提交 92f7ebcb 编写于 作者: L Lucas Meijer

implement mono_set_assemblies_path for platforms that cannot set MONO_PATH environment variable.

上级 122fb8dd
......@@ -201,26 +201,14 @@ mono_public_tokens_are_equal (const unsigned char *pubt1, const unsigned char *p
return memcmp (pubt1, pubt2, 16) == 0;
/* Native Client can't get this info from an environment variable so */
/* it's passed in to the runtime, or set manually by embedding code. */
#ifdef __native_client__
char* nacl_mono_path = NULL;
static void
check_path_env (void)
* Explicitly sets path to look for assemblies, useful for platforms that do not support environment variables.
mono_set_assemblies_path (const char* path)
const char *path;
char **splitted, **dest;
#ifdef __native_client__
path = nacl_mono_path;
path = g_getenv ("MONO_PATH");
if (!path)
splitted = g_strsplit (path, G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, 1000);
if (assemblies_path)
g_strfreev (assemblies_path);
......@@ -244,6 +232,27 @@ check_path_env (void)
/* Native Client can't get this info from an environment variable so */
/* it's passed in to the runtime, or set manually by embedding code. */
#ifdef __native_client__
char* nacl_mono_path = NULL;
static void
check_path_env (void)
const char* path;
#ifdef __native_client__
path = nacl_mono_path;
path = g_getenv ("MONO_PATH");
if (!path || assemblies_path != NULL)
static void
check_extra_gac_path_env (void) {
const char *path;
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