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Refine committer.md (#6890)

上级 edc154c4
# Apache SkyWalking committer
SkyWalking Project Management Committee(PMC) takes the responsibilities to assess the contributions of candidates.
SkyWalking Project Management Committee (PMC) is responsible for assessing the contributions of candidates.
In the SkyWalking, like many Apache projects, we treat contributions including, but not limited to, code contributions.
Such as writing blog, guiding new users, give public speak, prompting project in various ways, are all treated as significant
Like many Apache projects, SkyWalking welcome all contributions, including code contributions, blog entries, guides for new users, public speeches, and enhancement of the project in various ways.
## Committer
### New committer nomination
In the SkyWalking, **new committer nomination** could only be started by existing PMC members officially. The new contributor
could contact any existing PMC member if he/she feels he/she is qualified. Talk with the PMC member, if some members agree,
they could start the process.
The following steps are recommended, and could only be started by existing PMC member.
1. Send the `[DISCUSS] Promote xxx as new committer` mail to `private@skywalking.a.o`. List the important contributions of the candidates,
in order to help the PMC members supporting your proposal.
1. Keep discussion open in more than 3 days, but not more than 1 week, unless there is any explicit objection or concern.
1. Send the `[VOTE] Promote xxx as new committer` mail to `private@skywalking.a.o`, when the PMC seems to agree the proposal.
1. Keep vote more than 3 days, but not more than 1 week. Consider the result as `Consensus Approval` if there 3 +1 votes and
+1 votes > -1 votes
1. Send the `[RESULT][VOTE] Promote xxx as new committer` mail to `private@skywalking.a.o`, and list the vote detail including
the voters.
In SkyWalking, **new committer nomination** could only be officially started by existing PMC members. If a new committer feels that he/she is qualified, he/she should contact any existing PMC member and discuss. If this is agreed among some members of the PMC, the process will kick off.
The following steps are recommended (to be initiated only by an existing PMC member):
1. Send a mail titled `[DISCUSS] Promote xxx as new committer` to `private@skywalking.a.o`. List the important contributions of the candidate,
so you could gather support from other PMC members for your proposal.
1. Keep the discussion open for more than 3 days but no more than 1 week, unless there is any express objection or concern.
1. If the PMC generally agrees to the proposal, send a mail titled `[VOTE] Promote xxx as new committer` to `private@skywalking.a.o`.
1. Keep the voting process open for more than 3 days, but no more than 1 week. Consider the result as `Consensus Approval` if there are three +1 votes and
+1 votes > -1 votes.
1. Send a mail titled `[RESULT][VOTE] Promote xxx as new committer` to `private@skywalking.a.o`, and list the voting details, including who the voters are.
### Invite new committer
The PMC member, who start the promotion, takes the responsibilities to send the invitation to new committer and guide him/her to set
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