未验证 提交 435a337c 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu 提交者: GitHub

redirectGen: parallelize oldest selection logic in s0 (#641)

上级 62f57a35
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class RedirectGenerator extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper with Wai
val stage2FtqRead = new FtqRead
val stage2Redirect = ValidIO(new Redirect)
val stage3Redirect = ValidIO(new Redirect)
val waitTableUpdate = Output(new WaitTableUpdateReq)
val waitTableUpdate = Output(new WaitTableUpdateReq)
LoadQueue Jump ALU0 ALU1 ALU2 ALU3 exception Stage1
......@@ -75,23 +75,14 @@ class RedirectGenerator extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper with Wai
val valid = Bool()
val idx = UInt(log2Up(n).W)
def selectOldestRedirect(xs: Seq[Valid[Redirect]]): (Valid[Redirect], UInt) = {
val wrappers = for((r, i) <- xs.zipWithIndex) yield {
val wrap = Wire(new Wrapper(xs.size))
wrap.redirect := r.bits
wrap.valid := r.valid
wrap.idx := i.U
val oldest = ParallelOperation[Wrapper](wrappers, (x, y) => {
Mux(y.valid, Mux(isAfter(x.redirect.roqIdx, y.redirect.roqIdx), y, x), x), y
val result = Wire(Valid(new Redirect))
result.valid := oldest.valid
result.bits := oldest.redirect
(result, oldest.idx)
def selectOldestRedirect(xs: Seq[Valid[Redirect]]): Vec[Bool] = {
val compareVec = (0 until xs.length).map(i => (0 until i).map(j => isAfter(xs(j).bits.roqIdx, xs(i).bits.roqIdx)))
val resultOnehot = VecInit((0 until xs.length).map(i => Cat((0 until xs.length).map(j =>
(if (j < i) !xs(j).valid || compareVec(i)(j)
else if (j == i) xs(i).valid
else !xs(j).valid || !compareVec(j)(i))
for((ptr, redirect) <- io.stage1FtqRead.map(_.ptr).zip(
......@@ -106,44 +97,30 @@ class RedirectGenerator extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper with Wai
val jumpOut = io.exuMispredict.head
val aluOut = VecInit(io.exuMispredict.tail)
val (oldestAluRedirect, oldestAluIdx) = selectOldestRedirect(aluOut.map(getRedirect))
val (oldestExuRedirect, jumpIsOlder) = selectOldestRedirect(Seq(
oldestAluRedirect, getRedirect(jumpOut)
val oldestExuOutput = Mux(jumpIsOlder.asBool(), jumpOut, aluOut(oldestAluIdx))
val (oldestRedirect, _) = selectOldestRedirect(Seq(io.loadReplay, oldestExuRedirect))
val s1_isJump = RegNext(jumpIsOlder.asBool(), init = false.B)
val allRedirect = VecInit(io.exuMispredict.map(x => getRedirect(x)) :+ io.loadReplay)
val oldestOneHot = selectOldestRedirect(allRedirect)
val needFlushVec = VecInit(allRedirect.map(_.bits.roqIdx.needFlush(io.stage2Redirect, io.flush)))
val oldestValid = VecInit(oldestOneHot.zip(needFlushVec).map{ case (v, f) => v && !f }).asUInt.orR
val oldestExuOutput = Mux1H((0 until 5).map(oldestOneHot), io.exuMispredict)
val oldestRedirect = Mux1H(oldestOneHot, allRedirect)
val s1_jumpTarget = RegEnable(jumpOut.bits.redirect.cfiUpdate.target, jumpOut.valid)
val s1_imm12_reg = RegEnable(oldestExuOutput.bits.uop.ctrl.imm(11, 0), oldestExuOutput.valid)
val s1_pd = RegEnable(oldestExuOutput.bits.uop.cf.pd, oldestExuOutput.valid)
val s1_redirect_bits_reg = Reg(new Redirect)
val s1_redirect_valid_reg = RegInit(false.B)
val s1_aluIdx = RegEnable(oldestAluIdx, oldestAluRedirect.valid)
val s1_imm12_reg = RegNext(oldestExuOutput.bits.uop.ctrl.imm(11, 0))
val s1_pd = RegNext(oldestExuOutput.bits.uop.cf.pd)
val s1_redirect_bits_reg = RegNext(oldestRedirect.bits)
val s1_redirect_valid_reg = RegNext(oldestValid)
val s1_redirect_onehot = RegNext(oldestOneHot)
// stage1 -> stage2
when(oldestRedirect.valid && !oldestRedirect.bits.roqIdx.needFlush(io.stage2Redirect, io.flush)){
s1_redirect_bits_reg := oldestRedirect.bits
s1_redirect_valid_reg := true.B
s1_redirect_valid_reg := false.B
io.stage2Redirect.valid := s1_redirect_valid_reg && !io.flush
io.stage2Redirect.bits := s1_redirect_bits_reg
io.stage2Redirect.bits.cfiUpdate := DontCare
// at stage2, we read ftq to get pc
io.stage2FtqRead.ptr := s1_redirect_bits_reg.ftqIdx
val isReplay = RedirectLevel.flushItself(s1_redirect_bits_reg.level)
val ftqRead = Mux(isReplay,
val s1_isReplay = s1_redirect_onehot(5)
val s1_isJump = s1_redirect_onehot(0)
val ftqRead = Mux1H(s1_redirect_onehot, io.stage1FtqRead).entry
val cfiUpdate_pc = Cat(
ftqRead.ftqPC.head(VAddrBits - s1_redirect_bits_reg.ftqOffset.getWidth - instOffsetBits),
......@@ -155,7 +132,7 @@ class RedirectGenerator extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper with Wai
val brTarget = real_pc + SignExt(ImmUnion.B.toImm32(s1_imm12_reg), XLEN)
val snpc = real_pc + Mux(s1_pd.isRVC, 2.U, 4.U)
val target = Mux(isReplay,
val target = Mux(s1_isReplay,
real_pc, // repaly from itself
Mux(s1_isJump, s1_jumpTarget, brTarget),
......@@ -164,7 +141,7 @@ class RedirectGenerator extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper with Wai
// update waittable if load violation redirect triggered
io.waitTableUpdate.valid := RegNext(isReplay && s1_redirect_valid_reg, init = false.B)
io.waitTableUpdate.valid := RegNext(s1_isReplay && s1_redirect_valid_reg, init = false.B)
io.waitTableUpdate.waddr := RegNext(XORFold(real_pc(VAddrBits-1, 1), WaitTableAddrWidth))
io.waitTableUpdate.wdata := true.B
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