提交 e55ec66b 编写于 作者: A Alex Thibodeau 提交者: ramanbs-rythmos

Remove hack from mono_free_method. Bypassing cleanup here was causing...

Remove hack from mono_free_method. Bypassing cleanup here was causing corruption to persist in mscorlib's method hashtable when a rehash occurred.  Unity profiler may need changes to avoid possessing dangling pointers. Same with the mono profiler (as the comment indicates)
上级 5bde15d8
......@@ -1976,10 +1976,6 @@ mono_free_method (MonoMethod *method)
MONO_PROFILER_RAISE (method_free, (method));
/* FIXME: This hack will go away when the profiler will support freeing methods */
if (G_UNLIKELY (mono_profiler_installed ()))
if (method->signature) {
* FIXME: This causes crashes because the types inside signatures and
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