提交 8ebd3230 编写于 作者: P Péter Gál 提交者: Robert Fancsik

Make sure that snapshot API return values are the same as in the docs (#2997)

The snapshot API docs describe that those functions returns error if
the related features are not enabled. Updated the return values to follow
the API documentation.

JerryScript-DCO-1.0-Signed-off-by: Peter Gal pgal.u-szeged@partner.samsung.com
上级 1409a68d
......@@ -6505,8 +6505,12 @@ main (void)
Generate snapshot from the specified source code.
*Note*: Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- This API depends on a build option (`JERRY_SNAPSHOT_SAVE`) and can be checked in runtime with
the `JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE` feature enum value, see [jerry_is_feature_enabled](#jerry_is_feature_enabled).
If the feature is not enabled the function will return an error.
......@@ -6560,7 +6564,11 @@ main (void)
sizeof (global_mode_snapshot_buffer) / sizeof (uint32_t));
size_t snapshot_size = (size_t) jerry_get_number_value (generate_result);
if (!jerry_value_is_error (generate_result))
size_t snapshot_size = (size_t) jerry_get_number_value (generate_result);
jerry_release_value (generate_result);
jerry_cleanup ();
......@@ -6586,8 +6594,12 @@ with the given arguments.
The function arguments and function body are
passed as separated arguments.
*Note*: Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- This API depends on a build option (`JERRY_SNAPSHOT_SAVE`) and can be checked in runtime with
the `JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE` feature enum value, see [jerry_is_feature_enabled](#jerry_is_feature_enabled).
If the feature is not enabled the function will return an error.
......@@ -6648,7 +6660,11 @@ main (void)
sizeof (func_snapshot_buffer) / sizeof (uint32_t));
size_t snapshot_size = (size_t) jerry_get_number_value (generate_result);
if (!jerry_value_is_error (generate_result))
size_t snapshot_size = (size_t) jerry_get_number_value (generate_result);
jerry_release_value (generate_result);
jerry_cleanup ();
......@@ -6670,8 +6686,12 @@ main (void)
Execute snapshot from the specified buffer.
*Note*: Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- This API depends on a build option (`JERRY_SNAPSHOT_EXEC`) and can be checked in runtime with
the `JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_EXEC` feature enum value, see [jerry_is_feature_enabled](#jerry_is_feature_enabled).
If the feature is not enabled the function will return an error.
......@@ -6683,13 +6703,13 @@ jerry_exec_snapshot (const uint32_t *snapshot_p,
uint32_t exec_snapshot_opts);
- `snapshot_p` - pointer to snapshot
- `snapshot_size` - size of snapshot in bytes
- `func_index` - index of executed function
- `snapshot_p` - pointer to snapshot.
- `snapshot_size` - size of snapshot in bytes.
- `func_index` - index of executed function.
- `exec_snapshot_opts` - any combination of [jerry_exec_snapshot_opts_t](#jerry_exec_snapshot_opts_t) flags.
- return value
- result of bytecode, if run was successful
- thrown error, otherwise
- result of bytecode, if run was successful.
- thrown error, otherwise (an error is reported if the snapshot execution feature is not enabled).
*Changed in version 2.0*: Added `func_index` and `exec_snapshot_opts` arguments. Removed the `copy_bytecode` last argument.
......@@ -6716,6 +6736,7 @@ main (void)
sizeof (global_mode_snapshot_buffer) / sizeof (uint32_t));
// generate_result should be checked if it is an error or not
size_t global_mode_snapshot_size = (size_t) jerry_get_number_value (generate_result);
jerry_release_value (generate_result);
......@@ -6728,6 +6749,9 @@ main (void)
// check the `res` value for error and process the result.
jerry_release_value (res);
jerry_cleanup ();
......@@ -6750,8 +6774,12 @@ Load the selected snapshot function from the specified buffer as a function obje
The lexical environment of the loaded function is always the global lexical environment.
*Note*: Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- Returned value must be freed with [jerry_release_value](#jerry_release_value) when it
is no longer needed.
- This API depends on a build option (`JERRY_SNAPSHOT_EXEC`) and can be checked in runtime with
the `JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_EXEC` feature enum value, see [jerry_is_feature_enabled](#jerry_is_feature_enabled).
If the feature is not enabled the function will return an error.
......@@ -6846,6 +6874,11 @@ main (void)
Collect the used literals from the given snapshot and save them into a buffer in list or C format.
None of these literals are magic strings. In C format only valid identifiers are collected.
- This API depends on a build option (`JERRY_SNAPSHOT_SAVE`) and can be checked in runtime with
the `JERRY_FEATURE_SNAPSHOT_SAVE` feature enum value, see [jerry_is_feature_enabled](#jerry_is_feature_enabled).
If the feature is not enabled the function will return zero.
......@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ jerry_generate_snapshot (const jerry_char_t *resource_name_p, /**< script resour
JERRY_UNUSED (buffer_p);
JERRY_UNUSED (buffer_size);
return 0;
return jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (const jerry_char_t *) "Snapshot save is not supported.");
} /* jerry_generate_snapshot */
......@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ jerry_exec_snapshot (const uint32_t *snapshot_p, /**< snapshot */
JERRY_UNUSED (func_index);
JERRY_UNUSED (exec_snapshot_opts);
return jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (const jerry_char_t *) "Snapshot execution is not supported.");
} /* jerry_exec_snapshot */
......@@ -1831,7 +1831,7 @@ jerry_generate_function_snapshot (const jerry_char_t *resource_name_p, /**< scri
JERRY_UNUSED (buffer_p);
JERRY_UNUSED (buffer_size);
return 0;
return jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (const jerry_char_t *) "Snapshot save is not supported.");
} /* jerry_generate_function_snapshot */
......@@ -1858,6 +1858,6 @@ jerry_load_function_snapshot (const uint32_t *function_snapshot_p, /**< snapshot
JERRY_UNUSED (func_index);
JERRY_UNUSED (exec_snapshot_opts);
return jerry_create_error (JERRY_ERROR_COMMON, (const jerry_char_t *) "Snapshot execution is not supported.");
} /* jerry_load_function_snapshot */
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