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Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
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Michael Grunder 已提交
**This Readme reflects the latest changed in the master branch. See [v0.14.1]( for the Readme and documentation for the latest release ([API/ABI history](**

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the [Redis]( database.
antirez 已提交
8 9

It is minimalistic because it just adds minimal support for the protocol, but
Mohnish Thallavajhula 已提交
at the same time it uses a high level printf-alike API in order to make it
antirez 已提交
11 12 13
much higher level than otherwise suggested by its minimal code base and the
lack of explicit bindings for every Redis command.

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
14 15 16 17
Apart from supporting sending commands and receiving replies, it comes with
a reply parser that is decoupled from the I/O layer. It
is a stream parser designed for easy reusability, which can for instance be used
in higher level language bindings for efficient reply parsing.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
19 20
Hiredis only supports the binary-safe Redis protocol, so you can use it with any
Redis version >= 1.2.0.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
22 23
The library comes with multiple APIs. There is the
*synchronous API*, the *asynchronous API* and the *reply parsing API*.
antirez 已提交

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
## Upgrading to `1.0.0`

Version 1.0.0 marks a stable release of hiredis.
It includes some minor breaking changes, mostly to make the exposed API more uniform and self-explanatory.
It also bundles the updated `sds` library, to sync up with upstream and Redis.
For most applications a recompile against the new hiredis should be enough.
For code changes see the [Changelog](

## Upgrading from `<0.9.0`
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
34 35 36 37 38 39

Version 0.9.0 is a major overhaul of hiredis in every aspect. However, upgrading existing
code using hiredis should not be a big pain. The key thing to keep in mind when
upgrading is that hiredis >= 0.9.0 uses a `redisContext*` to keep state, in contrast to
the stateless 0.0.1 that only has a file descriptor to work with.

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
## Synchronous API
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
To consume the synchronous API, there are only a few function calls that need to be introduced:
antirez 已提交

44 45 46 47 48
redisContext *redisConnect(const char *ip, int port);
void *redisCommand(redisContext *c, const char *format, ...);
void freeReplyObject(void *reply);
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
### Connecting
antirez 已提交

52 53
The function `redisConnect` is used to create a so-called `redisContext`. The
context is where Hiredis holds state for a connection. The `redisContext`
Chris Williams 已提交
struct has an integer `err` field that is non-zero when the connection is in
an error state. The field `errstr` will contain a string with a description of
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
56 57
the error. More information on errors can be found in the **Errors** section.
After trying to connect to Redis using `redisConnect` you should
check the `err` field to see if establishing the connection was successful:
59 60
redisContext *c = redisConnect("", 6379);
Jan-Erik Rediger 已提交
61 62 63 64 65 66 67
if (c == NULL || c->err) {
    if (c) {
        printf("Error: %s\n", c->errstr);
        // handle error
    } else {
        printf("Can't allocate redis context\n");
68 69
antirez 已提交

71 72
*Note: A `redisContext` is not thread-safe.*

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
### Sending commands
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
75 76 77
There are several ways to issue commands to Redis. The first that will be introduced is
`redisCommand`. This function takes a format similar to printf. In the simplest form,
it is used like this:
78 79 80
reply = redisCommand(context, "SET foo bar");
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
82 83
The specifier `%s` interpolates a string in the command, and uses `strlen` to
determine the length of the string:
84 85 86
reply = redisCommand(context, "SET foo %s", value);
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
87 88 89
When you need to pass binary safe strings in a command, the `%b` specifier can be
used. Together with a pointer to the string, it requires a `size_t` length argument
of the string:
90 91 92
reply = redisCommand(context, "SET foo %b", value, (size_t) valuelen);
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
93 94 95 96
Internally, Hiredis splits the command in different arguments and will
convert it to the protocol used to communicate with Redis.
One or more spaces separates arguments, so you can use the specifiers
anywhere in an argument:
97 98 99
reply = redisCommand(context, "SET key:%s %s", myid, value);
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
### Using replies
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
The return value of `redisCommand` holds a reply when the command was
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
104 105
successfully executed. When an error occurs, the return value is `NULL` and
the `err` field in the context will be set (see section on **Errors**).
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
106 107
Once an error is returned the context cannot be reused and you should set up
a new connection.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
109 110 111
The standard replies that `redisCommand` are of the type `redisReply`. The
`type` field in the `redisReply` should be used to test what kind of reply
was received:
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
114 115
    * The command replied with a status reply. The status string can be accessed using `reply->str`.
      The length of this string can be accessed using `reply->len`.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
    *  The command replied with an error. The error string can be accessed identical to `REDIS_REPLY_STATUS`.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
121 122
    * The command replied with an integer. The integer value can be accessed using the
      `reply->integer` field of type `long long`.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
    * The command replied with a **nil** object. There is no data to access.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
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    * A bulk (string) reply. The value of the reply can be accessed using `reply->str`.
      The length of this string can be accessed using `reply->len`.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
132 133
    * A multi bulk reply. The number of elements in the multi bulk reply is stored in
      `reply->elements`. Every element in the multi bulk reply is a `redisReply` object as well
Elnatan 已提交
      and can be accessed via `reply->element[..index..]`.
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
      Redis may reply with nested arrays but this is fully supported.
antirez 已提交

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Replies should be freed using the `freeReplyObject()` function.
Chris Williams 已提交
Note that this function will take care of freeing sub-reply objects
antirez 已提交
139 140 141
contained in arrays and nested arrays, so there is no need for the user to
free the sub replies (it is actually harmful and will corrupt the memory).

Chris Williams 已提交
**Important:** the current version of hiredis (0.10.0) frees replies when the
143 144 145 146 147
asynchronous API is used. This means you should not call `freeReplyObject` when
you use this API. The reply is cleaned up by hiredis _after_ the callback
returns. This behavior will probably change in future releases, so make sure to
keep an eye on the changelog when upgrading (see issue #39).

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### Cleaning up

To disconnect and free the context the following function can be used:
151 152 153
void redisFree(redisContext *c);
Chris Williams 已提交
This function immediately closes the socket and then frees the allocations done in
155 156
creating the context.

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### Sending commands (cont'd)

Together with `redisCommand`, the function `redisCommandArgv` can be used to issue commands.
It has the following prototype:
161 162 163
void *redisCommandArgv(redisContext *c, int argc, const char **argv, const size_t *argvlen);
164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
It takes the number of arguments `argc`, an array of strings `argv` and the lengths of the
arguments `argvlen`. For convenience, `argvlen` may be set to `NULL` and the function will
use `strlen(3)` on every argument to determine its length. Obviously, when any of the arguments
need to be binary safe, the entire array of lengths `argvlen` should be provided.

The return value has the same semantic as `redisCommand`.

### Pipelining

To explain how Hiredis supports pipelining in a blocking connection, there needs to be
understanding of the internal execution flow.

When any of the functions in the `redisCommand` family is called, Hiredis first formats the
command according to the Redis protocol. The formatted command is then put in the output buffer
of the context. This output buffer is dynamic, so it can hold any number of commands.
After the command is put in the output buffer, `redisGetReply` is called. This function has the
following two execution paths:

1. The input buffer is non-empty:
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
183 184
    * Try to parse a single reply from the input buffer and return it
    * If no reply could be parsed, continue at *2*
2. The input buffer is empty:
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
186 187
    * Write the **entire** output buffer to the socket
    * Read from the socket until a single reply could be parsed
188 189 190 191 192

The function `redisGetReply` is exported as part of the Hiredis API and can be used when a reply
is expected on the socket. To pipeline commands, the only things that needs to be done is
filling up the output buffer. For this cause, two commands can be used that are identical
to the `redisCommand` family, apart from not returning a reply:
193 194 195 196
void redisAppendCommand(redisContext *c, const char *format, ...);
void redisAppendCommandArgv(redisContext *c, int argc, const char **argv, const size_t *argvlen);
After calling either function one or more times, `redisGetReply` can be used to receive the
198 199
subsequent replies. The return value for this function is either `REDIS_OK` or `REDIS_ERR`, where
the latter means an error occurred while reading a reply. Just as with the other commands,
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
the `err` field in the context can be used to find out what the cause of this error is.
201 202

The following examples shows a simple pipeline (resulting in only a single call to `write(2)` and
a single call to `read(2)`):
204 205 206 207
redisReply *reply;
redisAppendCommand(context,"SET foo bar");
redisAppendCommand(context,"GET foo");
Michael Grunder 已提交
redisGetReply(context,(void *)&reply); // reply for SET
Michael Grunder 已提交
redisGetReply(context,(void *)&reply); // reply for GET
211 212
This API can also be used to implement a blocking subscriber:
214 215 216
reply = redisCommand(context,"SUBSCRIBE foo");
Michael Grunder 已提交
while(redisGetReply(context,(void *)&reply) == REDIS_OK) {
    // consume message
220 221
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246
### Errors

When a function call is not successful, depending on the function either `NULL` or `REDIS_ERR` is
returned. The `err` field inside the context will be non-zero and set to one of the
following constants:

* **`REDIS_ERR_IO`**:
    There was an I/O error while creating the connection, trying to write
    to the socket or read from the socket. If you included `errno.h` in your
    application, you can use the global `errno` variable to find out what is

* **`REDIS_ERR_EOF`**:
    The server closed the connection which resulted in an empty read.

    There was an error while parsing the protocol.

    Any other error. Currently, it is only used when a specified hostname to connect
    to cannot be resolved.

In every case, the `errstr` field in the context will be set to hold a string representation
of the error.

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## Asynchronous API

Hiredis comes with an asynchronous API that works easily with any event library.
Examples are bundled that show using Hiredis with [libev](
and [libevent](

### Connecting

The function `redisAsyncConnect` can be used to establish a non-blocking connection to
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
Redis. It returns a pointer to the newly created `redisAsyncContext` struct. The `err` field
257 258 259
should be checked after creation to see if there were errors creating the connection.
Because the connection that will be created is non-blocking, the kernel is not able to
instantly return if the specified host and port is able to accept a connection.
260 261 262

*Note: A `redisAsyncContext` is not thread-safe.*

263 264 265 266 267 268 269
redisAsyncContext *c = redisAsyncConnect("", 6379);
if (c->err) {
    printf("Error: %s\n", c->errstr);
    // handle error
270 271 272 273

The asynchronous context can hold a disconnect callback function that is called when the
connection is disconnected (either because of an error or per user request). This function should
have the following prototype:
274 275 276
void(const redisAsyncContext *c, int status);
On a disconnect, the `status` argument is set to `REDIS_OK` when disconnection was initiated by the
Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
user, or `REDIS_ERR` when the disconnection was caused by an error. When it is `REDIS_ERR`, the `err`
279 280
field in the context can be accessed to find out the cause of the error.

Chris Williams 已提交
The context object is always freed after the disconnect callback fired. When a reconnect is needed,
282 283 284 285
the disconnect callback is a good point to do so.

Setting the disconnect callback can only be done once per context. For subsequent calls it will
return `REDIS_ERR`. The function to set the disconnect callback has the following prototype:
286 287 288
int redisAsyncSetDisconnectCallback(redisAsyncContext *ac, redisDisconnectCallback *fn);
Jean Flach 已提交
`ac->data` may be used to pass user data to this callback, the same can be done for redisConnectCallback.
290 291 292 293 294 295
### Sending commands and their callbacks

In an asynchronous context, commands are automatically pipelined due to the nature of an event loop.
Therefore, unlike the synchronous API, there is only a single way to send commands.
Because commands are sent to Redis asynchronously, issuing a command requires a callback function
that is called when the reply is received. Reply callbacks should have the following prototype:
296 297 298
void(redisAsyncContext *c, void *reply, void *privdata);
299 300 301 302
The `privdata` argument can be used to curry arbitrary data to the callback from the point where
the command is initially queued for execution.

The functions that can be used to issue commands in an asynchronous context are:
303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310
int redisAsyncCommand(
  redisAsyncContext *ac, redisCallbackFn *fn, void *privdata,
  const char *format, ...);
int redisAsyncCommandArgv(
  redisAsyncContext *ac, redisCallbackFn *fn, void *privdata,
  int argc, const char **argv, const size_t *argvlen);
311 312 313 314 315
Both functions work like their blocking counterparts. The return value is `REDIS_OK` when the command
was successfully added to the output buffer and `REDIS_ERR` otherwise. Example: when the connection
is being disconnected per user-request, no new commands may be added to the output buffer and `REDIS_ERR` is
returned on calls to the `redisAsyncCommand` family.

Chris Williams 已提交
316 317
If the reply for a command with a `NULL` callback is read, it is immediately freed. When the callback
for a command is non-`NULL`, the memory is freed immediately following the callback: the reply is only
valid for the duration of the callback.
319 320 321 322 323 324

All pending callbacks are called with a `NULL` reply when the context encountered an error.

### Disconnecting

An asynchronous connection can be terminated using:
325 326 327
void redisAsyncDisconnect(redisAsyncContext *ac);
328 329 330 331
When this function is called, the connection is **not** immediately terminated. Instead, new
commands are no longer accepted and the connection is only terminated when all pending commands
have been written to the socket, their respective replies have been read and their respective
callbacks have been executed. After this, the disconnection callback is executed with the
Chris Williams 已提交
`REDIS_OK` status and the context object is freed.
333 334 335 336 337 338

### Hooking it up to event library *X*

There are a few hooks that need to be set on the context object after it is created.
See the `adapters/` directory for bindings to *libev* and *libevent*.

339 340
## Reply parsing API

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
341 342
Hiredis comes with a reply parsing API that makes it easy for writing higher
level language bindings.
343 344

The reply parsing API consists of the following functions:
345 346 347 348 349 350
redisReader *redisReaderCreate(void);
void redisReaderFree(redisReader *reader);
int redisReaderFeed(redisReader *reader, const char *buf, size_t len);
int redisReaderGetReply(redisReader *reader, void **reply);
351 352 353 354
The same set of functions are used internally by hiredis when creating a
normal Redis context, the above API just exposes it to the user for a direct

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
### Usage

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
357 358
The function `redisReaderCreate` creates a `redisReader` structure that holds a
buffer with unparsed data and state for the protocol parser.

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
360 361 362 363 364 365 366
Incoming data -- most likely from a socket -- can be placed in the internal
buffer of the `redisReader` using `redisReaderFeed`. This function will make a
copy of the buffer pointed to by `buf` for `len` bytes. This data is parsed
when `redisReaderGetReply` is called. This function returns an integer status
and a reply object (as described above) via `void **reply`. The returned status
can be either `REDIS_OK` or `REDIS_ERR`, where the latter means something went
wrong (either a protocol error, or an out of memory error).

368 369 370
The parser limits the level of nesting for multi bulk payloads to 7. If the
multi bulk nesting level is higher than this, the parser returns an error.

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
### Customizing replies

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
373 374 375 376 377 378 379
The function `redisReaderGetReply` creates `redisReply` and makes the function
argument `reply` point to the created `redisReply` variable. For instance, if
the response of type `REDIS_REPLY_STATUS` then the `str` field of `redisReply`
will hold the status as a vanilla C string. However, the functions that are
responsible for creating instances of the `redisReply` can be customized by
setting the `fn` field on the `redisReader` struct. This should be done
immediately after creating the `redisReader`.

Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
381 382
For example, [hiredis-rb](
uses customized reply object functions to create Ruby objects.

384 385 386 387 388 389
### Reader max buffer

Both when using the Reader API directly or when using it indirectly via a
normal Redis context, the redisReader structure uses a buffer in order to
accumulate data from the server.
Usually this buffer is destroyed when it is empty and is larger than 16
Chris Williams 已提交
KiB in order to avoid wasting memory in unused buffers
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399

However when working with very big payloads destroying the buffer may slow
down performances considerably, so it is possible to modify the max size of
an idle buffer changing the value of the `maxbuf` field of the reader structure
to the desired value. The special value of 0 means that there is no maximum
value for an idle buffer, so the buffer will never get freed.

For instance if you have a normal Redis context you can set the maximum idle
buffer to zero (unlimited) just with:
400 401 402
context->reader->maxbuf = 0;
403 404 405 406
This should be done only in order to maximize performances when working with
large payloads. The context should be set back to `REDIS_READER_MAX_BUF` again
as soon as possible in order to prevent allocation of useless memory.

407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416
### Reader max array elements

By default the hiredis reply parser sets the maximum number of multi-bulk elements
to 2^32 - 1 or 4,294,967,295 entries.  If you need to process multi-bulk replies
with more than this many elements you can set the value higher or to zero, meaning
unlimited with:
context->reader->maxelements = 0;

Yossi Gottlieb 已提交
417 418 419 420 421 422
## SSL/TLS Support

### Building

SSL/TLS support is not built by default and requires an explicit flag:

michael-grunder 已提交
    make USE_SSL=1
Yossi Gottlieb 已提交
424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440

This requires OpenSSL development package (e.g. including header files to be

When enabled, SSL/TLS support is built into extra `libhiredis_ssl.a` and
`` static/dynamic libraries. This leaves the original libraries
unaffected so no additional dependencies are introduced.

### Using it

First, you'll need to make sure you include the SSL header file:

#include "hiredis.h"
#include "hiredis_ssl.h"

441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458
You will also need to link against `libhiredis_ssl`, **in addition** to
`libhiredis` and add `-lssl -lcrypto` to satisfy its dependencies.

Hiredis implements SSL/TLS on top of its normal `redisContext` or
`redisAsyncContext`, so you will need to establish a connection first and then
initiate an SSL/TLS handshake.

#### Hiredis OpenSSL Wrappers

Before Hiredis can negotiate an SSL/TLS connection, it is necessary to
initialize OpenSSL and create a context. You can do that in two ways:

1. Work directly with the OpenSSL API to initialize the library's global context
   and create `SSL_CTX *` and `SSL *` contexts. With an `SSL *` object you can
   call `redisInitiateSSL()`.
2. Work with a set of Hiredis-provided wrappers around OpenSSL, create a
   `redisSSLContext` object to hold configuration and use
   `redisInitiateSSLWithContext()` to initiate the SSL/TLS handshake.
Yossi Gottlieb 已提交
459 460

461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491
/* An Hiredis SSL context. It holds SSL configuration and can be reused across
 * many contexts.
redisSSLContext *ssl;

/* An error variable to indicate what went wrong, if the context fails to
 * initialize.
redisSSLContextError ssl_error;

/* Initialize global OpenSSL state.
 * You should call this only once when your app initializes, and only if
 * you don't explicitly or implicitly initialize OpenSSL it elsewhere.

/* Create SSL context */
ssl = redisCreateSSLContext(
    "cacertbundle.crt",     /* File name of trusted CA/ca bundle file, optional */
    "/path/to/certs",       /* Path of trusted certificates, optional */
    "client_cert.pem",      /* File name of client certificate file, optional */
    "client_key.pem",       /* File name of client private key, optional */
    "",   /* Server name to request (SNI), optional */
    ) != REDIS_OK) {
        printf("SSL error: %s\n", redisSSLContextGetError(ssl_error);
        /* Abort... */

/* Create Redis context and establish connection */
Michael Grunder 已提交
c = redisConnect("localhost", 6443);
Yossi Gottlieb 已提交
493 494 495 496
if (c == NULL || c->err) {
    /* Handle error and abort... */

497 498 499
/* Negotiate SSL/TLS */
if (redisInitiateSSLWithContext(c, ssl) != REDIS_OK) {
    /* Handle error, in c->err / c->errstr */
Yossi Gottlieb 已提交
500 501 502

Michael Grunder 已提交
503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568
## RESP3 PUSH replies
Redis 6.0 introduced PUSH replies with the reply-type `>`.  These messages are generated spontaneously and can arrive at any time, so must be handled using callbacks.

### Default behavior
Hiredis installs handlers on `redisContext` and `redisAsyncContext` by default, which will intercept and free any PUSH replies detected.  This means existing code will work as-is after upgrading to Redis 6 and switching to `RESP3`.

### Custom PUSH handler prototypes
The callback prototypes differ between `redisContext` and `redisAsyncContext`.

#### redisContext
void my_push_handler(void *privdata, void *reply) {
    /* Handle the reply */

    /* Note: We need to free the reply in our custom handler for
             blocking contexts.  This lets us keep the reply if
             we want. */

#### redisAsyncContext
void my_async_push_handler(redisAsyncContext *ac, void *reply) {
    /* Handle the reply */

	/* Note:  Because async hiredis always frees replies, you should
	          not call freeReplyObject in an async push callback. */

### Installing a custom handler
There are two ways to set your own PUSH handlers.

1. Set `push_cb` or `async_push_cb` in the `redisOptions` struct and connect with `redisConnectWithOptions` or `redisAsyncConnectWithOptions`.
    redisOptions = {0};
    REDIS_OPTIONS_SET_TCP(&options, "", 6379);
    options->push_cb = my_push_handler;
    redisContext *context = redisConnectWithOptions(&options);
2.  Call `redisSetPushCallback` or `redisAsyncSetPushCallback` on a connected context.
    redisContext *context = redisConnect("", 6379);
    redisSetPushCallback(context, my_push_handler);

    _Note `redisSetPushCallback` and `redisAsyncSetPushCallback` both return any currently configured handler,  making it easy to override and then return to the old value._

### Specifying no handler
If you have a unique use-case where you don't want hiredis to automatically intercept and free PUSH replies, you will want to configure no handler at all.  This can be done in two ways.
1.  Set the `REDIS_OPT_NO_PUSH_AUTOFREE` flag in `redisOptions` and leave the callback function pointer `NULL`.
    redisOptions = {0};
    REDIS_OPTIONS_SET_TCP(&options, "", 6379);
    options->options |= REDIS_OPT_NO_PUSH_AUTOFREE;
    redisContext *context = redisConnectWithOptions(&options);
3.  Call `redisSetPushCallback` with `NULL` once connected.
    redisContext *context = redisConnect("", 6379);
    redisSetPushCallback(context, NULL);

    _Note:  With no handler configured, calls to `redisCommand` may generate more than one reply, so this strategy is only applicable when there's some kind of blocking`redisGetReply()` loop (e.g. `MONITOR` or `SUBSCRIBE` workloads)._

569 570
## Allocator injection

Michael Grunder 已提交
Hiredis uses a pass-thru structure of function pointers defined in [alloc.h]( that contain the currently configured allocation and deallocation functions.  By default they just point to libc (`malloc`, `calloc`, `realloc`, etc).
572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595

### Overriding

One can override the allocators like so:

hiredisAllocFuncs myfuncs = {
    .mallocFn = my_malloc,
    .callocFn = my_calloc,
    .reallocFn = my_realloc,
    .strdupFn = my_strdup,
    .freeFn = my_free,

// Override allocators (function returns current allocators if needed)
hiredisAllocFuncs orig = hiredisSetAllocators(&myfuncs);

To reset the allocators to their default libc function simply call:


Pieter Noordhuis 已提交
antirez 已提交

Michael Grunder 已提交
598 599 600
Hiredis was written by Salvatore Sanfilippo (antirez at gmail),
Pieter Noordhuis (pcnoordhuis at gmail), and Michael Grunder
(michael dot grunder at gmail) and is released under the BSD license.