提交 7abb9243 编写于 作者: N nicolargo

Update README file with containers images name

上级 ec70ed69
......@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ Installation
There are several methods to test/install Glances on your system. Choose your weapon!
PyPI: The simple way
PyPI: The standard way
Glances is on ``PyPI``. By using PyPI, you will be using the latest
stable version.
......@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ If you want to test the develop version, enter:
pip install --user -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ Glances
Glances Auto Install script: the total way
Glances Auto Install script: the easy way
To install both dependencies and the latest Glances production ready version
(aka *master* branch), just enter the following command line:
......@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ or
*Note*: This is only supported on some GNU/Linux distributions and Mac OS X.
If you want to support other distributions, please contribute to `glancesautoinstall`_.
Docker: the funny way
Docker: the fun way
Glances containers are availables. You can use it to monitor your
server and all your other containers!
......@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ Get the Glances container:
docker pull nicolargo/glances:<version>
Available versions on the Docker Hub repository:
- *nicolargo/glances:3.2.0* (or *nicolargo/glances:alpine-3.2.0*) for version 3.2.0 with minimal dependencies
- *nicolargo/glances:3.2.0-full* for version 3.2.0 with full dependencies
For a complete images list:
- *nicolargo/glances:3.2.3* for a basic Debian Glances 3.2.3 image version with minimal dependencies
- *nicolargo/glances:alpine-3.2.3* for a basic Alpine Glances 3.2.3 image version with minimal dependencies
- *nicolargo/glances:3.2.3-full* for a full Debian Glances 3.2.3 image version with all dependencies
- *nicolargo/glances:alpine-3.2.3-full* for a full Alpine Glances 3.2.3 image version with all dependencies
Run the container in *console mode*:
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