未验证 提交 e6e5d6df 编写于 作者: G Goldie Gadde 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #37919 from reedwm/none_grad_fix

2.2-rc2 cherry-pick request: Fix crash in Model.fit() if a gradient is None
......@@ -804,6 +804,33 @@ class TestDistributionStrategyWithNumpyArrays(test.TestCase,
def test_gradients_are_none(self, distribution):
if not context.executing_eagerly():
self.skipTest('None gradients are not supported in graph mode')
class DenseWithExtraWeight(keras.layers.Dense):
def build(self, input_shape):
# Gradients w.r.t. extra_weights are None
self.extra_weight_1 = self.add_weight('extra_weight_1', shape=(),
super(DenseWithExtraWeight, self).build(input_shape)
self.extra_weight_2 = self.add_weight('extra_weight_2', shape=(),
with distribution.scope():
model = keras.Sequential([DenseWithExtraWeight(4, input_shape=(4,))])
model.compile('adam', 'mse')
inputs = np.random.normal(size=(64, 4))
targets = np.random.normal(size=(64, 4))
old_kernel = model.get_weights()[1]
model.fit(inputs, targets)
new_kernel = model.get_weights()[1]
self.assertNotAllEqual(old_kernel, new_kernel)
class TestDistributionStrategyWithDatasets(test.TestCase,
......@@ -1364,6 +1364,30 @@ class TrainingTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase):
model.fit(x, y)
self.assertEqual(model.optimizer.aggregate_gradients_called, True)
def test_gradients_are_none(self):
class DenseWithExtraWeight(keras.layers.Dense):
def build(self, input_shape):
# Gradients w.r.t. extra_weights are None
self.extra_weight_1 = self.add_weight('extra_weight_1', shape=(),
super(DenseWithExtraWeight, self).build(input_shape)
self.extra_weight_2 = self.add_weight('extra_weight_2', shape=(),
model = keras.models.Sequential([DenseWithExtraWeight(4, input_shape=(4,))])
# Test clipping can handle None gradients
opt = keras.optimizer_v2.adam.Adam(clipnorm=1.0, clipvalue=1.0)
model.compile(opt, 'mse', run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly())
inputs = np.random.normal(size=(64, 4))
targets = np.random.normal(size=(64, 4))
old_kernel = model.get_weights()[1]
model.fit(inputs, targets)
new_kernel = model.get_weights()[1]
self.assertNotAllEqual(old_kernel, new_kernel)
class TestExceptionsAndWarnings(keras_parameterized.TestCase):
......@@ -344,15 +344,16 @@ class OptimizerV2(trackable.Trackable):
raise ValueError("Gradient clipping in the optimizer "
"(by setting clipnorm or clipvalue) is currently "
"unsupported when using a distribution strategy.")
grads = [clip_ops.clip_by_norm(g, self.clipnorm) for g in grads]
grads = [None if g is None else clip_ops.clip_by_norm(g, self.clipnorm)
for g in grads]
if self.clipvalue is not None:
if distribute_ctx.has_strategy():
raise ValueError("Gradient clipping in the optimizer "
"(by setting clipnorm or clipvalue) is currently "
"unsupported when using a distribution strategy.")
v = self.clipvalue
grads = [
clip_ops.clip_by_value(g, -self.clipvalue, self.clipvalue)
for g in grads
None if g is None else clip_ops.clip_by_value(g, -v, v) for g in grads
return grads
......@@ -521,6 +522,7 @@ class OptimizerV2(trackable.Trackable):
A list of all-reduced gradients.
grads_and_vars = list(grads_and_vars)
filtered_grads_and_vars = _filter_grads(grads_and_vars)
def all_reduce_fn(distribution, grads_and_vars):
return distribution.extended.batch_reduce_to(
ds_reduce_util.ReduceOp.SUM, grads_and_vars)
......@@ -529,9 +531,22 @@ class OptimizerV2(trackable.Trackable):
# replica context.
# TODO(b/150507409): Do not switch to a cross-replica context once the bug
# is fixed.
if grads_and_vars:
return distribute_ctx.get_replica_context().merge_call(
all_reduce_fn, args=(grads_and_vars,))
if filtered_grads_and_vars:
reduced = distribute_ctx.get_replica_context().merge_call(
all_reduce_fn, args=(filtered_grads_and_vars,))
reduced = []
# Copy 'reduced' but add None gradients back in
reduced_with_nones = []
reduced_pos = 0
for g, _ in grads_and_vars:
if g is None:
reduced_pos += 1
assert reduced_pos == len(reduced), "Failed to add all gradients"
return reduced_with_nones
def _distributed_apply(self, distribution, grads_and_vars, name, apply_state):
"""`apply_gradients` using a `DistributionStrategy`."""
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