未验证 提交 eaf9781e 编写于 作者: A Arnie97 提交者: GitHub

Improve compatibility for SetRichText (#976)

- support escaped string literal
- maximum character limit added
- fix missing preserve character in some case
Co-authored-by: xurime's avatarxuri <xuri.me@gmail.com>
上级 7ac37edf
......@@ -307,16 +307,8 @@ func (f *File) setSharedString(val string) int {
val = bstrMarshal(val)
t := xlsxT{Val: val}
// Leading and ending space(s) character detection.
if len(val) > 0 && (val[0] == 32 || val[len(val)-1] == 32) {
ns := xml.Attr{
Name: xml.Name{Space: NameSpaceXML, Local: "space"},
Value: "preserve",
t.Space = ns
_, val, t.Space = setCellStr(val)
sst.SI = append(sst.SI, xlsxSI{T: &t})
f.sharedStringsMap[val] = sst.UniqueCount - 1
return sst.UniqueCount - 1
......@@ -327,11 +319,16 @@ func setCellStr(value string) (t string, v string, ns xml.Attr) {
if len(value) > TotalCellChars {
value = value[0:TotalCellChars]
// Leading and ending space(s) character detection.
if len(value) > 0 && (value[0] == 32 || value[len(value)-1] == 32) {
ns = xml.Attr{
Name: xml.Name{Space: NameSpaceXML, Local: "space"},
Value: "preserve",
if len(value) > 0 {
prefix, suffix := value[0], value[len(value)-1]
for _, ascii := range []byte{10, 13, 32} {
if prefix == ascii || suffix == ascii {
ns = xml.Attr{
Name: xml.Name{Space: NameSpaceXML, Local: "space"},
Value: "preserve",
t = "str"
......@@ -702,11 +699,14 @@ func (f *File) SetCellRichText(sheet, cell string, runs []RichTextRun) error {
si := xlsxSI{}
sst := f.sharedStringsReader()
textRuns := []xlsxR{}
totalCellChars := 0
for _, textRun := range runs {
run := xlsxR{T: &xlsxT{Val: textRun.Text}}
if strings.ContainsAny(textRun.Text, "\r\n ") {
run.T.Space = xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Space: NameSpaceXML, Local: "space"}, Value: "preserve"}
totalCellChars += len(textRun.Text)
if totalCellChars > TotalCellChars {
return ErrCellCharsLength
run := xlsxR{T: &xlsxT{}}
_, run.T.Val, run.T.Space = setCellStr(textRun.Text)
fnt := textRun.Font
if fnt != nil {
rpr := xlsxRPr{}
......@@ -401,6 +401,9 @@ func TestSetCellRichText(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellRichText("SheetN", "A1", richTextRun), "sheet SheetN is not exist")
// Test set cell rich text with illegal cell coordinates
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellRichText("Sheet1", "A", richTextRun), `cannot convert cell "A" to coordinates: invalid cell name "A"`)
richTextRun = []RichTextRun{{Text: strings.Repeat("s", TotalCellChars+1)}}
// Test set cell rich text with characters over the maximum limit
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellRichText("Sheet1", "A1", richTextRun), ErrCellCharsLength.Error())
func TestFormattedValue2(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var (
ErrColumnNumber = errors.New("column number exceeds maximum limit")
// ErrColumnWidth defined the error message on receive an invalid column
// width.
ErrColumnWidth = errors.New("the width of the column must be smaller than or equal to 255 characters")
ErrColumnWidth = fmt.Errorf("the width of the column must be smaller than or equal to %d characters", MaxColumnWidth)
// ErrOutlineLevel defined the error message on receive an invalid outline
// level number.
ErrOutlineLevel = errors.New("invalid outline level")
......@@ -111,4 +111,7 @@ var (
// ErrDataValidationRange defined the error message on set decimal range
// exceeds limit.
ErrDataValidationRange = errors.New("data validation range exceeds limit")
// ErrCellCharsLength defined the error message for receiving a cell
// characters length that exceeds the limit.
ErrCellCharsLength = fmt.Errorf("cell value must be 0-%d characters", TotalCellChars)
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