提交 3f0094fa 编写于 作者: A Alessio Sergi

Drop requests to check for outdated Glances version

上级 7ecafebd
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ if PY3:
from xmlrpc.client import Fault, ProtocolError, ServerProxy, Transport
from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, SimpleXMLRPCServer
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
input = input
range = range
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ else:
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, SimpleXMLRPCServer
from xmlrpclib import Fault, ProtocolError, ServerProxy, Transport
from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError
from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
input = raw_input
range = xrange
......@@ -25,29 +25,23 @@ import threading
import json
import pickle
import os
import requests
except ImportError:
outdated_tag = False
outdated_tag = True
from glances import __version__
from glances.compat import nativestr, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
from glances.config import user_cache_dir
from glances.globals import safe_makedirs
from glances.logger import logger
PYPI_API_URL = 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Glances/json'
class Outdated(object):
This class aims at providing methods to warn the user when a new Glances
version is available on the Pypi repository (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Glances/).
version is available on the PyPI repository (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Glances/).
PYPI_API_URL = 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Glances/json'
max_refresh_date = timedelta(days=7)
def __init__(self, args, config):
"""Init the Outdated class"""
self.args = args
......@@ -91,11 +85,11 @@ class Outdated(object):
return self.data['refresh_date']
def get_pypi_version(self):
"""Wrapper to get the latest Pypi version (async)
"""Wrapper to get the latest PyPI version (async)
The data are stored in a cached file
Only update online once a week
if not outdated_tag or self.args.disable_check_update:
if self.args.disable_check_update:
# If the cached file exist, read-it
......@@ -109,7 +103,7 @@ class Outdated(object):
# Update not needed
self.data['latest_version'] = cached_data['latest_version']
logger.debug("Get the Glances version from the cache file")
logger.debug("Get Glances version from cache file")
def is_outdated(self):
"""Return True if a new version is available"""
......@@ -117,26 +111,23 @@ class Outdated(object):
# Check is disabled by configuration
return False
if not outdated_tag:
logger.debug("Python Request lib is not installed. Can not get last Glances version on Pypi.")
return False
logger.debug("Check Glances version (installed: {} / latest: {})".format(self.installed_version(), self.latest_version()))
return LooseVersion(self.latest_version()) > LooseVersion(self.installed_version())
def _load_cache(self):
"""Load cache file and return cached data"""
# If the cached file exist, read-it
max_refresh_date = timedelta(days=7)
cached_data = {}
with open(self.cache_file, 'rb') as f:
cached_data = pickle.load(f)
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("Cannot read the version cache file: {}".format(e))
logger.debug("Cannot read version from cache file: {}".format(e))
logger.debug("Read the version cache file")
logger.debug("Read version from cache file")
if (cached_data['installed_version'] != self.installed_version() or
datetime.now() - cached_data['refresh_date'] > self.max_refresh_date):
datetime.now() - cached_data['refresh_date'] > max_refresh_date):
# Reset the cache if:
# - the installed version is different
# - the refresh_date is > max_refresh_date
......@@ -153,27 +144,22 @@ class Outdated(object):
pickle.dump(self.data, f)
def _update_pypi_version(self):
"""Get the latest Pypi version (as a string) via the Restful JSON API"""
# Get the Nginx status
logger.debug("Get latest Glances version from the PyPI RESTful API ({})".format(self.PYPI_API_URL))
"""Get the latest PyPI version (as a string) via the RESTful JSON API"""
logger.debug("Get latest Glances version from the PyPI RESTful API ({})".format(PYPI_API_URL))
# Update the current time
self.data[u'refresh_date'] = datetime.now()
res = requests.get(self.PYPI_API_URL, timeout=3)
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("Cannot get the Glances version from the PyPI RESTful API ({})".format(e))
res = urlopen(PYPI_API_URL, timeout=3).read()
except (HTTPError, URLError) as e:
logger.debug("Cannot get Glances version from the PyPI RESTful API ({})".format(e))
if res.ok:
# Update data
self.data[u'latest_version'] = json.loads(res.text)['info']['version']
logger.debug("Save Glances version to the cache file")
logger.debug("Cannot get the Glances version from the PyPI RESTful API ({})".format(res.reason))
self.data[u'latest_version'] = json.loads(nativestr(res))['info']['version']
logger.debug("Save Glances version to the cache file")
# Save result to the cache file
# Note: also saved if the Glances Pypi version can not be grabed
# Note: also saved if the Glances PyPI version cannot be grabbed
return self.data
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