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.. _ps:

Processes List

Compact view:

.. image:: ../_static/processlist.png

Full view:

.. image:: ../_static/processlist-wide.png

Filtered view:

.. image:: ../_static/processlist-filter.png

The process view consists of 3 parts:

- Processes summary
- Monitored processes list (optional)
- Processes list

The processes summary line displays:

- Tasks number (total number of processes)
- Threads number
- Running tasks number
- Sleeping tasks number
- Other tasks number (not running or sleeping)
- Sort key

By default, or if you hit the ``a`` key, the processes list is
automatically sorted by:

- ``CPU``: if there is no alert (default behavior)
- ``CPU``: if a CPU or LOAD alert is detected
- ``MEM``: if a memory alert is detected
- ``DISK I/O``: if a CPU iowait alert is detected

The number of processes in the list is adapted to the screen size.

Columns display

========================= ==============================================
``CPU%``                  % of CPU used by the process

                          If Irix/Solaris mode is off, the value is
                          divided by logical core number
``MEM%``                  % of MEM used by the process
``VIRT``                  Virtual Memory Size

                          The total amount of virtual memory used by the
``RES``                   Resident Memory Size

                          The non-swapped physical memory a process is
``PID``                   Process ID
``USER``                  User ID
``NI``                    Nice level of the process
``S``                     Process status

                          The status of the process:

                          - ``R``: running
                          - ``S``: sleeping (may be interrupted)
                          - ``D``: disk sleep (may not be interrupted)
                          - ``T``: traced/stopped
                          - ``Z``: zombie

``TIME+``                 Cumulative CPU time used by the process
``R/s``                   Per process I/O read rate in B/s
``W/s``                   Per process I/O write rate in B/s
``COMMAND``               Process command line or command name

                          User can switch to the process name by
                          pressing on the ``'/'`` key
========================= ==============================================

Extended info

.. image:: ../_static/processlist-top.png

In standalone mode, additional information are provided for the top

========================= ==============================================
``CPU affinity``          Number of cores used by the process
``Memory info``           Extended memory information about the process

                          For example, on Linux: swap, shared, text,
                          lib, data and dirty
``Open``                  The number of threads, files and network
                          sessions (TCP and UDP) used by the process
``IO nice``               The process I/O niceness (priority)
========================= ==============================================

The extended stats feature can be enabled using the
``--enable-process-extended`` option (command line) or the ``e`` key
(curses interface).

.. note::
    Limit values can be overwritten in the configuration file under
    the ``[process]`` section.