提交 f2d5d615 编写于 作者: Y youngowlf

Use memmove instead of memcpy for overlapped memory replication (in unpacker).

上级 7b42c4b5
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public:
if (unpack_ok && remain_len > 0)
auto pnext = std::next(msg_pos_can.back().first, msg_pos_can.back().second);
memcpy(&*std::begin(raw_buff), pnext, remain_len); //left behind unparsed data
memmove(&*std::begin(raw_buff), pnext, remain_len); //left behind unparsed data
//if unpacking failed, successfully parsed msgs will still returned via msg_can(sticky package), please note.
......@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ public:
if (pnext == &*std::begin(raw_buff)) //we should have at least got one msg.
return false;
else if (remain_len > 0)
memcpy(&*std::begin(raw_buff), pnext, remain_len); //left behind unparsed msg
memmove(&*std::begin(raw_buff), pnext, remain_len); //left behind unparsed msg
return true;
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