1. 29 10月, 2020 3 次提交
  2. 27 10月, 2020 1 次提交
  3. 26 10月, 2020 7 次提交
  4. 25 10月, 2020 5 次提交
  5. 24 10月, 2020 8 次提交
    • N
      Forecast (#3219) · 12c69800
      Nandiya 提交于
      * add forecasting code
      * add statsmodel
      * sort import
      * sort import fix
      * fixing black
      * sort requirement
      * optimize code
      * try with limited data
      * sort again
      * sort fix
      * sort fix
      * delete warning and black
      * add code for forecasting
      * use black
      * add more hints to describe
      * add doctest
      * finding whitespace
      * fixing doctest
      * delete
      * revert back
      * revert back
      * revert back again
      * revert back again
      * revert back again
      * try trimming whitespace
      * try adding doctypeand etc
      * fixing reviews
      * deleting all the space
      * fixing the build
      * delete x
      * add description for safety checker
      * deleting subscription integer
      * fix docthint
      * make def to use function parameters and return values
      * make def to use function parameters and return values
      * type hints on data safety checker
      * optimize code
      * Update run.py
      Co-authored-by: NFVFYK3GEHV22 <fvfyk3gehv22@FVFYK3GEHV22s-MacBook-Pro.local>
      Co-authored-by: NChristian Clauss <cclauss@me.com>
    • D
      Move validate_solutions and add durations flag to pytest.ini (#3704) · b97529dd
      Dhruv Manilawala 提交于
      * Move PE validate_solutions to scripts/ directory
      * Update pytest.ini file with durations settings
      * Remove codespell and autoblack workflow file
      * Dependent changes to test config files
      * Update pytest.ini
    • ishellhub's avatar
      Update LinkedQueue (#3683) · 1cd8e685
      ishellhub 提交于
      * update LinkedQueue
      * add type hint and rename
    • F
      Add solution for Project Euler problem 38. (#3115) · 409438d2
      fpringle 提交于
      * Added solution for Project Euler problem 38. Fixes: #2695
      * Update docstring and 0-padding in directory name. Reference: #3256
      * Renamed is_9_palindromic to is_9_pandigital.
      * Changed just-in-case return value for solution() to None.
      * Moved exmplanation to module-level docstring and deleted unnecessary import
    • P
      Add Project Euler 65 Solution (#3035) · 20260d2b
      Peter Yao 提交于
      * Add solution for Project Euler 65,
      * Add URL to problem 65 and don't pass in parameter to solution()
      * Remove solution() tests
      * Add tests for solution(), add fstring and positional arg for solution
      * Rename directory and problem number to 065
      * Remove directory
      * Move up explanation to module code block
      * Move solution() below helper function, rename variables
    • H
      Fix coin change (#2571) · 46af42d4
      Himadri Ganguly 提交于
      * Removed unused variable m.
      * Doctests are modified to match functions.
      * Added condition for negative values.
      * Fixed white-space around operator.
      * Fixed W293 blank line contains white-space error.
      * Update dynamic_programming/coin_change.py
      Co-authored-by: NTapajyoti Bose <44058757+ruppysuppy@users.noreply.github.com>
      * Fixed error in code.
      * Fixed whited spacing.
      * Fixed PEP8 error.
      * Added more test cases for coin change problem.
      * Removed extra test for negetive value.
      Co-authored-by: NTapajyoti Bose <44058757+ruppysuppy@users.noreply.github.com>
    • R
      Improved and shortened prime_check.py (#3454) · 04fae4db
      Rolv Apneseth 提交于
      * Made small improvements and shortened prime_check.py
      * improved descriptions on tests in prime_check.py
      * Ran black and isort
    • ishellhub's avatar
      Update Linked Stack (#3625) · c2b7acdf
      ishellhub 提交于
      * update linked_stack
      * remove properties
      * updating DIRECTORY.md
      Co-authored-by: Ngithub-actions <${GITHUB_ACTOR}@users.noreply.github.com>
  6. 21 10月, 2020 2 次提交
  7. 20 10月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Median of Two Arrays (#3554) · 74233022
      anneCoder1805 提交于
      * Create medianOf TwoArrays.py
      This code finds the median of two arrays (which may or may not be sorted initially).
      Enter elements of an array: 1 5 4 2
      Enter elements of another array: 1 7 4 2 7
      The median of two arrays is :  4
      * Rename medianOf TwoArrays.py to median_of _two_arrays.py
      * Rename median_of _two_arrays.py to median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
      * Update median_of_two_arrays.py
  8. 19 10月, 2020 4 次提交
  9. 18 10月, 2020 2 次提交
  10. 17 10月, 2020 7 次提交