未验证 提交 51da734a 编写于 作者: D Divide-et-impera-11 提交者: GitHub

Update exponential_search.cpp

上级 c1629a93
// Copyright 2020 Divide-et-impera-11
// copyright 2020 divide-et-impera-11
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespaces std;
template<class Type> inline Type* binary_s(Type *array, size_t size, Type key) {
template<class type> inline type* binary_s(type *array, size_t size, type key) {
int32_t lower_index(0), upper_index(size - 1), middle_index;
while (lower_index <= upper_index) {
middle_index = floor((lower_index + upper_index) / 2);
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ while (lower_index <= upper_index) {
return nullptr;
template<class Type> Type* struzik_search(Type* array, size_t size, Type key) {
template<class type> type* struzik_search(type* array, size_t size, type key) {
uint32_t block_front(0), block_size = size == 0 ? 0 : 1;
while (block_front != block_size) {
if (*(array + block_size - 1) < key) {
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ template<class Type> Type* struzik_search(Type* array, size_t size, Type key) {
(block_size * 2 - 1 < size) ? (block_size *= 2) : block_size = size;
return binary_s<Type>(array + block_front, (block_size - block_front), key);
return binary_s<type>(array + block_front, (block_size - block_front), key);
return nullptr;
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