• G
    ipcp: fix uninitialised memory access when negociating *-NBNS-Address · c3710b6b
    Guillaume Nault 提交于
    When handling the EV_WINS event, IPCP assumes that the ->wins1 and
    ->wins2 fields of the event structure are properly set. But that may
    not be the case.
    If only one of the MS-Primary-NBNS-Server or MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server
    RADIUS attributes was received, then only ->wins1 or ->wins2 is set,
    while the other keeps a non initialised value. This uninitialised value
    is then copied by ev_wins() and proposed to the peer when negociating
    the Primary-NBNS-Address or Secondary-NBNS-Address IPCP options.
    That leaks four bytes of the stack to the network and prevents using
    the values found in the [wins] section of accel-ppp.conf as fallback.
    Fix this by initialising the whole event structure in rad_proc_attrs().
    Then, in ev_wins(), we can check if ->wins1 or ->wins2 is properly set
    before copying them. That allows to propery fallback to accel-ppp.conf
    values when one of the values was not provided by RADIUS.
    Signed-off-by: NGuillaume Nault <g.nault@alphalink.fr>
ipcp_opt_wins.c 4.7 KB