提交 1c13647c 编写于 作者: J Johannes Rieken

fix #39594

上级 cd1da9ca
......@@ -143,17 +143,28 @@ export class OneSnippet {
return this._snippet.placeholders.length > 0;
get placeholderRanges() {
const ret: Range[] = [];
this._placeholderDecorations.forEach((id, placeholder) => {
if (!placeholder.isFinalTabstop) {
const range = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(id);
if (range) {
computePossibleSelections() {
const result = new Map<number, Range[]>();
for (const placeholdersWithEqualIndex of this._placeholderGroups) {
let ranges: Range[];
for (const placeholder of placeholdersWithEqualIndex) {
if (placeholder.isFinalTabstop) {
// ignore those
if (!ranges) {
ranges = [];
result.set(placeholder.index, ranges);
const id = this._placeholderDecorations.get(placeholder);
const range = this._editor.getModel().getDecorationRange(id);
return ret;
return result;
get choice(): Choice {
......@@ -421,29 +432,56 @@ export class SnippetSession {
return false;
const ranges: Range[] = [];
let ranges: Range[] = [];
let placeholderIndex: number = -1;
for (const snippet of this._snippets) {
const possibleSelections = snippet.computePossibleSelections();
// for the first snippet find the placeholder (and its ranges)
// that contain at least one selection. for all remaining snippets
// the same placeholder (and their ranges) must be used.
if (placeholderIndex < 0) {
possibleSelections.forEach((ranges, index) => {
if (placeholderIndex >= 0) {
for (const selection of selections) {
if (ranges[0].containsRange(selection)) {
placeholderIndex = index;
if (placeholderIndex < 0) {
// return false if we couldn't associate a selection to
// this (the first) snippet
return false;
if (selections.length > ranges.length) {
if (selections.length !== ranges.length) {
// this means we started at a placeholder with N
// ranges and new have M (N > M) selections.
// So (at least) one placeholder is without selection -> cancel
return false;
// sort selections and ranges by their start position
// and then make sure each selection is contained by
// a placeholder range
// also sort (placeholder)-ranges. then walk both arrays and
// make sure the placeholder-ranges contain the corresponding
// selection
outer: for (const selection of selections) {
let range: Range;
while (range = ranges.shift()) {
if (range.containsRange(selection)) {
continue outer;
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
if (!ranges[i].containsRange(selections[i])) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
......@@ -276,4 +276,31 @@ suite('SnippetController2', function () {
assertSelections(editor, new Selection(11, 18, 11, 22));
test('Problems with nested snippet insertion #39594', function () {
const ctrl = new SnippetController2(editor, logService, contextKeys);
editor.setSelection(new Selection(1, 1, 1, 1));
ctrl.insert('$1 = ConvertTo-Json $1');
assertSelections(editor, new Selection(1, 1, 1, 1), new Selection(1, 19, 1, 19));
editor.setSelection(new Selection(1, 19, 1, 19));
// snippet mode should stop because $1 has two occurrences
// and we only have one selection left
assertContextKeys(contextKeys, false, false, false);
test('Problems with nested snippet insertion #39594', function () {
// ensure selection-change-to-cancel logic isn't too aggressive
const ctrl = new SnippetController2(editor, logService, contextKeys);
editor.setSelections([new Selection(2, 5, 2, 5), new Selection(1, 3, 1, 3)]);
assertSelections(editor, new Selection(2, 9, 2, 9), new Selection(1, 7, 1, 7));
assertContextKeys(contextKeys, true, false, true);
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