提交 e965d004 编写于 作者: Z zhanglinjuan

loop: add brTag compare when synchronizing specCnt with nSpecCnt

上级 f8a67880
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class BranchUpdateInfo extends XSBundle {
val taken = Bool()
val fetchIdx = UInt(log2Up(FetchWidth*2).W)
val isMisPred = Bool()
val brTag = new BrqPtr
// frontend -> backend -> frontend
val pd = new PreDecodeInfo
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ class AluExeUnit extends Exu(Exu.aluExeUnitCfg) {
// io.out.bits.brUpdate.btbType := "b00".U
io.out.bits.brUpdate.taken := isBranch && taken
// io.out.bits.brUpdate.fetchIdx := uop.cf.brUpdate.fetchOffset >> 1.U //TODO: consider RVC
io.out.bits.brUpdate.brTag := uop.brTag
io.out.valid := valid
io.out.bits.uop <> io.in.bits.uop
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class Jump extends FunctionUnit(jmpCfg){
// io.out.bits.brUpdate.btbType := LookupTree(func, RV32I_BRUInstr.bruFuncTobtbTypeTable)
io.out.bits.brUpdate.taken := true.B
// io.out.bits.brUpdate.fetchIdx := uop.cf.brUpdate.fetchOffset >> 1.U //TODO: consider RVC
io.out.bits.brUpdate.brTag := uop.brTag
// Output
val res = pcDelaySlot
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import utils._
import xiangshan.backend.brq.BrqPtr
trait LTBParams extends HasXSParameter {
// +-----------+---------+--------------+-----------+
......@@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ class LoopEntry extends LTBBundle {
val specCnt = UInt(cntBits.W)
// the number of times loop-branch has been taken un-speculatively in a row
val nSpecCnt = UInt(cntBits.W)
// brTag of the latest not-taken/loop-exit branch
val brTag = new BrqPtr
def isLearned = conf === 7.U
def isConf = conf =/= 0.U
......@@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ class LTBColumnUpdate extends LTBBundle {
val pc = UInt(VAddrBits.W)
val meta = UInt(cntBits.W)
val taken = Bool()
val brTag = new BrqPtr
// each column/bank of Loop Termination Buffer
......@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ class LTBColumn extends LTBModule {
val ltbAddr = new TableAddr(idxLen + 4, PredictWidth)
val updateIdx = ltbAddr.getBankIdx(io.update.bits.pc)
val updateTag = ltbAddr.getTag(io.update.bits.pc)(tagLen - 1, 0)
val updateBrTag = io.update.bits.brTag
val doingReset = RegInit(true.B)
val resetIdx = RegInit(0.U(idxLen.W))
......@@ -84,29 +89,14 @@ class LTBColumn extends LTBModule {
val if3_tag = io.req.bits.tag
val if3_pc = io.req.bits.pc // only for debug
val if3_entry = WireInit(ltb(if3_idx))
// when (io.update.valid && io.update.bits.misPred) {
// when (updateIdx === if3_idx) {
// if3_entry.specCnt := 1.U
// }.otherwise {
// if3_entry.specCnt := ltb(if3_idx).nSpecCnt
// }
// }
// val if4_entry = RegEnable(if3_entry, io.req.valid)
// val if4_idx = RegEnable(if3_idx, io.req.valid)
// val if4_tag = RegEnable(if3_tag, io.req.valid)
// val if4_specCnt = Mux(io.update.valid && io.update.bits.misPred, Mux(updateIdx === if4_idx, 0.U, ltb(if4_idx).nSpecCnt), if4_entry.specCnt)
// io.resp.meta := if4_specCnt
// io.resp.exit := if4_tag === if4_entry.tag && if4_specCnt === if4_entry.tripCnt && if4_entry.isLearned
io.resp.meta := RegEnable(if3_entry.specCnt, io.req.valid)
io.resp.exit := RegNext(if3_tag === if3_entry.tag && if3_entry.specCnt === if3_entry.tripCnt && if3_entry.isConf && io.req.valid)
io.resp.meta := RegEnable(if3_entry.specCnt + 1.U, io.req.valid)
io.resp.exit := RegNext(if3_tag === if3_entry.tag && (if3_entry.specCnt + 1.U) === if3_entry.tripCnt/* && if3_entry.isConf*/ && io.req.valid)
// when resolving a branch
val updateSpecCnt = io.update.bits.meta
val entry = ltb(updateIdx)
val tagMatch = entry.tag === updateTag
val cntMatch = entry.tripCnt === updateSpecCnt
val cntMatch = entry.tripCnt === io.update.bits.meta
val wEntry = WireInit(entry)
when (io.update.valid && !doingReset) {
......@@ -119,18 +109,22 @@ class LTBColumn extends LTBModule {
wEntry.tripCnt := Fill(cntBits, 1.U(1.W))
wEntry.specCnt := 1.U
wEntry.nSpecCnt := 1.U
wEntry.brTag := updateBrTag
ltb(updateIdx) := wEntry
}.elsewhen (tagMatch) {
// During resolution, a taken branch found in the LTB has its nSpecCnt incremented by one.
when (io.update.bits.taken) {
wEntry.nSpecCnt := entry.nSpecCnt + 1.U
wEntry.specCnt := Mux(io.update.bits.misPred, entry.nSpecCnt + 1.U, entry.specCnt)
wEntry.nSpecCnt := Mux(entry.brTag.needBrFlush(updateBrTag), entry.nSpecCnt, entry.nSpecCnt + 1.U)
wEntry.specCnt := Mux(io.update.bits.misPred && !entry.brTag.needBrFlush(updateBrTag), entry.nSpecCnt + 1.U, entry.specCnt)
// A not-taken loop-branch found in the LTB during branch resolution updates its trip count and conf.
}.otherwise {
wEntry.conf := Mux(entry.nSpecCnt === entry.tripCnt, Mux(entry.isLearned, 7.U, entry.conf + 1.U), 0.U)
wEntry.tripCnt := entry.nSpecCnt + 1.U
// wEntry.conf := Mux(entry.nSpecCnt === entry.tripCnt, Mux(entry.isLearned, 7.U, entry.conf + 1.U), 0.U)
wEntry.conf := Mux(io.update.bits.misPred, 0.U, Mux(entry.isLearned, 7.U, entry.conf + 1.U))
// wEntry.tripCnt := entry.nSpecCnt + 1.U
wEntry.tripCnt := io.update.bits.meta
wEntry.specCnt := Mux(io.update.bits.misPred, 0.U, entry.specCnt - entry.nSpecCnt - 1.U)
wEntry.nSpecCnt := 0.U
wEntry.brTag := updateBrTag
ltb(updateIdx) := wEntry
......@@ -172,15 +166,19 @@ class LTBColumn extends LTBModule {
//debug info
XSDebug(doingReset, "Reseting...\n")
XSDebug("[IF3][req] v=%d pc=%x idx=%x tag=%x\n", io.req.valid, io.req.bits.pc, io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.tag)
XSDebug("[IF3][if3_entry] tag=%x conf=%d age=%d tripCnt=%d specCnt=%d nSpecCnt=%d\n", if3_entry.tag, if3_entry.conf, if3_entry.age, if3_entry.tripCnt, if3_entry.specCnt, if3_entry.nSpecCnt)
XSDebug("[IF3][if3_entry] tag=%x conf=%d age=%d tripCnt=%d specCnt=%d nSpecCnt=%d", if3_entry.tag, if3_entry.conf, if3_entry.age, if3_entry.tripCnt, if3_entry.specCnt, if3_entry.nSpecCnt)
XSDebug(false, true.B, p" brTag=${if3_entry.brTag}\n")
// XSDebug("[IF4] idx=%x tag=%x specCnt=%d\n", if4_idx, if4_tag, if4_specCnt)
// XSDebug(RegNext(io.req.valid) && if4_entry.tag === if4_tag, "[IF4][speculative update] new specCnt=%d\n",
// Mux(if4_specCnt === if4_entry.tripCnt && if4_entry.isLearned, 0.U, if4_specCnt + 1.U))
XSDebug(io.req.valid && if3_entry.tag === if3_tag, "[IF3][speculative update] new specCnt=%d\n",
Mux(if3_entry.specCnt === if3_entry.tripCnt && if3_entry.isConf, 0.U, if3_entry.specCnt + 1.U))
XSDebug("[update] v=%d misPred=%d pc=%x idx=%x tag=%x meta=%d taken=%d tagMatch=%d cntMatch=%d\n", io.update.valid, io.update.bits.misPred, io.update.bits.pc, updateIdx, updateTag, io.update.bits.meta, io.update.bits.taken, tagMatch, cntMatch)
XSDebug("[entry ] tag=%x conf=%d age=%d tripCnt=%d specCnt=%d nSpecCnt=%d\n", entry.tag, entry.conf, entry.age, entry.tripCnt, entry.specCnt, entry.nSpecCnt)
XSDebug("[wEntry] tag=%x conf=%d age=%d tripCnt=%d specCnt=%d nSpecCnt=%d\n", wEntry.tag, wEntry.conf, wEntry.age, wEntry.tripCnt, wEntry.specCnt, wEntry.nSpecCnt)
XSDebug("[update] v=%d misPred=%d pc=%x idx=%x tag=%x meta=%d taken=%d tagMatch=%d cntMatch=%d", io.update.valid, io.update.bits.misPred, io.update.bits.pc, updateIdx, updateTag, io.update.bits.meta, io.update.bits.taken, tagMatch, cntMatch)
XSDebug(false, true.B, p" brTag=${updateBrTag}\n")
XSDebug("[entry ] tag=%x conf=%d age=%d tripCnt=%d specCnt=%d nSpecCnt=%d", entry.tag, entry.conf, entry.age, entry.tripCnt, entry.specCnt, entry.nSpecCnt)
XSDebug(false, true.B, p" brTag=${entry.brTag}\n")
XSDebug("[wEntry] tag=%x conf=%d age=%d tripCnt=%d specCnt=%d nSpecCnt=%d", wEntry.tag, wEntry.conf, wEntry.age, wEntry.tripCnt, wEntry.specCnt, wEntry.nSpecCnt)
XSDebug(false, true.B, p" brTag=${wEntry.brTag}\n")
XSDebug(io.update.valid && io.update.bits.misPred || io.repair, "MisPred or repairing, all of the nSpecCnts copy their values into the specCnts\n")
......@@ -223,6 +221,7 @@ class LoopPredictor extends BasePredictor with LTBParams {
ltbs(i).io.update.bits.pc := io.update.bits.ui.pc
ltbs(i).io.update.bits.meta := io.update.bits.ui.brInfo.specCnt
ltbs(i).io.update.bits.taken := io.update.bits.ui.taken
ltbs(i).io.update.bits.brTag := io.update.bits.ui.brTag
ltbs(i).io.repair := i.U =/= ltbAddr.getBank(io.update.bits.ui.pc) && io.update.valid && io.update.bits.ui.isMisPred
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