提交 42d2a086 编写于 作者: martianzhang's avatar martianzhang

fix #277 & add test case

上级 9443120c
......@@ -1132,6 +1132,10 @@ func DuplicateKeyChecker(conn *database.Connector, databases ...string) map[stri
for k1, cl1 := range idxMap {
for k2, cl2 := range idxMap {
if k1 != k2 && common.IsColsPart(cl1, cl2) {
// by pass primary key
if k1 == "PRIMARY" || k2 == "PRIMARY" {
hasDup = true
col1Str := common.JoinColumnsName(cl1, ", ")
col2Str := common.JoinColumnsName(cl2, ", ")
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