1. 20 11月, 2019 4 次提交
    • M
      Update logic for picking active consumer for failover subscription on... · 59cf1677
      Marvin Cai 提交于
      Update logic for picking active consumer for failover subscription on non-partitioned topic. (#4604)
      Instead of sorting the consumers based on priority level and consumer name then pick a active consumer, which could cause subscription getting into a flaky state, where the "active" consumer joins and leaves, no consumer is actually elected as "active" and consuming the messages.
      Fix logic to always pick the first consumer in the consumer list without sorting consumers. So consumers will be picked as acive consumer based on the order of their subscription.
      (cherry picked from commit 22f1d7d1)
    • X
      Release 2.4.2 · fed52520
      xiaolong.ran 提交于
    • J
      expose getLastMessageId method in ConsumerImpl (#4911) · d4e953fb
      Jia Zhai 提交于
      Fixes #4909
      ### Motivation
      It would be good to expose method `getLastMessageId` in `ConsumerImpl` to a public method. 
      eg. some times user would like to know the lag messages; or only consume messages before current time.
      ### Modifications
      - expose method `getLastMessageId` in consumer api.
      - add unit test.
      ### Verifying this change
      Ut passed
      (cherry picked from commit 93d95c74)
    • X
      Format code for branch-2.4.2 · c4140688
      xiaolong.ran 提交于
      Signed-off-by: Nxiaolong.ran <ranxiaolong716@gmail.com>
  2. 19 11月, 2019 36 次提交