• S
    Support scoped @ControllerAdvice beans again · 3a39b7fe
    Sam Brannen 提交于
    Spring Framework 5.2 introduced support for implementing the Ordered
    interface in a @ControllerAdvice bean. This support requires that
    @ControllerAdvice beans be eagerly resolved from the BeanFactory in
    order to invoke the getOrder() method defined in the Ordered interface.
    Unfortunately doing so resulted in a regression in that an attempt to
    eagerly resolve a scoped @ControllerAdvice bean throws a
    BeanCreationException due to the lack of an active scope (e.g., request
    or session scope).
    This commit fixes this regression by avoiding eager resolution of scoped
    @ControllerAdvice beans. As a direct consequence, the Ordered interface
    is not supported for scoped @ControllerAdvice beans.
    Closes gh-23985
RequestScopedControllerAdviceIntegrationTests.java 2.9 KB