提交 9d7b5212 编写于 作者: zlt2000's avatar zlt2000


上级 cc6508a9
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class BannerInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<Configur
if (!(applicationContext instanceof AnnotationConfigApplicationContext)) {
LogoBanner logoBanner = new LogoBanner(BannerInitializer.class, "/zltmp/logo.txt", "Welcome to zlt", 5, 6, new Color[5], true);
CustomBanner.show(logoBanner, new Description(BannerConstant.VERSION + ":", CommonConstant.PROJECT_VERSION, 0, 1)
, new Description("Gitee:", "https://gitee.com/zlt2000/microservices-platform", 0, 1)
, new Description("Github:", "https://github.com/zlt2000", 0, 1)
, new Description("Blog:", "https://zlt2000.gitee.io", 0, 1)
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