asks for is near to the number of
      elements that are already inside the set. In this case asking random
      elements to the dictionary API, and trying to add it to a temporary set,
      may result into an extremely poor performance, as most add operations
      will be wasted on duplicated elements.
      For this reason this implementation uses a different strategy in this
      case: the Set is copied, and random elements are returned to reach the
      specified count.
      The code actually uses 4 different algorithms optimized for the
      different cases.
      If the count is negative, the command changes behavior and allows for
      duplicated elements in the returned subset.
  3. 17 9月, 2012 4 次提交
    • A
      Fix compilation on FreeBSD. Thanks to @koobs on twitter. · 8b6b1b27
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      Redis 2.5.13 (2.6.0 RC7). · 44038626
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      .gitignore modified to be more general with less entries. · 174518ff
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      A reimplementation of blocking operation internals. · f444e2af
      antirez 提交于
      Redis provides support for blocking operations such as BLPOP or BRPOP.
      This operations are identical to normal LPOP and RPOP operations as long
      as there are elements in the target list, but if the list is empty they
      block waiting for new data to arrive to the list.
      All the clients blocked waiting for th same list are served in a FIFO
      way, so the first that blocked is the first to be served when there is
      more data pushed by another client into the list.
      The previous implementation of blocking operations was conceived to
      serve clients in the context of push operations. For for instance:
      1) There is a client "A" blocked on list "foo".
      2) The client "B" performs `LPUSH foo somevalue`.
      3) The client "A" is served in the context of the "B" LPUSH,
      Processing things in a synchronous way was useful as if "A" pushes a
      value that is served by "B", from the point of view of the database is a
      NOP (no operation) thing, that is, nothing is replicated, nothing is
      written in the AOF file, and so forth.
      However later we implemented two things:
      1) Variadic LPUSH that could add multiple values to a list in the
      context of a single call.
      2) BRPOPLPUSH that was a version of BRPOP that also provided a "PUSH"
      side effect when receiving data.
      This forced us to make the synchronous implementation more complex. If
      client "B" is waiting for data, and "A" pushes three elemnents in a
      single call, we needed to propagate an LPUSH with a missing argument
      in the AOF and replication link. We also needed to make sure to
      replicate the LPUSH side of BRPOPLPUSH, but only if in turn did not
      happened to serve another blocking client into another list ;)
      This were complex but with a few of mutually recursive functions
      everything worked as expected... until one day we introduced scripting
      in Redis.
      Scripting + synchronous blocking operations = Issue #614.
      Basically you can't "rewrite" a script to have just a partial effect on
      the replicas and AOF file if the script happened to serve a few blocked
      The solution to all this problems, implemented by this commit, is to
      change the way we serve blocked clients. Instead of serving the blocked
      clients synchronously, in the context of the command performing the PUSH
      operation, it is now an asynchronous and iterative process:
      1) If a key that has clients blocked waiting for data is the subject of
      a list push operation, We simply mark keys as "ready" and put it into a
      2) Every command pushing stuff on lists, as a variadic LPUSH, a script,
      or whatever it is, is replicated verbatim without any rewriting.
      3) Every time a Redis command, a MULTI/EXEC block, or a script,
      completed its execution, we run the list of keys ready to serve blocked
      clients (as more data arrived), and process this list serving the
      blocked clients.
      4) As a result of "3" maybe more keys are ready again for other clients
      (as a result of BRPOPLPUSH we may have push operations), so we iterate
      back to step "3" if it's needed.
      The new code has a much simpler semantics, and a simpler to understand
      implementation, with the disadvantage of not being able to "optmize out"
      a PUSH+BPOP as a No OP.
      This commit will be tested with care before the final merge, more tests
      will be added likely.
  4. 11 9月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Make sure that SELECT argument is an integer or return an error. · b58f03a0
      antirez 提交于
      Unfortunately we had still the lame atoi() without any error checking in
      place, so "SELECT foo" would work as "SELECT 0". This was not an huge
      problem per se but some people expected that DB can be strings and not
      just numbers, and without errors you get the feeling that they can be
      numbers, but not the behavior.
      Now getLongFromObjectOrReply() is used as almost everybody else across
      the code, generating an error if the number is not an integer or
      overflows the long type.
      Thanks to @mipearson for reporting that on Twitter.
  5. 10 9月, 2012 1 次提交
  6. 05 9月, 2012 4 次提交
    • A
      BITCOUNT regression test for #582 fixed for 32 bit target. · 58889867
      antirez 提交于
      Bug #582 was not present in 32 bit builds of Redis as
      getObjectFromLong() will return an error for overflow.
      This commit makes sure that the test does not fail because of the error
      returned when running against 32 bit builds.
    • H
      BITCOUNT: fix segmentation fault. · 4c3d4190
      Haruto Otake 提交于
      remove unsafe and unnecessary cast.
      until now, this cast may lead segmentation fault when end > UINT_MAX
      setbit foo 0 1
      bitcount  0 4294967295
      => ok
      bitcount  0 4294967296
      => cause segmentation fault.
      Note by @antirez: the commit was modified a bit to also change the
      string length type to long, since it's guaranteed to be at max 512 MB in
      size, so we can work with the same type across all the code path.
      A regression test was also added.
    • S
      Bug fix: slaves being pinged every second · 0671d88c
      Saj Goonatilleke 提交于
      REDIS_REPL_PING_SLAVE_PERIOD controls how often the master should
      transmit a heartbeat (PING) to its slaves.  This period, which defaults
      to 10, is measured in seconds.
      Redis 2.4 masters used to ping their slaves every ten seconds, just like
      it says on the tin.
      The Redis 2.6 masters I have been experimenting with, on the other hand,
      ping their slaves *every second*.  (master_last_io_seconds_ago never
      approaches 10.)  I think the ping period was inadvertently slashed to
      one-tenth of its nominal value around the time REDIS_HZ was introduced.
      This commit reintroduces correct ping schedule behaviour.
    • A
      Scripting: Force SORT BY constant determinism inside SORT itself. · 5ddee9b7
      antirez 提交于
      SORT is able to return (faster than when ordering) unordered output if
      the "BY" clause is used with a constant value. However we try to play
      well with scripting requirements of determinism providing always sorted
      outputs when SORT (and other similar commands) are called by Lua
      However we used the general mechanism in place in scripting in order to
      reorder SORT output, that is, if the command has the "S" flag set, the
      Lua scripting engine will take an additional step when converting a
      multi bulk reply to Lua value, calling a Lua sorting function.
      This is suboptimal as we can do it faster inside SORT itself.
      This is also broken as issue #545 shows us: basically when SORT is used
      with a constant BY, and additionally also GET is used, the Lua scripting
      engine was trying to order the output as a flat array, while it was
      actually a list of key-value pairs.
      What we do know is to recognized if the caller of SORT is the Lua client
      (since we can check this using the REDIS_LUA_CLIENT flag). If so, and if
      a "don't sort" condition is triggered by the BY option with a constant
      string, we force the lexicographical sorting.
      This commit fixes this bug and improves the performance, and at the same
      time simplifies the implementation. This does not mean I'm smart today,
      it means I was stupid when I committed the original implementation ;)
  7. 03 9月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Send an async PING before starting replication with master. · fd2a8951
      antirez 提交于
      During the first synchronization step of the replication process, a Redis
      slave connects with the master in a non blocking way. However once the
      connection is established the replication continues sending the REPLCONF
      command, and sometimes the AUTH command if needed. Those commands are
      send in a partially blocking way (blocking with timeout in the order of
      Because it is common for a blocked master to accept connections even if
      it is actually not able to reply to the slave requests, it was easy for
      a slave to block if the master had serious issues, but was still able to
      accept connections in the listening socket.
      For this reason we now send an asynchronous PING request just after the
      non blocking connection ended in a successful way, and wait for the
      reply before to continue with the replication process. It is very
      unlikely that a master replying to PING can't reply to the other
      This solution was proposed by Didier Spezia (Thanks!) so that we don't
      need to turn all the replication process into a non blocking affair, but
      still the probability of a slave blocked is minimal even in the event of
      a failing master.
      Also we now use getsockopt(SO_ERROR) in order to check errors ASAP
      in the event handler, instead of waiting for actual I/O to return an
      This commit fixes issue #632.
  8. 31 8月, 2012 4 次提交
    • A
      Scripting: Reset Lua fake client reply_bytes after command execution. · 42a239b8
      antirez 提交于
      Lua scripting uses a fake client in order to run commands in the context
      of a client, accumulate the reply, and convert it into a Lua object
      to return to the caller. This client is reused again and again, and is
      referenced by the server.lua_client globally accessible pointer.
      However after every call to redis.call() or redis.pcall(), that is
      handled by the luaRedisGenericCommand() function, the reply_bytes field
      of the client was not set back to zero. This filed is used to estimate
      the amount of memory currently used in the reply. Because of the lack of
      reset, script after script executed, this value used to get bigger and
      bigger, and in the end on 32 bit systems it triggered the following
          redisAssert(c->reply_bytes < ULONG_MAX-(1024*64));
      On 64 bit systems this does not happen because it takes too much time to
      reach values near to 2^64 for users to see the practical effect of the
      Now in the cleanup stage of luaRedisGenericCommand() we reset the
      reply_bytes counter to zero, avoiding the issue. It is not practical to
      add a test for this bug, but the fix was manually tested using a
      This commit fixes issue #656.
    • A
    • A
      Sentinel: Redis-side support for slave priority. · 48d26a48
      antirez 提交于
      A Redis slave can now be configured with a priority, that is an integer
      number that is shown in INFO output and can be get and set using the
      redis.conf file or the CONFIG GET/SET command.
      This field is used by Sentinel during slave election. A slave with lower
      priority is preferred. A slave with priority zero is never elected (and
      is considered to be impossible to elect even if it is the only slave
      A next commit will add support in the Sentinel side as well.
    • A
      Scripting: require at least one argument for redis.call(). · edfaa64f
      antirez 提交于
      Redis used to crash with a call like the following:
          EVAL "redis.call()" 0
      Now the explicit check for at least one argument prevents the problem.
      This commit fixes issue #655.
  9. 28 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Incrementally flush RDB on disk while loading it from a master. · 13732168
      antirez 提交于
      This fixes issue #539.
      Basically if there is enough free memory the OS may buffer the RDB file
      that the slave transfers on disk from the master. The file may
      actually be flused on disk at once by the operating system when it gets
      closed by Redis, causing the close system call to block for a long time.
      This patch is a modified version of one provided by yoav-steinberg of
      @garantiadata (the original version was posted in the issue #539
      comments), and tries to flush the OS buffers incrementally (every 8 MB
      of loaded data).
  10. 24 8月, 2012 2 次提交
    • A
    • A
      Better Out of Memory handling. · 5de75120
      antirez 提交于
      The previous implementation of zmalloc.c was not able to handle out of
      memory in an application-specific way. It just logged an error on
      standard error, and aborted.
      The result was that in the case of an actual out of memory in Redis
      where malloc returned NULL (In Linux this actually happens under
      specific overcommit policy settings and/or with no or little swap
      configured) the error was not properly logged in the Redis log.
      This commit fixes this problem, fixing issue #509.
      Now the out of memory is properly reported in the Redis log and a stack
      trace is generated.
      The approach used is to provide a configurable out of memory handler
      to zmalloc (otherwise the default one logging the event on the
      standard output is used).
  11. 22 8月, 2012 4 次提交
  12. 02 8月, 2012 1 次提交
  13. 01 8月, 2012 1 次提交
  14. 31 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • M
      Use correct variable name for value to convert. · 628890e4
      Michael Parker 提交于
      Note by @antirez: this code was never compiled because utils.c lacked the
      float.h include, so we never noticed this variable was mispelled in the
      This should provide a noticeable speed boost when saving certain types
      of databases with many sorted sets inside.