未验证 提交 8057a2cf 编写于 作者: T Tim Gates

docs: Fix simple typo, eucledian -> euclidean

There is a small typo in examples/face_recognition_knn.py, examples/facerec_ipcamera_knn.py.

Should read `euclidean` rather than `eucledian`.
上级 d34c622b
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ and make a prediction for an unknown person in a feasible computation time.
Algorithm Description:
The knn classifier is first trained on a set of labeled (known) faces and can then predict the person
in an unknown image by finding the k most similar faces (images with closet face-features under eucledian distance)
in an unknown image by finding the k most similar faces (images with closet face-features under euclidean distance)
in its training set, and performing a majority vote (possibly weighted) on their label.
For example, if k=3, and the three closest face images to the given image in the training set are one image of Biden
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ and make a prediction for an unknown person in a feasible computation time.
Algorithm Description:
The knn classifier is first trained on a set of labeled (known) faces and can then predict the person
in a live stream by finding the k most similar faces (images with closet face-features under eucledian distance)
in a live stream by finding the k most similar faces (images with closet face-features under euclidean distance)
in its training set, and performing a majority vote (possibly weighted) on their label.
For example, if k=3, and the three closest face images to the given image in the training set are one image of Biden
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