提交 8171fe6a 编写于 作者: Z Zihao Yu

utils,RegMap: support unwritable register

上级 b65ec060
......@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ class AXI4UART extends AXI4SlaveModule(new AXI4Lite) {
val getcHelper = Module(new UARTGetc)
getcHelper.io.clk := clock
getcHelper.io.getc := (raddr(3,0) === 0.U && ren)
when (getcHelper.io.getc) { rxfifo := getcHelper.io.ch }
def putc(c: UInt): UInt = { printf("%c", c(7,0)); c }
def getc = getcHelper.io.ch
val mapping = Map(
RegMap(0x0, rxfifo),
RegMap(0x0, getc, RegMap.Unwritable),
RegMap(0x4, txfifo, putc),
RegMap(0x8, stat),
RegMap(0xc, ctrl)
......@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
object RegMap {
def Unwritable = null
def apply(addr: Int, reg: UInt, wfn: UInt => UInt = (x => x)) = (addr, (reg, wfn))
def generate(mapping: Map[Int, (UInt, UInt => UInt)], raddr: UInt, rdata: UInt,
waddr: UInt, wen: Bool, wdata: UInt, wmask: UInt):Unit = {
val chiselMapping = mapping.map { case (a, (r, w)) => (a.U, r, w) }
rdata := LookupTree(raddr, chiselMapping.map { case (a, r, w) => (a, r) })
when (wen) {
chiselMapping.map { case (a, r, w) => when (waddr === a) { r := w(MaskData(r, wdata, wmask)) } }
chiselMapping.map { case (a, r, w) =>
if (w != null) when (wen && waddr === a) { r := w(MaskData(r, wdata, wmask)) }
def generate(mapping: Map[Int, (UInt, UInt => UInt)], addr: UInt, rdata: UInt,
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