提交 4ca83506 编写于 作者: M Micha Kiener

SPR-6419, manager API

上级 c6645217
......@@ -234,10 +234,13 @@ public interface ConversationManager {
* Switches to the given conversation, making it the current one, however,
* the previously conversation is not removed.
* @param conversation the conversation to be switched to, making it the
* current one
* @param conversationId the id of the conversation to be switched to,
* making it the current one
* @return the conversation object switched to, if the given id was actually
* available, <code>null</code>, if the conversation was not found and hence
* the old current conversation remains the same
void switchConversation(Conversation conversation);
Conversation switchConversation(String conversationId);
* Returns the timeout to be set on a newly created conversation by default
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