提交 f7d594be 编写于 作者: S Sam Brannen

Update Eclipse project import script

上级 c2101cbc
......@@ -8,19 +8,18 @@ Spring Framework - Eclipse/STS Project Import Guide
This script will guide you through the process of importing the Spring
Framework projects into Eclipse or the Spring Tool Suite (STS). It is
recommended that you have a recent version of Eclipse or STS. As a bare
minimum you will need Eclipse with full Java 8 support, AJDT, and the
Groovy Compiler.
minimum you will need Eclipse with full Java 8 support, the AspectJ
Development Tools (AJDT), and the Groovy Compiler.
This script has been tested against:
- Eclipse: integration build I20140528-2000 (Luna 4.4)
- STS: nightly build 3.6.0.CI-B1890632 (Luna 4.4)
- AJDT: CI build AJDT-AE44-66 (Luna 4.4)
- STS: 3.6.3.RELEASE (Eclipse Luna SR1 4.4.1)
- AJDT: 2.2.4.e44x-20141118-0700 (Luna 4.4)
If you need to download and install Eclipse or STS, please do that now
by visiting one of the following sites:
- Eclipse downloads: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/
- Eclipse downloads: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads
- STS downloads: http://spring.io/tools/sts/all
- STS nightly builds: http://dist.springsource.com/snapshot/STS/nightly-distributions.html
......@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ cat <<EOM
STEP 4: Import root project into Eclipse/STS
Follow the project import steps listed in step 2 above to import the
root project.
root "spring" project.
Press enter when complete, and move on to the final step.
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