未验证 提交 be4811b2 编写于 作者: 郭霖 提交者: GitHub

Release 3.1.0 version.

上级 fbee8590
......@@ -20,17 +20,9 @@ Experience the magic right now and have fun!
Edit your **build.gradle** file and add below dependency.
If you program with Java:
``` groovy
dependencies {
implementation 'org.litepal.android:java:3.0.0'
If you program with Kotlin:
``` groovy
dependencies {
implementation 'org.litepal.android:kotlin:3.0.0'
implementation 'org.litepal.guolindev:core:3.1.0'
......@@ -141,8 +133,6 @@ public class Album extends LitePalSupport {
private float price;
private byte[] cover;
private List<Song> songs = new ArrayList<Song>();
// generated getters and setters.
......@@ -182,8 +172,7 @@ Now the tables will be generated automatically with SQLs like this:
id integer primary key autoincrement,
name text unique default 'unknown',
price real,
cover blob
price real
......@@ -205,8 +194,6 @@ public class Album extends LitePalSupport {
@Column(ignore = true)
private float price;
private byte[] cover;
private Date releaseDate;
private List<Song> songs = new ArrayList<Song>();
......@@ -391,64 +378,7 @@ Kotlin:
val songs = LitePal.where("name like ? and duration < ?", "song%", "200").order("duration").find<Song>()
#### 7. Async operations
Every database operation is on main thread by default. If your operation might spent a long time,
for example saving or querying tons of records. You may want to use async operations.
LitePal support async operations on all crud methods. If you want to find all records from song table
on a background thread, use codes like this.
LitePal.findAllAsync(Song.class).listen(new FindMultiCallback<Song>() {
public void onFinish(List<Song> allSongs) {
LitePal.findAsync<Song>().listen { allSongs ->
Just use **findAllAsync()** instead of **findAll()**, and append a **listen()** method, the finding result will
be callback to **onFinish()** method once it finished.
Abd saving asynchronously is quite the same.
Album album = new Album();
album.saveAsync().listen(new SaveCallback() {
public void onFinish(boolean success) {
val album = Album()
album.name = "album"
album.price = 10.99f
album.cover = getCoverImageBytes()
album.saveAsync().listen { success ->
Just use **saveAsync()** instead of **save()**. It will save Album into database on a background, and
the saving result will be callback to **onFinish()** method.
#### 8. Multiple databases
#### 7. Multiple databases
If your app needs multiple databases, LitePal support it completely. You can create as many databases as you want at runtime. For example:
LitePalDB litePalDB = new LitePalDB("demo2", 1);
......@@ -473,20 +403,29 @@ And you can delete any database by specified database name:
#### 9. Listen database create or upgrade
If you need to listen database create or upgrade events and fill some initial data in the callbacks, you can do it like this:
#### 8. Transaction
LitePal support transaction for atomic db operations. All operations in the transaction will be committed or rolled back together.
Java usage:
LitePal.registerDatabaseListener(new DatabaseListener() {
public void onCreate() {
// fill some initial data
boolean result1 = // db operation1
boolean result2 = // db operation2
boolean result3 = // db operation3
if (result1 && result2 && result3) {
public void onUpgrade(int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
// upgrade data in db
Kotlin usage:
LitePal.runInTransaction {
val result1 = // db operation1
val result2 = // db operation2
val result3 = // db operation3
result1 && result2 && result3
## ProGuard
......@@ -521,6 +460,13 @@ If you find any bug when using LitePal, please report **[here](https://github.co
## Change logs
### 3.1.0
* Support transaction.
* Add return value for ***LitePal.saveAll()** method.
* No longer support byte array field as column in table.
* Deprecate all async methods. You should handle async operations by yourself.
* Fix known bugs.
### 3.0.0
* Optimize generic usage for async operation APIs.
* Add **LitePal.registerDatabaseListener()** method for listening create or upgrade database events.
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