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.. module:: statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model
   :synopsis: Vector autoregressions

.. currentmodule:: statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model

.. _var:

Vector Autoregressions :mod:`tsa.vector_ar`

:mod:`statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar` contains methods that are useful
for simultaneously modeling and analyzing multiple time series using
:ref:`Vector Autoregressions (VAR) <var>` and
:ref:`Vector Error Correction Models (VECM) <vecm>`.

.. _var_process:

VAR(p) processes

We are interested in modeling a :math:`T \times K` multivariate time series
:math:`Y`, where :math:`T` denotes the number of observations and :math:`K` the
number of variables. One way of estimating relationships between the time series
and their lagged values is the *vector autoregression process*:

.. math::

   Y_t = A_1 Y_{t-1} + \ldots + A_p Y_{t-p} + u_t

   u_t \sim {\sf Normal}(0, \Sigma_u)

where :math:`A_i` is a :math:`K \times K` coefficient matrix.

We follow in large part the methods and notation of `Lutkepohl (2005)
which we will not develop here.

Model fitting

.. note::

    The classes referenced below are accessible via the
    :mod:`statsmodels.tsa.api` module.

To estimate a VAR model, one must first create the model using an `ndarray` of
homogeneous or structured dtype. When using a structured or record array, the
class will use the passed variable names. Otherwise they can be passed

.. ipython:: python

    import pandas as pd
    pd.options.display.max_rows = 10
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')

.. ipython:: python

    # some example data
    import numpy as np
    import pandas
    import statsmodels.api as sm
    from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR, DynamicVAR
    mdata = sm.datasets.macrodata.load_pandas().data

    # prepare the dates index
    dates = mdata[['year', 'quarter']].astype(int).astype(str)
    quarterly = dates["year"] + "Q" + dates["quarter"]
    from statsmodels.tsa.base.datetools import dates_from_str
    quarterly = dates_from_str(quarterly)

    mdata = mdata[['realgdp','realcons','realinv']]
    mdata.index = pandas.DatetimeIndex(quarterly)
    data = np.log(mdata).diff().dropna()

    # make a VAR model
    model = VAR(data)

.. note::

   The :class:`VAR` class assumes that the passed time series are
   stationary. Non-stationary or trending data can often be transformed to be
   stationary by first-differencing or some other method. For direct analysis of
   non-stationary time series, a standard stable VAR(p) model is not

To actually do the estimation, call the `fit` method with the desired lag
order. Or you can have the model select a lag order based on a standard
information criterion (see below):

.. ipython:: python

    results =


Several ways to visualize the data using `matplotlib` are available.

Plotting input time series:

.. ipython:: python

    @savefig var_plot_input.png

Plotting time series autocorrelation function:

.. ipython:: python

    @savefig var_plot_acorr.png

Lag order selection

Choice of lag order can be a difficult problem. Standard analysis employs
likelihood test or information criteria-based order selection. We have
implemented the latter, accessible through the :class:`VAR` class:

.. ipython:: python


When calling the `fit` function, one can pass a maximum number of lags and the
order criterion to use for order selection:

.. ipython:: python

    results =, ic='aic')


The linear predictor is the optimal h-step ahead forecast in terms of
mean-squared error:

.. math::

   y_t(h) = \nu + A_1 y_t(h  1) + \cdots + A_p y_t(h  p)

We can use the `forecast` function to produce this forecast. Note that we have
to specify the "initial value" for the forecast:

.. ipython:: python

    lag_order = results.k_ar
    results.forecast(data.values[-lag_order:], 5)

The `forecast_interval` function will produce the above forecast along with
asymptotic standard errors. These can be visualized using the `plot_forecast`

.. ipython:: python

   @savefig var_forecast.png

Class Reference

.. module:: statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar
   :synopsis: Vector autoregressions and related tools

.. currentmodule:: statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


Post-estimation Analysis

Several process properties and additional results after
estimation are available for vector autoregressive processes.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


Impulse Response Analysis

*Impulse responses* are of interest in econometric studies: they are the
estimated responses to a unit impulse in one of the variables. They are computed
in practice using the MA(:math:`\infty`) representation of the VAR(p) process:

.. math::

    Y_t = \mu + \sum_{i=0}^\infty \Phi_i u_{t-i}

We can perform an impulse response analysis by calling the `irf` function on a
`VARResults` object:

.. ipython:: python

    irf = results.irf(10)

These can be visualized using the `plot` function, in either orthogonalized or
non-orthogonalized form. Asymptotic standard errors are plotted by default at
the 95% significance level, which can be modified by the user.

.. note::

    Orthogonalization is done using the Cholesky decomposition of the estimated
    error covariance matrix :math:`\hat \Sigma_u` and hence interpretations may
    change depending on variable ordering.

.. ipython:: python

    @savefig var_irf.png

Note the `plot` function is flexible and can plot only variables of interest if
so desired:

.. ipython:: python

    @savefig var_realgdp.png

The cumulative effects :math:`\Psi_n = \sum_{i=0}^n \Phi_i` can be plotted with
the long run effects as follows:

.. ipython:: python

    @savefig var_irf_cum.png


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD)

Forecast errors of component j on k in an i-step ahead forecast can be
decomposed using the orthogonalized impulse responses :math:`\Theta_i`:

.. math::

    \omega_{jk, i} = \sum_{i=0}^{h-1} (e_j^\prime \Theta_i e_k)^2 / \mathrm{MSE}_j(h)

    \mathrm{MSE}_j(h) = \sum_{i=0}^{h-1} e_j^\prime \Phi_i \Sigma_u \Phi_i^\prime e_j

These are computed via the `fevd` function up through a total number of steps ahead:

.. ipython:: python

    fevd = results.fevd(5)


They can also be visualized through the returned :class:`FEVD` object:

.. ipython:: python

    @savefig var_fevd.png


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


Statistical tests

A number of different methods are provided to carry out hypothesis tests about
the model results and also the validity of the model assumptions (normality,
whiteness / "iid-ness" of errors, etc.).

Granger causality

One is often interested in whether a variable or group of variables is "causal"
for another variable, for some definition of "causal". In the context of VAR
models, one can say that a set of variables are Granger-causal within one of the
VAR equations. We will not detail the mathematics or definition of Granger
causality, but leave it to the reader. The :class:`VARResults` object has the
`test_causality` method for performing either a Wald (:math:`\chi^2`) test or an

.. ipython:: python

    results.test_causality('realgdp', ['realinv', 'realcons'], kind='f')


Whiteness of residuals

Dynamic Vector Autoregressions

.. note::

    To use this functionality, `pandas <>`__
    must be installed. See the `pandas documentation
    <>`__ for more information on the below data

One is often interested in estimating a moving-window regression on time series
data for the purposes of making forecasts throughout the data sample. For
example, we may wish to produce the series of 2-step-ahead forecasts produced by
a VAR(p) model estimated at each point in time.

.. ipython:: python

    import pandas.util.testing as ptest
    ptest.N = 500
    data = ptest.makeTimeDataFrame().cumsum(0)

    var = DynamicVAR(data, lag_order=2, window_type='expanding')

The estimated coefficients for the dynamic model are returned as a
:class:`pandas.Panel` object, which can allow you to easily examine, for
example, all of the model coefficients by equation or by date:

.. ipython:: python

    import datetime as dt


    # all estimated coefficients for equation A

    # coefficients on 11/30/2001
    var.coefs.major_xs(dt.datetime(2001, 11, 30)).T

Dynamic forecasts for a given number of steps ahead can be produced using the
`forecast` function and return a :class:`pandas.DataMatrix` object:

.. ipython:: python


The forecasts can be visualized using `plot_forecast`:

.. ipython:: python

    @savefig dvar_forecast.png


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


.. _vecm:

Vector Error Correction Models (VECM)

Vector Error Correction Models are used to study short-run deviations from
one or more permanent stochastic trends (unit roots). A VECM models the
difference of a vector of time series by imposing structure that is implied
by the assumed number of stochastic trends. :class:`VECM` is used to
specify and estimate these models.

A VECM(:math:`k_{ar}-1`) has the following form

.. math:: 

    \Delta y_t = \Pi y_{t-1} + \Gamma_1 \Delta y_{t-1} + \ldots 
                   + \Gamma_{k_{ar}-1} \Delta y_{t-k_{ar}+1} + u_t


.. math:: 

    \Pi = \alpha \beta'

as described in chapter 7 of [1]_.

A VECM(:math:`k_{ar} - 1`) with deterministic terms has the form

.. math::

   \Delta y_t = \alpha \begin{pmatrix}\beta' & \eta'\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}y_{t-1} \\
                D^{co}_{t-1}\end{pmatrix} + \Gamma_1 \Delta y_{t-1} + \dots + \Gamma_{k_{ar}-1} \Delta y_{t-k_{ar}+1} + C D_t + u_t.

In :math:`D^{co}_{t-1}` we have the deterministic terms which are inside
the cointegration relation (or restricted to the cointegration relation).
:math:`\eta` is the corresponding estimator. To pass a deterministic term
inside the cointegration relation, we can use the `exog_coint` argument.
For the two special cases of an intercept and a linear trend there exists
a simpler way to declare these terms: we can pass ``"ci"`` and ``"li"``
respectively to the `deterministic` argument. So for an intercept inside
the cointegration relation we can either pass ``"ci"`` as `deterministic`
or `np.ones(len(data))` as `exog_coint` if `data` is passed as the
`endog` argument. This ensures that :math:`D_{t-1}^{co} = 1` for all

We can also use deterministic terms outside the cointegration relation.
These are defined in :math:`D_t` in the formula above with the
corresponding estimators in the matrix :math:`C`. We specify such terms by
passing them to the `exog` argument. For an intercept and/or linear trend
we again have the possibility to use `deterministic` alternatively. For
an intercept we pass ``"co"`` and for a linear trend we pass ``"lo"`` where
the `o` stands for `outside`.

The following table shows the five cases considered in [2]_. The last
column indicates which string to pass to the `deterministic` argument for
each of these cases.

====  ===============================  ===================================  =============
Case  Intercept                        Slope of the linear trend            `deterministic`
====  ===============================  ===================================  =============
I     0                                0                                    ``"nc"``
II    :math:`- \alpha \beta^T \mu`     0                                    ``"ci"``
III   :math:`\neq 0`                   0                                    ``"co"``
IV    :math:`\neq 0`                   :math:`- \alpha \beta^T \gamma`      ``"coli"``
V     :math:`\neq 0`                   :math:`\neq 0`                       ``"colo"``
====  ===============================  ===================================  =============


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


.. [1] Lütkepohl, H. 2005. *New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis*. Springer.

.. [2] Johansen, S. 1995. *Likelihood-Based Inference in Cointegrated *
       *Vector Autoregressive Models*. Oxford University Press.