提交 639354b6 编写于 作者: O Ovilia

WIP(axisPointer): snapping logic WIP.

上级 bba490f3
......@@ -97,19 +97,92 @@ export default function (payload, ecModel, api) {
// Process for triggered axes.
each(coordSysAxesInfo.coordSysMap, function (coordSys, coordSysKey) {
* If both x and y axes are snapping and one and only one of them is
* of category type, then the category axis is used as primary
* snapping, otherwise the baseAxis is used as primary snapping.
* The snapped value of the other axis is calculated from it.
* 4 | *
* 3 | *
* 2 | *
* 1 | * +
* ---------------------
* a b c d
* In the above example, the x axis is in category type, and y axis
* value.
* The *'s are data items, + is the mouse position.
* If both x and y axes are using snapping, then:
* 1. x axis is used as primary snapping axis because it's the only
* category axis.
* 2. The nearest x value to the mouse is 'b', so 'b' is used as
* snapped x value.
* 3. The corresponding y value of 'b' is 3, so 3 is used as snapped y
* value.
* 4. So the axisPointer should be at ('b', 3).
* If only x is snapping, then the axisPointer should be at ('b', 1).
* If only y is snapping, then the axisPointer should be at the
* position of +.
// If a point given, it must be contained by the coordinate system.
var coordSysContainsPoint = isIllegalPoint || coordSys.containPoint(point);
var snapXor; // One and only one of the axes is snapping
var snapBoth = true; // Both axes are snapping
var primarySnapAxis;
each(coordSysAxesInfo.coordSysAxesInfo[coordSysKey], function (axisInfo) {
if (snapXor === undefined) {
snapXor = axisInfo.snap;
else {
snapXor = snapXor && !axisInfo.snap || !snapXor && axisInfo.snap;
snapBoth = snapBoth && axisInfo.snap;
axisInfo.snap && (primarySnapAxis = axisInfo.axis);
if (!snapBoth && !snapXor) {
// Snap none
if (!snapXor) {
// Snap both
var coord = coordSys.getCartesians()[0];
primarySnapAxis = coord.getBaseAxis()// coord.getOtherAxis(coord.getBaseAxis());
var primaryPayload;
each(coordSysAxesInfo.coordSysAxesInfo[coordSysKey], function (axisInfo, key) {
var axis = axisInfo.axis;
var inputAxisInfo = findInputAxisInfo(inputAxesInfo, axisInfo);
// If no inputAxesInfo, no axis is restricted.
if (!shouldHide && coordSysContainsPoint && (!inputAxesInfo || inputAxisInfo)) {
var val = inputAxisInfo && inputAxisInfo.value;
if (val == null && !isIllegalPoint) {
if (axis === primarySnapAxis) {
var inputAxisInfo = findInputAxisInfo(inputAxesInfo, axisInfo);
// If no inputAxesInfo, no axis is restricted.
if (!shouldHide && coordSysContainsPoint && (!inputAxesInfo || inputAxisInfo)) {
var val = inputAxisInfo && inputAxisInfo.value;
if (val == null && !isIllegalPoint) {
val = axis.pointToData(point);
axisInfo.isPrimarySnap = true;
if (val != null) {
primaryPayload = processOnAxis(axisInfo, val, updaters, false, outputFinder);
else {
if (axisInfo.snap) {
// Secondary snapping axis
val = axis.pointToData(point);
axisInfo.isPrimarySnap = false;
if (primaryPayload) {
axisInfo.primarySnapToValue = primaryPayload.snapToValue;
val != null && processOnAxis(axisInfo, val, updaters, false, outputFinder);
val != null && processOnAxis(axisInfo, val, updaters, false, outputFinder);
......@@ -180,6 +253,8 @@ function processOnAxis(axisInfo, newValue, updaters, dontSnap, outputFinder) {
// Tooltip should always be snapToValue, otherwise there will be
// incorrect "axis value ~ series value" mapping displayed in tooltip.
updaters.showTooltip(axisInfo, payloadInfo, snapToValue);
return payloadInfo;
function buildPayloadsBySeries(value, axisInfo) {
......@@ -191,6 +266,10 @@ function buildPayloadsBySeries(value, axisInfo) {
var minDiff = -1;
each(axisInfo.seriesModels, function (series, idx) {
if (!axisInfo.isPrimarySnap && idx > 0) {
var dataDim = series.getData().mapDimension(dim, true);
var seriesNestestValue;
var dataIndices;
......@@ -201,14 +280,20 @@ function buildPayloadsBySeries(value, axisInfo) {
seriesNestestValue = result.nestestValue;
else {
dataIndices = series.getData().indicesOfNearest(
// Add a threshold to avoid find the wrong dataIndex
// when data length is not same.
// false,
axis.type === 'category' ? 0.5 : null
if (isPrimarySnap) {
dataIndices = series.getData().indicesOfNearest(
// Add a threshold to avoid find the wrong dataIndex
// when data length is not same.
// false,
axis.type === 'category' ? 0.5 : null
else {
// TODO: find somewhere to put primarySnapDataIndex into axisInfo?
dataIndices = axisInfo.primarySnapDataIndex == null ? [] : [axisInfo.primarySnapDataIndex];
if (!dataIndices.length) {
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