提交 6ea077b1 编写于 作者: N nicolargo

Generate documentation for Glances 2.8

上级 29298a4f
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "GLANCES" "1" "Jan 08, 2017" "2.8_DEVELOP" "Glances"
.TH "GLANCES" "1" "Jan 21, 2017" "2.8" "Glances"
glances \- An eye on your system
......@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ The following commands (key pressed) are supported while in Glances:
Set the process filter
\fBNote\fP: on OS X, please use \fBCTRL\-H\fP to delete
\fBNote\fP: on macOS, please use \fBCTRL\-H\fP to delete
Filter is a regular expression pattern:
Markdown is supported
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