提交 c3710b6b 编写于 作者: G Guillaume Nault 提交者: Dmitry Kozlov

ipcp: fix uninitialised memory access when negociating *-NBNS-Address

When handling the EV_WINS event, IPCP assumes that the ->wins1 and
->wins2 fields of the event structure are properly set. But that may
not be the case.
If only one of the MS-Primary-NBNS-Server or MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server
RADIUS attributes was received, then only ->wins1 or ->wins2 is set,
while the other keeps a non initialised value. This uninitialised value
is then copied by ev_wins() and proposed to the peer when negociating
the Primary-NBNS-Address or Secondary-NBNS-Address IPCP options.
That leaks four bytes of the stack to the network and prevents using
the values found in the [wins] section of accel-ppp.conf as fallback.

Fix this by initialising the whole event structure in rad_proc_attrs().
Then, in ev_wins(), we can check if ->wins1 or ->wins2 is properly set
before copying them. That allows to propery fallback to accel-ppp.conf
values when one of the values was not provided by RADIUS.
Signed-off-by: NGuillaume Nault <g.nault@alphalink.fr>
上级 1c40018e
......@@ -151,11 +151,15 @@ static void ev_wins(struct ev_wins_t *ev)
ppp = container_of(ev->ses, typeof(*ppp), ses);
wins_opt = container_of(ipcp_find_option(ppp, &wins1_opt_hnd), typeof(*wins_opt), opt);
wins_opt->addr = ev->wins1;
if (ev->wins1) {
wins_opt = container_of(ipcp_find_option(ppp, &wins1_opt_hnd), typeof(*wins_opt), opt);
wins_opt->addr = ev->wins1;
wins_opt = container_of(ipcp_find_option(ppp, &wins2_opt_hnd), typeof(*wins_opt), opt);
wins_opt->addr = ev->wins2;
if (ev->wins2) {
wins_opt = container_of(ipcp_find_option(ppp, &wins2_opt_hnd), typeof(*wins_opt), opt);
wins_opt->addr = ev->wins2;
static void load_config(void)
......@@ -148,14 +148,13 @@ out_err:
int rad_proc_attrs(struct rad_req_t *req)
struct ev_wins_t wins = {};
struct ev_dns_t dns = {};
struct rad_attr_t *attr;
struct ipv6db_addr_t *a;
struct ev_wins_t wins;
int res = 0;
struct radius_pd_t *rpd = req->rpd;
wins.ses = NULL;
req->rpd->acct_interim_interval = conf_acct_interim_interval;
list_for_each_entry(attr, &req->reply->attrs, entry) {
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