1. 18 12月, 2020 2 次提交
  2. 17 12月, 2020 10 次提交
  3. 16 12月, 2020 1 次提交
  4. 14 12月, 2020 2 次提交
  5. 13 12月, 2020 6 次提交
  6. 12 12月, 2020 6 次提交
  7. 11 12月, 2020 7 次提交
  8. 10 12月, 2020 6 次提交
    • H
      avcodec: set AV_CODEC_CAP_CHANNEL_CONF on decoders which set their own channels · 494f868e
      Hendrik Leppkes 提交于
      The decoders in this set either have a fixed channel count, or read it
      from the bitstream, and thus do not require the channel count as
      external information.
      Fixes various regressions since
      81503ac5, which requires a valid channel
      count for decoders which do not set this capability.
      Signed-off-by: NHendrik Leppkes <h.leppkes@gmail.com>
    • J
    • Z
      avformat/mov: remove an always true condition · 345d04e8
      Zhao Zhili 提交于
    • A
      smvjpegdec: merge into mjpegdec · 19ce0642
      Anton Khirnov 提交于
      SMVJPEG stores frames as slices of a big JPEG image. The decoder is
      implemented as a wrapper that instantiates a full internal MJPEG
      decoder, then forwards the decoded frames with offset data pointers.
      This is unnecessarily complex and fragile, not supporting useful decoder
      capabilities like direct rendering.
      Re-implement the decoder inside the MJPEG decoder, which is accomplished
      by returning each decoded frame multiple times, setting cropping
      information appropriately on each instance.
      One peculiar aspect of the previous design is that since
      - the smvjpeg decoder returns one frame per input packet
      - there are multiple frames in each packets (the aformentioned slices)
      the demuxer needs to return each packet multiple times.
      This is now also eliminated - the demuxer now returns each packet
      exactly once, with the duration set to the number of frames it decodes
      This also removes one of the last remaining internal uses of the old
      video decoding API.
    • A
      mjpegdec: convert to receive_frame() · e9a2a877
      Anton Khirnov 提交于
      This will be useful in the following commit.
    • A
      tests: stop using -vsync drop · 36237ac4
      Anton Khirnov 提交于
      It depends on the muxer generating the timestamps, which is deprecated
      and scheduled for removal on next bump.
      A bunch of tests change timestamps, because of ffmpeg.c is not
      generating them correctly. This should be fixed later.