提交 0e07752b 编写于 作者: W wangxxzhiyy

reward start time -- 2020/01/10

上级 39425b43
......@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
const uint64_t useconds_per_day = 24 * 3600 * uint64_t(1000000);
const uint64_t useconds_per_year = seconds_per_year*1000000ll;
const int64_t block_initial_timestamp = 1551369600ll; // epoch year 2019.03.01 unix timestamp 1551369600s
const int64_t block_initial_timestamp = 1578621600ll; // epoch year 2020.01.10 10:00 unix timestamp 1578621600s
//yta seo total= yta_seo_year[i] * YTA_SEO_BASE
const uint32_t YTA_SEO_BASE = 10'0000;
const double YTA_PRECISION =10000.0000;
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