提交 3ac72114 编写于 作者: R Ramya Achutha Rao

Support bem filter in emmet fixes #30395

上级 5cd4766f
......@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/image-size/-/image-size-0.5.5.tgz"
"vscode-emmet-helper": {
"version": "0.0.29",
"from": "vscode-emmet-helper@0.0.29",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/vscode-emmet-helper/-/vscode-emmet-helper-0.0.29.tgz"
"version": "1.0.0",
"from": "vscode-emmet-helper@1.0.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/vscode-emmet-helper/-/vscode-emmet-helper-1.0.0.tgz"
"vscode-languageserver-types": {
"version": "3.3.0",
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"@emmetio/html-matcher": "^0.3.1",
"@emmetio/css-parser": "^0.3.0",
"@emmetio/math-expression": "^0.1.1",
"vscode-languageserver-types": "^3.0.3",
"image-size": "^0.5.2"
......@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { expand } from '@emmetio/expand-abbreviation';
import { Node, HtmlNode, Rule } from 'EmmetNode';
import { getNode, getInnerRange, getMappingForIncludedLanguages, parseDocument, validate } from './util';
import { getExpandOptions, extractAbbreviation, isStyleSheet, isAbbreviationValid, getEmmetMode } from 'vscode-emmet-helper';
import { getExpandOptions, extractAbbreviation, extractAbbreviationFromText, isStyleSheet, isAbbreviationValid, getEmmetMode } from 'vscode-emmet-helper';
interface ExpandAbbreviationInput {
syntax: string;
abbreviation: string;
rangeToReplace: vscode.Range;
textToWrap?: string;
filters?: string[];
export function wrapWithAbbreviation(args) {
......@@ -65,11 +66,12 @@ export function expandAbbreviation(args) {
let firstAbbreviation: string;
let allAbbreviationsSame: boolean = true;
let getAbbreviation = (document: vscode.TextDocument, selection: vscode.Selection, position: vscode.Position, isHtml: boolean): [vscode.Range, string] => {
let getAbbreviation = (document: vscode.TextDocument, selection: vscode.Selection, position: vscode.Position, isHtml: boolean): [vscode.Range, string, string[]] => {
let rangeToReplace: vscode.Range = selection;
let abbreviation = document.getText(rangeToReplace);
let abbr = document.getText(rangeToReplace);
if (!rangeToReplace.isEmpty) {
return [rangeToReplace, abbreviation];
let { abbreviation, filters } = extractAbbreviationFromText(abbr);
return [rangeToReplace, abbreviation, filters];
// Expand cases like <div to <div></div> explicitly
......@@ -79,17 +81,18 @@ export function expandAbbreviation(args) {
const textTillPosition = currentLine.substr(0, position.character);
let matches = textTillPosition.match(/<(\w+)$/);
if (matches) {
abbreviation = matches[1];
rangeToReplace = new vscode.Range(position.translate(0, -(abbreviation.length + 1)), position);
return [rangeToReplace, abbreviation];
abbr = matches[1];
rangeToReplace = new vscode.Range(position.translate(0, -(abbr.length + 1)), position);
return [rangeToReplace, abbr, []];
return extractAbbreviation(editor.document, position);
let { abbreviationRange, abbreviation, filters } = extractAbbreviation(editor.document, position);
return [new vscode.Range(abbreviationRange.start.line, abbreviationRange.start.character, abbreviationRange.end.line, abbreviationRange.end.character), abbreviation, filters];
editor.selections.forEach(selection => {
let position = selection.isReversed ? selection.anchor : selection.active;
let [rangeToReplace, abbreviation] = getAbbreviation(editor.document, selection, position, syntax === 'html');
let [rangeToReplace, abbreviation, filters] = getAbbreviation(editor.document, selection, position, syntax === 'html');
if (!isAbbreviationValid(syntax, abbreviation)) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Emmet: Invalid abbreviation');
......@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ export function expandAbbreviation(args) {
allAbbreviationsSame = false;
abbreviationList.push({ syntax, abbreviation, rangeToReplace });
abbreviationList.push({ syntax, abbreviation, rangeToReplace, filters });
return expandAbbreviationInRange(editor, abbreviationList, allAbbreviationsSame);
......@@ -194,13 +197,17 @@ function expandAbbreviationInRange(editor: vscode.TextEditor, expandAbbrList: Ex
function expandAbbr(input: ExpandAbbreviationInput): string {
const emmetConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet');
const expandOptions = getExpandOptions(emmetConfig['syntaxProfiles'], emmetConfig['variables'], input.syntax, input.textToWrap);
const expandOptions = getExpandOptions(input.syntax, emmetConfig['syntaxProfiles'], emmetConfig['variables'], input.filters);
// Below fixes https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/29898
// With this, Emmet formats inline elements as block elements
// ensuring the wrapped multi line text does not get merged to a single line
if (input.textToWrap && !input.rangeToReplace.isSingleLine) {
expandOptions.profile['inlineBreak'] = 1;
if (input.textToWrap) {
expandOptions['text'] = input.textToWrap;
// Below fixes https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/29898
// With this, Emmet formats inline elements as block elements
// ensuring the wrapped multi line text does not get merged to a single line
if (!input.rangeToReplace.isSingleLine) {
expandOptions.profile['inlineBreak'] = 1;
try {
......@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ const cssContents = `
const bemFilterExample = 'ul.search-form._wide>li.-querystring+li.-btn_large|bem';
const expectedBemFilterOutput = `<ul class="search-form search-form_wide">
<li class="search-form__querystring"></li>
<li class="search-form__btn search-form__btn_large"></li>
const htmlContents = `
<body class="header">
<ul class="nav main">
......@@ -37,6 +43,7 @@ const htmlContents = `
......@@ -147,6 +154,10 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
test('Expand using bem filter', () => {
return testHtmlExpandAbbreviation(new Selection(16, 55, 16, 55), bemFilterExample, expectedBemFilterOutput);
suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (CSS)', () => {
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