提交 51e2b7ea 编写于 作者: N Nicolas Hennion

version 1.5.1

上级 49587e17
1.5 / 2012-11-07
* Check PsUtil > 0.4.0
* Corect a bug on Windows and IO
* Catch timedelta issue on Amazon EC2 server / related to issue #87
* Manage Fs name > 8 chars
* Invert get_nice and nice
* Re-add the main() function
* Add Python 3 compatibility
* Add refesh time for server side
* Add a connected to / disconnected from server message
* Update man page
* Add control when server is down
* Update documentation for the beta phase
* Add shortkey to delete warning (w) or warning+critical (x) logs messages
* Merge pull request #108 from nicolargo/clientserver
* Change the process IO columns and update informations files
* Add funcs to RPC instance
* Glances client/server is now fully RPC/XML compliant
* Correct a major issue on the get_io_counters on non user process (thx to the Alessio mail)
* Corect bug on CPU % on Windows
* CPU stats corrected for Windows
* Force server mode for Windows OS
* Add the -B argument for binding on a specific interface / optimize lib load
* Add INIT and QUIT. Clean the code. Do stuff...
* IO bug with client
* Add first step of the Glances client/master
* Merge pull request #104 from 2xyo/master
* Add support of Travis CI continuous integration service
* Correct PATH in the Web export module
* Minor doc update
* Merge pull request #103 from sebastianmoreno/patch-1
* Update i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/glances.po
* Merge branch 'master' of github.com:nicolargo/glances
* Add -b (key 'b') to switch between bit/s or byte/s for network IO
* Merge pull request #101 from 2xyo/master
* Add Changelog
* Merge pull request #100 from mxjeff/locale-issue
* Fixed Portuguese locale name
* Merge pull request #98 from mxjeff/html_issue
* Fixed broken HTML output (issue #97)
* version
* Test as_dict()...
* version 1.4.2
* Clean the code...
* Clean the code, go back try / except
* New function: Get process stats
* New function: Get process stats
* Cache OS information
* Merge pull request #91 from rberaldo/master
* Files for the Brazilian Portuguese translation
* Add Top process in the log
* test code for IO ps
* Use the news virtual_memory() and virtual_swap() fct
* Merge pull request #88 from dmd/patch-1
* eliminate redundant 'per'
* Update installation doc
* pip install Glances / Better than pip install glances
* After the 2to3 / Python 3 compatibility
* Merge branch 'master' of github.com:nicolargo/glances
* After the 2to3 / Python 3 compatibility
* Update README.md
* Merge pull request #85 from luxflux/patch-1
* Fix typo
* Add logo to HitHub doc 2
* Add logo to HitHub doc
* Merge pull request #81 from dlion/master
* Compiled file for italian translation
* File for italian translation
* Compiled file for italian translation
* Italian translation file compiled
* File for Italian Translation
* version
* version 1.4.1
* Merge pull request #75 from dlion/master
* A simple uninstall script
* Add a switch -b to display network rate in byte per second
* Add Process IO Read/Write information, if space is available
* Add Process IO Read/Write information, if space is available
* Merge pull request #71 from xiongchiamiov/master
* Merge pull request #70 from pigmonkey/master
* Fix typos/misspellings in README
* Fix README typo
* Merge pull request #66 from xorpaul/patch-1
* fixed small spelling mistakes
* fixed small spelling mistakes
* Update installation documentation for OS X
* Add first code for process IO / no display
* Merge pull request #60 from qzio/patch-1
* Merge pull request #58 from crcastle/patch-1
* link to correct flattr "thing"
* Add OSX install instructions
* Add the '1' key to switch between per CPU / per core stats
* Minor indentation change
* Add unitest script
* Update doc
* Add per CPU information
* Change installation procedure
* Change installation procedure
* Add depdencies in the documentation
* Change installation procedure
* Solve the issue #52 with Python 2.x
* Solve the issue #52 with Python 2.x
* Fix Setup.py issue
* Merge pull request #51 from asergi/master
* Fix setup.py
* Add glances dir
* Rename src => glances
* Change the setup.py
* version 1.4
* Change process nice for PsUtil 0.5.0
* A bunch of new features (#48) by Alessio Sergi
* Add sort processes by MEM% (replace sort by VIRT) + other minor changes
* Fix bare except: statements
* Strip leading/trailing whitespaces from all files
* Delete old backup files
* Code style cleaning
* Update help screen
* Fix display of minutes in TIME+
* Add MEM%, NICE, STATUS and TIME+ to the processes infos
* Put process summary on one line
* Load: fix viewing on FreeBSD/Mac OS X
* Mem/Swap: new layout and add percentage of usage
* Fix formatting of log messages
* No decimal places for values < GB
* Improve system info. Add Arch Linux support. Fix FreeBSD system info.
* Allow user to disable module from the command line
* Add PID/UID to the processes informations
* Add mem to CSV output and manage flush
* Merge pull request #46 from asergi/experimental
* Fixed (another) broken multiline strings
* Minor aesthetic fixes
* Fixed broken multiline strings
* Fix naming conventions issue
* Fixed typos
* Improved .gitignore
* PEP8
* Bug correct on screen
* Code checked with PEP8 checker
* Patch on the Makefile.am (Thx to Al3Hex)
* Add FS color in HTML output
* Add test to solve issue #45
* Minor change
* Correct for issue #37
* Add CLI option to manage HTML output
* Add the MANIFEST.in
* Merge pull request #43 from laurentb/experimental
* Include package data files
* Add additionnal file for HTML output
* Update documentation: use setup.py for installation
* Merge branch 'experimental' of github.com:nicolargo/glances into experimental
* Merge pull request #42 from laurentb/experimental
* Simple building and packaging of i18n
* Much simpler, pure-python packaging
* Update doc for PPA
* HTML Output
* Ok when insert/remove external disk
* Excexclude rootfs and autofs
* Try before removing process
* Reduce process load
* Add control/msg to lib import
* Solve the _() error message
* Verbose the help message depending of the PsUtil version
* Change the process list algorithm
* Remove the unused get_io_counters calls
* Ready for beta test
* Change the help windows
* PsUtil - Add process stat
* Replace FsGrab by PsUtil
* First version of the experimental BRANCH PSUtil replace StatGrab for CPU, LOAD and MEM
* version 1.3.7
* B&W console
* Try for all the init color sequence
* Flatt button in the README
* Add try before curses.curs_set(0)
* Update screenshot
* version 1.3.6
* Change Roadmap to add the issue 26
* wMerge branch 'master' of github.com:nicolargo/glances
* Minor update
* Merge pull request #25 from jeanbob/master
* French and Spanish translation added.
* i18n support added by JeanBoB. French translation added.
* Change the path to Python to env issue #20
* Upgrade ss
* Update README
* Update screenshot
* version 1.3.5
* Add a buildout.cfg
* Update screenshot
* version 1.3.4
* Update screenshot for v1.3.3
* version 1.3.3
* Add Python PYPI informations
* Add a french version of the README
* Update the documentation
* Update screenshot
* version 1.3.2
* version 1.3.1
* Merge pull request #8 from rwmacleod/master
* Fix consomption typo
* No more FS limitation
* Update screenshot
* version 1.3
* Docs
* Change the REAME for the 1.2 version
* version 1.2
* Instructions to install on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10
* Ubuntu 10.04 note
* Ubuntu < 11.04 notes
* Change installation procedure
* version 1.1.3
* v1.1.2
* version 1.1.1
* 1.1 screenshot
* Add caption
* Add setup.py
* Catch CTRL-C before init screen
* Catch CTRL-C before init screen
* Add control before division
* Fix Readme.md
* Fix Readme.md
* Fix screenshot in Readme.md
* Add screenshot
Version 1.5.1
* Patch for PsUtil 0.4 compatibility
* Test PsUtil version before running Glances
Version 1.5
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
__appname__ = 'glances'
__version__ = "1.5"
__version__ = "1.5.1"
__author__ = "Nicolas Hennion <nicolas@nicolargo.com>"
__licence__ = "LGPL"
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ for mo in glob('i18n/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo'):
data_files.append((dirname(mo).replace('i18n/', 'share/locale/'), [mo]))
description='CLI curses-based monitoring tool',
author='Nicolas Hennion',
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