169.majority-element.md 1.9 KB
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## 题目地址

## 题目描述

Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊ n/2 ⌋ times.

You may assume that the array is non-empty and the majority element always exist in the array.

Example 1:

Input: [3,2,3]
Output: 3
Example 2:

Input: [2,2,1,1,1,2,2]
Output: 2


## 思路


但是这种做法空间复杂度较高,有没有可能进行优化呢? 答案就是用"投票算法"。



## 关键点解析

- 投票算法

## 代码


 * @lc app=leetcode id=169 lang=javascript
 * [169] Majority Element
 * https://leetcode.com/problems/majority-element/description/
 * algorithms
 * Easy (51.62%)
 * Total Accepted:    365.6K
 * Total Submissions: 702.5K
 * Testcase Example:  '[3,2,3]'
 * Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is
 * the element that appears more than ⌊ n/2 ⌋ times.
 * You may assume that the array is non-empty and the majority element always
 * exist in the array.
 * Example 1:
 * Input: [3,2,3]
 * Output: 3
 * Example 2:
 * Input: [2,2,1,1,1,2,2]
 * Output: 2
 * @param {number[]} nums
 * @return {number}
var majorityElement = function(nums) {
    let count = 1;
    let majority = nums[0];
    for(let i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) {
        if (count === 0) {
            majority = nums[i];
        if (nums[i] === majority) {
            count ++;
        } else {
            count --;
    return majority;