提交 5840c64d 编写于 作者: W Waleed

Link to new projects in README

上级 9add1210
......@@ -217,8 +217,24 @@ Code is in the `samples/nucleus` directory.
### [Detection and Segmentation for Surgery Robots](https://github.com/SUYEgit/Surgery-Robot-Detection-Segmentation) by the NUS Control & Mechatronics Lab.
![Surgery Robot Detection and Segmentation](https://github.com/SUYEgit/Surgery-Robot-Detection-Segmentation/raw/master/assets/video.gif)
### [Reconstructing 3D buildings from aerial LiDAR](https://medium.com/geoai/reconstructing-3d-buildings-from-aerial-lidar-with-ai-details-6a81cb3079c0)
A proof of concept project by [Esri](https://www.esri.com/), in collaboration with Nvidia and Miami-Dade County. Along with a great write up and code by Dmitry Kudinov, Daniel Hedges, and Omar Maher.
![3D Building Reconstruction](assets/project_3dbuildings.png)
### [Usiigaci: Label-free Cell Tracking in Phase Contrast Microscopy](https://github.com/oist/usiigaci)
A project from Japan to automatically track cells in a microfluidics platform. Paper is pending, but the source code is released already.
![](assets/project_usiigaci1.gif) ![](assets/project_usiigaci2.gif)
### [Characterization of Arctic Ice-Wedge Polygons in Very High Spatial Resolution Aerial Imagery](http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/10/9/1487)
Research project to understand the complex processes between degradations in the Arctic and climate change. By Weixing Zhang, Chandi Witharana, Anna Liljedahl, and Mikhail Kanevskiy.
### [Mask-RCNN Shiny](https://github.com/huuuuusy/Mask-RCNN-Shiny)
A computer vision class project by HU Shiyu to apply the color pop effect on people with beautiful results.
### [Mapping Challenge](https://github.com/crowdAI/crowdai-mapping-challenge-mask-rcnn): Convert satellite imagery to maps for use by humanitarian organisations.
![Mapping Challenge](assets/mapping_challenge.png)
### [GRASS GIS Addon](https://github.com/ctu-geoforall-lab/i.ann.maskrcnn) to generate vector masks from geospatial imagery. Based on a [Master's thesis](https://github.com/ctu-geoforall-lab-projects/dp-pesek-2018) by Ondřej Pešek.
![GRASS GIS Image](https://github.com/ctu-geoforall-lab/i.ann.maskrcnn/raw/master/samples/out3.png)
![GRASS GIS Image](assets/project_grass_gis.png)
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