提交 4feffba8 编写于 作者: Y Yongxue Hong

eject_media: Support luks format

The filename is json format if the image format is luks.
Signed-off-by: NYongxue Hong <yhong@redhat.com>
上级 14ed79d5
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from virttest import error_context
from provider.cdrom import QMPEventCheckCDEject, QMPEventCheckCDChange
from virttest import data_dir
from virttest.qemu_capabilities import Flags
from virttest.qemu_storage import QemuImg
from virttest.qemu_storage import QemuImg, get_image_json
......@@ -109,8 +109,13 @@ def run(test, params, env):
p_dict = {"removable": False}
device_name = vm.get_block(p_dict)
if vm.check_capability(Flags.BLOCKDEV):
sys_image = QemuImg(params, data_dir.get_data_dir(), params['images'].split()[0])
device_name = vm.get_block({"filename": sys_image.image_filename})
img_tag = params['images'].split()[0]
root_dir = data_dir.get_data_dir()
sys_image = QemuImg(params, root_dir, img_tag)
filename = sys_image.image_filename
if sys_image.image_format == 'luks':
filename = get_image_json(img_tag, params, root_dir)
device_name = vm.get_block({"filename": filename})
if device_name is None:
test.error("Could not find non-removable device")
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