提交 b1fa03cf 编写于 作者: EvanOne(文一)'s avatar EvanOne(文一)

chore(release): 1.1.0

docs: Update
上级 786bed28
......@@ -2,6 +2,19 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines.
## 1.1.0 (2019-07-14)
### Bug Fixes
* Solve the sidebar was not fixed when post had no subtitles ([34703e5](https://github.com/liuyib/hexo-theme-stun/commit/34703e5))
### Features
* Add button of copy codeblock && perfect animation ([dd0856f](https://github.com/liuyib/hexo-theme-stun/commit/dd0856f))
* You can use left and right arrows of keyboard to switch post ([e4bdca1](https://github.com/liuyib/hexo-theme-stun/commit/e4bdca1))
* Add gitalk comment ([0cf4db1](https://github.com/liuyib/hexo-theme-stun/commit/0cf4db1))
* Add auto adjust height of sidebar when it arrive footer ([e3083af](https://github.com/liuyib/hexo-theme-stun/commit/e3083af))
### 1.0.3 (2019-07-12)
### Features
......@@ -14,4 +14,18 @@ n/layout.pug block content include ./_mixins/posts-sort.pug include ./_mixins/po
原因是没有安装对 `pug` 的支持。文档和 READMD 都有提到:
主题依赖于 pug 和 stylus,请执行指令。
$ npm install --save-dev hexo-render-pug hexo-renderer-stylus
### 文章置顶失效
文章置顶功能依赖于 `hexo-generator-index-pin-top` 插件,并且需要将原有的 `hexo-generator-index` 插件卸载。如果你设置了文章置顶,但没有生效,很可能是因为没有卸载原有的插件。
``` bash
$ npm uninstall hexo-generator-index --save
"name": "hexo-theme-stun",
"version": "1.0.3",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "A beautiful blog theme - stun",
"homepage": "https://liuyib.github.io",
"scripts": {
Markdown is supported
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