提交 d5bcea8e 编写于 作者: X Xiaoling Gao

qemu_guest_agent: add case of gagnet_check_guest_exec

Execute a command in the guest via guest-exec cmd,
and check status of this process.
Signed-off-by: NXiaoling Gao <xiagao@redhat.com>
上级 b083b8e9
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
gagent_stop_cmd = "systemctl stop qemu-guest-agent.service"
gagent_status_cmd = "systemctl status qemu-guest-agent.service"
gagent_pkg_check_cmd = "rpm -q qemu-guest-agent"
black_list_change_cmd = "sed -i 's/%s//g' /etc/sysconfig/qemu-ga"
black_list_check_cmd = "grep -nr 'BLACKLIST_RPC=.*%s' /etc/sysconfig/qemu-ga"
gagent_src_type = url
cdroms += " virtio"
......@@ -149,8 +151,7 @@
- check_guest_file:
file_path = "/tmp/"
cmd_read = "cat"
cmd_change_black = "sed -i 's/guest-file-[a-zA-Z]*,//g' /etc/sysconfig/qemu-ga"
cmd_verify = "grep -nr 'BLACKLIST_RPC=.*guest-file' /etc/sysconfig/qemu-ga"
black_list = "guest-file-[a-zA-Z]*"
cmd_del = "rm -rf"
file_path = "C:\"
......@@ -163,6 +164,15 @@
gagent_check_type = file_write
- with_fsfreeze:
gagent_check_type = with_fsfreeze
- check_guest_exec:
gagent_check_type = guest_exec
black_list = "guest-exec guest-exec-status"
guest_cmd = "echo"
guest_cmd_args = "This is a test."
guest_cmd_timeout = 60
guest_cmd = "ping"
guest_cmd_args = "www.redhat.com -n 2"
- check_thaw_unfrozen:
gagent_check_type = thaw_unfrozen
- check_freeze_frozen:
......@@ -820,22 +820,20 @@ class QemuGuestAgentBasicCheck(QemuGuestAgentTest):
def _change_bl(self, session):
As file related cmd is in blacklist by default,so need to change.
Some cmds are in blacklist by default,so need to change.
Now only linux guest has this behavior,but still leave interface
for windows guest.
if self.params.get("os_type") == "linux":
output = session.cmd_output(self.params["cmd_verify"])
if output == "":
logging.info("Guest-file related cmds are already "
"in white list.")
output = session.cmd_output(self.params["cmd_verify"])
if not output == "":
self.test.fail("Failed to change guest-file related cmd to "
"white list, the output is %s" % output)
black_list = self.params["black_list"]
for black_cmd in black_list.split():
bl_check_cmd = self.params["black_list_check_cmd"] % black_cmd
bl_change_cmd = self.params["black_list_change_cmd"] % black_cmd
output = session.cmd_output(bl_check_cmd)
if not output == "":
self.test.fail("Failed to change the cmd to "
"white list, the output is %s" % output)
s, o = session.cmd_status_output(self.params["gagent_restart_cmd"])
if s:
......@@ -1026,6 +1024,126 @@ class QemuGuestAgentBasicCheck(QemuGuestAgentTest):
cmd_del_file = "%s %s" % (params["cmd_del"], tmp_file)
def gagent_check_guest_exec(self, test, params, env):
Execute a command in the guest via guest-exec cmd,
and check status of this process.
1) Change guest-exec related cmd to white list,linux guest only.
2) Execute guest cmd and get the output.
3) Check the cmd's result and output from return.
4) Execute guest cmd and no need to get the output.
5) Check the cmd's result from return.
6) Issue an invalid guest cmd.
7) Check the return result.
8) Execute guest cmd with wrong args.
9) Check the return result.
:param test: kvm test object
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
def _guest_cmd_run(guest_cmd, cmd_args=None, env_qga=None,
input=None, capture_output=None):
Execute guest-exec cmd and get the result in timeout.
:param guest_cmd: path or executable name to execute
:param cmd_args: argument list to pass to executable
:param env_qga: environment variables to pass to executable
:param input: data to be passed to process stdin (base64 encoded)
:param capture_output: bool flag to enable capture of stdout/stderr
of running process,defaults to false.
:return: result of guest-exec cmd
# change cmd_args to be a list needed by guest-exec.
if cmd_args:
cmd_args = cmd_args.split()
ret = self.gagent.guest_exec(path=guest_cmd, arg=cmd_args,
env=env_qga, input_data=input,
result = self.gagent.guest_exec_status(ret["pid"])
if "exited" not in result:
test.fail("The result of guest-exec is not correct.")
end_time = time.time() + float(params["guest_cmd_timeout"])
while time.time() < end_time:
result = self.gagent.guest_exec_status(ret["pid"])
if result["exited"]:
logging.info("Guest cmd is finished.")
if not result["exited"]:
test.error("Guest cmd is still running, pls login guest to"
" handle it or extend your timeout.")
# check the exitcode and output/error data result
if result["exitcode"] == 0:
if "out-data" in result:
out_data = base64.b64decode(result["out-data"]).decode()
logging.info("The guest cmd is executed successfully,"
"the output is: \n %s." % out_data)
elif "err-data" in result:
test.fail("When exitcode is 0, should not get error data.")
if "out-data" in result:
test.fail("When exitcode is 1, should not get output data.")
elif "err-data" in result:
err_data = base64.b64decode(result["err-data"]).decode()
logging.info("The guest cmd failed,"
"the error info is: \n %s" % err_data)
return result
session = self._get_session(params, self.vm)
error_context.context("Change guest-exec related cmd to white list.",
guest_cmd = params["guest_cmd"]
guest_cmd_args = params["guest_cmd_args"]
error_context.context("Execute guest cmd and get the output.",
result = _guest_cmd_run(guest_cmd=guest_cmd, cmd_args=guest_cmd_args,
if "out-data" not in result and "err-data" not in result:
test.fail("There is no output in result.")
error_context.context("Execute guest cmd and no need to get the output.",
result = _guest_cmd_run(guest_cmd=guest_cmd, cmd_args=guest_cmd_args)
if "out-data" in result or "err-data" in result:
test.fail("There is output in result which is not expected.")
error_context.context("Invalid guest cmd test.", logging.info)
except guest_agent.VAgentCmdError as detail:
if not re.search('Failed to execute child process', str(detail)):
test.fail("This is not the desired information: ('%s')"
% str(detail))
test.fail("Should not success for invalid cmd.")
error_context.context("Execute guest cmd with wrong args.", logging.info)
if params.get("os_type") == "linux":
guest_cmd = "cd"
guest_cmd_args = "/tmp/qga_empty_dir"
guest_cmd = "ping"
guest_cmd_args = "invalid-address"
result = _guest_cmd_run(guest_cmd=guest_cmd, cmd_args=guest_cmd_args,
if result["exitcode"] == 0:
test.fail("The cmd should be failed with wrong args.")
def _action_before_fsfreeze(self, *args):
session = self._get_session(self.params, None)
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