未验证 提交 04729395 编写于 作者: C Christian Clauss 提交者: GitHub

CONTRIBUTING.md: Don’t open issues asking to be assigned (#788)

* CONTRIBUTING.md: Don’t open issues asking to be assigned

This habit makes us slow and chatty so let’s discourage it.


There are many issues asking permission for a pull request, instead a direct pull request for evaluation is of much help.

Co-authored-by: NSombit Bose <sombit.bose15@gmail.com>
上级 d7763a54
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ We are very happy that you consider implementing algorithms and data structures
**New implementation** New implementation are welcome!
**Improving comments** and **adding tests** to existing algorithms are much appreciated.
**Issues** Please avoid opening issues asking to be "assigned” to a particular algorithm. This merely creates unnecessary noise for maintainers. Instead, please submit your implementation in a pull request and it will be evaluated by project maintainers.
### Making Changes
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