提交 5800c7a1 编写于 作者: J Juergen Hoeller

Comprehensive documentation on injection point matching

Issue: SPR-16142

(cherry picked from commit a5da05c3)
上级 dc0a934c
* Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
* Copyright 2002-2017 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* applicable for all arguments.
* <p>In case of a {@link java.util.Collection} or {@link java.util.Map}
* dependency type, the container will autowire all beans matching the
* declared value type. In case of a Map, the keys must be declared as
* type String and will be resolved to the corresponding bean names.
* dependency type, the container can autowire all beans matching the
* declared value type. For such purposes, the map keys must be declared
* as type String and will be resolved to the corresponding bean names.
* Alternatively, a target bean may also be of type {@code Collection} or
* {@code Map} itself, getting injected as such.
* <p>Note that actual injection is performed through a
* {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor
......@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ a dependency on a specific bean through metadata (e.g. an autowiring annotation)
== Bean overview
A Spring IoC container manages one or more __beans__. These beans are created with the
configuration metadata that you supply to the container, for example, in the form of XML
`<bean/>` definitions.
......@@ -777,6 +778,7 @@ Spring container that will create objects through an
== Dependencies
A typical enterprise application does not consist of a single object (or bean in the
Spring parlance). Even the simplest application has a few objects that work together to
present what the end-user sees as a coherent application. This next section explains how
......@@ -2378,6 +2380,7 @@ shortest string that will match an argument type.
== Bean scopes
When you create a bean definition, you create a __recipe__ for creating actual instances
of the class defined by that bean definition. The idea that a bean definition is a
recipe is important, because it means that, as with a class, you can create many object
......@@ -3635,6 +3638,7 @@ beans that require programmatic access to the container.
== Bean definition inheritance
A bean definition can contain a lot of configuration information, including constructor
arguments, property values, and container-specific information such as initialization
method, static factory method name, and so on. A child bean definition inherits
......@@ -3720,6 +3724,7 @@ context will actually (attempt to) pre-instantiate the `abstract` bean.
== Container Extension Points
Typically, an application developer does not need to subclass `ApplicationContext`
implementation classes. Instead, the Spring IoC container can be extended by plugging in
implementations of special integration interfaces. The next few sections describe these
......@@ -4237,11 +4242,13 @@ applicability. Spring 2.5 also added support for JSR-250 annotations such as
Injection for Java) annotations contained in the javax.inject package such as `@Inject`
and `@Named`. Details about those annotations can be found in the
<<beans-standard-annotations,relevant section>>.
Annotation injection is performed __before__ XML injection, thus the latter
configuration will override the former for properties wired through both approaches.
As always, you can register them as individual bean definitions, but they can also be
implicitly registered by including the following tag in an XML-based Spring
configuration (notice the inclusion of the `context` namespace):
......@@ -4513,13 +4520,43 @@ non-required constructors can be annotated. In that case, each is considered amo
candidates and Spring uses the __greediest__ constructor whose dependencies can be
satisfied, that is the constructor that has the largest number of arguments.
`@Autowired`'s __required__ attribute is recommended over the `@Required` annotation.
The __required__ attribute of `@Autowired` is recommended over the `@Required` annotation.
The __required__ attribute indicates that the property is not required for autowiring
purposes, the property is ignored if it cannot be autowired. `@Required`, on the other
hand, is stronger in that it enforces the property that was set by any means supported
by the container. If no value is injected, a corresponding exception is raised.
Alternatively, you may express the non-required nature of a particular dependency
through Java 8's `java.util.Optional`:
public class SimpleMovieLister {
public void setMovieFinder(Optional<MovieFinder> movieFinder) {
As of Spring Framework 5.0, you may also use an `@Nullable` annotation (of any kind
in any package, e.g. `javax.annotation.Nullable` from JSR-305):
public class SimpleMovieLister {
public void setMovieFinder(@Nullable MovieFinder movieFinder) {
You can also use `@Autowired` for interfaces that are well-known resolvable
dependencies: `BeanFactory`, `ApplicationContext`, `Environment`, `ResourceLoader`,
`ApplicationEventPublisher`, and `MessageSource`. These interfaces and their extended
......@@ -4550,6 +4587,7 @@ any). These types must be 'wired up' explicitly via XML or using a Spring `@Bean
=== Fine-tuning annotation-based autowiring with @Primary
......@@ -4726,9 +4764,16 @@ be injected into a `Set<MovieCatalog>` annotated with `@Qualifier("action")`.
If you intend to express annotation-driven injection by name, do not primarily use
`@Autowired`, even if is technically capable of referring to a bean name through
`@Qualifier` values. Instead, use the JSR-250 `@Resource` annotation, which is
Letting qualifier values select against target bean names, within the type-matching
candidates, doesn't even require a `@Qualifier` annotation at the injection point.
If there is no other resolution indicator (e.g. a qualifier or a primary marker),
for a non-unique dependency situation, Spring will match the injection point name
(i.e. field name or parameter name) against the target bean names and choose the
same-named candidate, if any.
That said, if you intend to express annotation-driven injection by name, do not
primarily use `@Autowired`, even if is capable of selecting by bean name among
type-matching candidates. Instead, use the JSR-250 `@Resource` annotation, which is
semantically defined to identify a specific target component by its unique name, with
the declared type being irrelevant for the matching process. `@Autowired` has rather
different semantics: After selecting candidate beans by type, the specified String
......@@ -4896,7 +4941,6 @@ consider the following annotation definition:
String genre();
Format format();
......@@ -5378,7 +5422,7 @@ comma/semicolon/space-separated list that includes the parent package of each cl
for concision, the above may have used the `value` attribute of the
For concision, the above may have used the `value` attribute of the
annotation, i.e. `@ComponentScan("org.example")`
......@@ -5427,7 +5471,7 @@ wired together - all without any bean configuration metadata provided in XML.
You can disable the registration of `AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor` and
`CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor` by including the __annotation-config__ attribute
with a value of false.
with a value of `false`.
......@@ -5865,6 +5909,7 @@ metadata is provided per-instance rather than per-class.
== Using JSR 330 Standard Annotations
Starting with Spring 3.0, Spring offers support for JSR-330 standard annotations
(Dependency Injection). Those annotations are scanned in the same way as the Spring
annotations. You just need to have the relevant jars in your classpath.
......@@ -5964,6 +6009,34 @@ you should use the `@Named` annotation as follows:
Like `@Autowired`, `@Inject` can also be used with `java.util.Optional` or
`@Nullable`. This is even more applicable here since `@Inject` does not have
a `required` attribute.
public class SimpleMovieLister {
public void setMovieFinder(Optional<MovieFinder> movieFinder) {
public class SimpleMovieLister {
public void setMovieFinder(@Nullable MovieFinder movieFinder) {
......@@ -6712,6 +6785,7 @@ annotation can be used:
=== Using the @Configuration annotation
......@@ -7949,7 +8023,7 @@ AspectJ load-time weaving, see <<aop-aj-ltw>>.
== Additional Capabilities of the ApplicationContext
== Additional capabilities of the ApplicationContext
As was discussed in the chapter introduction, the `org.springframework.beans.factory`
package provides basic functionality for managing and manipulating beans, including in a
......@@ -8181,7 +8255,7 @@ out the `ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource` javadocs for details.
=== Standard and Custom Events
=== Standard and custom events
Event handling in the `ApplicationContext` is provided through the `ApplicationEvent`
class and `ApplicationListener` interface. If a bean that implements the
......@@ -8370,8 +8444,9 @@ http://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com[pattern-oriented], event-driven
architectures that build upon the well-known Spring programming model.
==== Annotation-based Event Listeners
==== Annotation-based event listeners
As of Spring 4.2, an event listener can be registered on any public method of a managed
bean via the `EventListener` annotation. The `BlackListNotifier` can be rewritten as
......@@ -8478,6 +8553,7 @@ This new method will publish a new `ListUpdateEvent` for every `BlackListEvent`
by the method above. If you need to publish several events, just return a `Collection` of
events instead.
==== Asynchronous Listeners
......@@ -8504,7 +8580,7 @@ Be aware of the following limitations when using asynchronous events:
==== Ordering Listeners
==== Ordering listeners
If you need the listener to be invoked before another one, just add the `@Order`
annotation to the method declaration:
......@@ -8519,8 +8595,9 @@ annotation to the method declaration:
==== Generic Events
==== Generic events
You may also use generics to further define the structure of your event. Consider an
`EntityCreatedEvent<T>` where `T` is the type of the actual entity that got created. You
......@@ -8686,14 +8763,15 @@ be used by other application modules on the same machine.
== The BeanFactory
The `BeanFactory` provides the underlying basis for Spring's IoC functionality but it is
only used directly in integration with other third-party frameworks and is now largely
historical in nature for most users of Spring. The `BeanFactory` and related interfaces,
such as `BeanFactoryAware`, `InitializingBean`, `DisposableBean`, are still present in
Spring for the purposes of backward compatibility with the large number of third-party
frameworks that integrate with Spring. Often third-party components that can not use
more modern equivalents such as `@PostConstruct` or `@PreDestroy` in order to remain
compatible with JDK 1.4 or to avoid a dependency on JSR-250.
more modern equivalents such as `@PostConstruct` or `@PreDestroy` in order to avoid a
dependency on JSR-250.
This section provides additional background into the differences between the
`BeanFactory` and `ApplicationContext` and how one might access the IoC container
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