提交 2da0c119 编写于 作者: U Ulf Möller

Support assembler for Mingw32.

上级 a4709b3d
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
Changes between 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 [XX XXX 2000]
*) Assembler module support for Mingw32.
[Ulf Möller]
*) Shared library support for HPUX (in shlib/).
[Lutz Jaenicke <Lutz.Jaenicke@aet.TU-Cottbus.DE> and Anonymous]
......@@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ TEST="false"
for i
case "$i" in
# shared library support (behnke@trustcenter.de)
-shared) SHARED=true;;
-d*) PREFIX="debug-";;
-t*) TEST="true";;
-h*) TEST="true"; cat <<EOF
......@@ -476,6 +478,16 @@ then
options="$options -DATALLA"
#get some basic shared lib support (behnke@trustcenter.de)
case "$OUT" in
if [ "$SHARED" = "true" ]
options="$options -DPIC -fPIC"
# gcc < 2.8 does not support -mcpu=ultrasparc
if [ "$OUT" = solaris-sparcv9-gcc -a $GCCVER -lt 28 ]
......@@ -18,11 +18,13 @@ sub main'asm_init
if ( ($type eq "elf"))
{ require "x86unix.pl"; }
elsif ( ($type eq "a.out"))
{ $aout=1; require "x86unix.pl"; }
elsif ( ($type eq "gaswin"))
{ $gaswin=1; $aout=1; require "x86unix.pl"; }
elsif ( ($type eq "sol"))
{ $sol=1; require "x86unix.pl"; }
elsif ( ($type eq "cpp"))
......@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ EOF
&comment("Don't even think of reading this code");
&comment("It was automatically generated by $filename");
&comment("Which is a perl program used to generate the x86 assember for");
&comment("any of elf, a.out, BSDI,Win32, or Solaris");
&comment("any of elf, a.out, BSDI, Win32, gaswin (for GNU as on Win32) or Solaris");
&comment("eric <eay\@cryptsoft.com>");
......@@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ EOF
if ($main'cpp)
{ $tmp=push(@out,"\tTYPE($func,\@function)\n"); }
elsif ($main'gaswin)
{ $tmp=push(@out,"\t.def\t$func;\t.scl\t2;\t.type\t32;\t.endef\n"); }
else { $tmp=push(@out,"\t.type\t$func,\@function\n"); }
......@@ -320,6 +322,8 @@ EOF
if ($main'cpp)
{ push(@out,"\tTYPE($func,\@function)\n"); }
elsif ($main'gaswin)
{ $tmp=push(@out,"\t.def\t$func;\t.scl\t2;\t.type\t32;\t.endef\n"); }
else { push(@out,"\t.type $func,\@function\n"); }
......@@ -342,6 +346,8 @@ EOF
if ($main'cpp)
{ push(@out,"\tSIZE($func,.${func}_end-$func)\n"); }
elsif ($main'gaswin)
{ $tmp=push(@out,"\t.align 4\n"); }
else { push(@out,"\t.size\t$func,.${func}_end-$func\n"); }
push(@out,".ident \"$func\"\n");
......@@ -371,6 +377,8 @@ sub main'function_end_B
if ($main'cpp)
{ push(@out,"\tSIZE($func,.L_${func}_end-$func)\n"); }
elsif ($main'gaswin)
{ push(@out,"\t.align 4\n"); }
else { push(@out,"\t.size\t$func,.L_${func}_end-$func\n"); }
push(@out,".ident \"desasm.pl\"\n");
@rem OpenSSL with Mingw32+GNU as
@rem ---------------------------
perl Configure Mingw32 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
@echo off
echo Generating x86 for GNU assember
echo Bignum
cd crypto\bn\asm
perl x86.pl gaswin > bn-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo DES
cd crypto\des\asm
perl des-586.pl gaswin > d-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo crypt
cd crypto\des\asm
perl crypt586.pl gaswin > y-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo Blowfish
cd crypto\bf\asm
perl bf-586.pl gaswin > b-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo CAST5
cd crypto\cast\asm
perl cast-586.pl gaswin > c-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo RC4
cd crypto\rc4\asm
perl rc4-586.pl gaswin > r4-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo MD5
cd crypto\md5\asm
perl md5-586.pl gaswin > m5-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo SHA1
cd crypto\sha\asm
perl sha1-586.pl gaswin > s1-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo RIPEMD160
cd crypto\ripemd\asm
perl rmd-586.pl gaswin > rm-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
echo RC5\32
cd crypto\rc5\asm
perl rc5-586.pl gaswin > r5-win32.s
cd ..\..\..
@rem Makefile
perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
perl util\mk1mf.pl gaswin Mingw32 >ms\mingw32a.mak
perl util\mk1mf.pl gaswin Mingw32-files >ms\mingw32f.mak
@rem DLL definition files
perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay >ms\libeay32.def
if errorlevel 1 goto end
perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay >ms\ssleay32.def
if errorlevel 1 goto end
@rem Create files -- this can be skipped if using the GNU file utilities
make -f ms/mingw32f.mak
echo You can ignore the error messages above
@rem Build the libraries
make -f ms/mingw32a.mak
if errorlevel 1 goto end
@rem Generate the DLLs and input libraries
dllwrap --dllname libeay32.dll --output-lib out/libeay32.a --def ms/libeay32.def out/libcrypto.a -lwsock32 -lgdi32
if errorlevel 1 goto end
dllwrap --dllname libssl32.dll --output-lib out/libssl32.a --def ms/ssleay32.def out/libssl.a out/libeay32.a
if errorlevel 1 goto end
echo Done compiling OpenSSL
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ and [options] can be one of
just-ssl - remove all non-ssl keys/digest
no-asm - No x86 asm
nasm - Use NASM for x86 asm
gaswin - Use GNU as with Mingw32
no-socks - No socket code
no-err - No error strings
dll/shlib - Build shared libraries (MS)
......@@ -850,6 +851,7 @@ sub read_options
elsif (/^no-hmac$/) { $no_hmac=1; }
elsif (/^no-asm$/) { $no_asm=1; }
elsif (/^nasm$/) { $nasm=1; }
elsif (/^gaswin$/) { $gaswin=1; }
elsif (/^no-ssl2$/) { $no_ssl2=1; }
elsif (/^no-ssl3$/) { $no_ssl3=1; }
elsif (/^no-err$/) { $no_err=1; }
......@@ -21,6 +21,30 @@ if ($debug)
{ $cflags="-DL_ENDIAN -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -m486 -Wall"; }
if ($gaswin and !$no_asm)
$des_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/d-win32.o $(OBJ_D)/y-win32.o';
$des_enc_src='crypto/des/asm/d-win32.s crypto/des/asm/y-win32.s';
# $cast_enc_obj='$(OBJ_D)/c-win32.o';
# $cast_enc_src='crypto/cast/asm/c-win32.s';
$cflags.=" -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM";
$ofile='-o ';
......@@ -76,4 +100,3 @@ sub do_link_rule
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