提交 067ed91b 编写于 作者: R Ramya Achutha Rao

Allow emmet inside script tag with js mime if js is mapped to html Fixes #58562

上级 e6ef901b
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { Node, HtmlNode, Rule, Property, Stylesheet } from 'EmmetNode';
import { getEmmetHelper, getNode, getInnerRange, getMappingForIncludedLanguages, parseDocument, validate, getEmmetConfiguration, isStyleSheet, getEmmetMode, parsePartialStylesheet, isStyleAttribute, getEmbeddedCssNodeIfAny, isTemplateScript } from './util';
import { getEmmetHelper, getNode, getInnerRange, getMappingForIncludedLanguages, parseDocument, validate, getEmmetConfiguration, isStyleSheet, getEmmetMode, parsePartialStylesheet, isStyleAttribute, getEmbeddedCssNodeIfAny, allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag } from './util';
const trimRegex = /[\u00a0]*[\d|#|\-|\*|\u2022]+\.?/;
const hexColorRegex = /^#[\d,a-f,A-F]{0,6}$/;
......@@ -442,7 +442,18 @@ export function isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(document: vscode.TextDocumen
if (currentHtmlNode) {
if (currentHtmlNode.name === 'script') {
return isTemplateScript(currentHtmlNode);
const typeAttribute = (currentHtmlNode.attributes || []).filter(x => x.name.toString() === 'type')[0];
const typeValue = typeAttribute ? typeAttribute.value.toString() : '';
if (allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag.indexOf(typeValue) > -1) {
return true;
const isScriptJavascriptType = !typeValue || typeValue === 'application/javascript' || typeValue === 'text/javascript';
if (isScriptJavascriptType) {
return !!getSyntaxFromArgs({ language: 'javascript' });
return false;
const innerRange = getInnerRange(currentHtmlNode);
......@@ -36,13 +36,14 @@ const htmlContents = `
<script type="text/javascript">
suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
const oldValueForExcludeLanguages = workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').inspect('excludeLanguages');
const oldValueForInlcudeLanguages = workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').inspect('includeLanguages');
teardown(() => {
// close all editors
return closeAllEditors;
......@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
test('Expand html when inside script tag with html type (HTML)', () => {
test('Expand html in completion list when inside script tag with html type (HTML)', () => {
const abbreviation = 'span.hello';
const expandedText = '<span class="hello"></span>';
......@@ -383,6 +384,52 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
test('Expand html when inside script tag with javascript type if js is mapped to html (HTML)', () => {
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', {"javascript": "html"}, ConfigurationTarget.Global).then(() => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(24, 10, 24, 10);
let expandPromise = expandEmmetAbbreviation(null);
if (!expandPromise) {
return Promise.resolve();
return expandPromise.then(() => {
assert.equal(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents.replace('span.bye', '<span class="bye"></span>'));
}).then(() => {
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', oldValueForInlcudeLanguages || {}, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
test('Expand html in completion list when inside script tag with javascript type if js is mapped to html (HTML)', () => {
const abbreviation = 'span.bye';
const expandedText = '<span class="bye"></span>';
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', {"javascript": "html"}, ConfigurationTarget.Global).then(() => {
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(24, 10, 24, 10);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, editor.selection.active, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke });
if (!completionPromise) {
assert.equal(1, 2, `Problem with expanding span.bye`);
return Promise.resolve();
return completionPromise.then((completionList: CompletionList) => {
if (!completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) {
assert.equal(1, 2, `Problem with expanding span.bye`);
return Promise.resolve();
const emmetCompletionItem = completionList.items[0];
assert.equal(emmetCompletionItem.label, abbreviation, `Label of completion item (${emmetCompletionItem.label}) doesnt match.`);
assert.equal((<string>emmetCompletionItem.documentation || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), expandedText, `Docs of completion item doesnt match.`);
return Promise.resolve();
}).then(() => {
return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('includeLanguages', oldValueForInlcudeLanguages || {}, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
// test('No expanding when html is excluded in the settings', () => {
// return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('excludeLanguages', ['html'], ConfigurationTarget.Global).then(() => {
// return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(9, 6, 9, 6), '', '', true).then(() => {
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export const LANGUAGE_MODES: any = {
'typescriptreact': ['!', '.', '}', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
const allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag = ['text/html', 'text/plain', 'text/x-template', 'text/template', 'text/ng-template'];
export const allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag = ['text/html', 'text/plain', 'text/x-template', 'text/template', 'text/ng-template'];
const emmetModes = ['html', 'pug', 'slim', 'haml', 'xml', 'xsl', 'jsx', 'css', 'scss', 'sass', 'less', 'stylus'];
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