已验证 提交 156bf6d1 编写于 作者: xurime's avatar xurime

This closes #1129, make cell support inheritance columns/rows style

Correct cells style in merge range
Fix incorrect style ID returned on getting cell style in some cases
Unit test updated and simplified code
上级 3ee3c38f
......@@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ func (f *File) setCellTimeFunc(sheet, axis string, value time.Time) error {
if err != nil {
return err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
if err != nil {
return err
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S)
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S)
var isNum bool
......@@ -214,10 +214,7 @@ func (f *File) setCellTimeFunc(sheet, axis string, value time.Time) error {
return err
if isNum {
err = f.setDefaultTimeStyle(sheet, axis, 22)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = f.setDefaultTimeStyle(sheet, axis, 22)
return err
......@@ -254,13 +251,13 @@ func (f *File) SetCellInt(sheet, axis string, value int) error {
if err != nil {
return err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
if err != nil {
return err
defer ws.Unlock()
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S)
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S)
cellData.T, cellData.V = setCellInt(value)
return err
......@@ -279,13 +276,13 @@ func (f *File) SetCellBool(sheet, axis string, value bool) error {
if err != nil {
return err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
if err != nil {
return err
defer ws.Unlock()
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S)
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S)
cellData.T, cellData.V = setCellBool(value)
return err
......@@ -316,13 +313,13 @@ func (f *File) SetCellFloat(sheet, axis string, value float64, prec, bitSize int
if err != nil {
return err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
if err != nil {
return err
defer ws.Unlock()
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S)
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S)
cellData.T, cellData.V = setCellFloat(value, prec, bitSize)
return err
......@@ -341,13 +338,13 @@ func (f *File) SetCellStr(sheet, axis, value string) error {
if err != nil {
return err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
if err != nil {
return err
defer ws.Unlock()
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S)
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S)
cellData.T, cellData.V, err = f.setCellString(value)
return err
......@@ -439,13 +436,13 @@ func (f *File) SetCellDefault(sheet, axis, value string) error {
if err != nil {
return err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
if err != nil {
return err
defer ws.Unlock()
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S)
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S)
cellData.T, cellData.V = setCellDefault(value)
return err
......@@ -937,14 +934,14 @@ func (f *File) SetCellRichText(sheet, cell string, runs []RichTextRun) error {
if err != nil {
return err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, cell)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, cell)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := f.sharedStringsLoader(); err != nil {
return err
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S)
cellData.S = f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S)
si := xlsxSI{}
sst := f.sharedStringsReader()
textRuns := []xlsxR{}
......@@ -1133,14 +1130,19 @@ func isTimeNumFmt(format string) bool {
// prepareCellStyle provides a function to prepare style index of cell in
// worksheet by given column index and style index.
func (f *File) prepareCellStyle(ws *xlsxWorksheet, col, style int) int {
func (f *File) prepareCellStyle(ws *xlsxWorksheet, col, row, style int) int {
if ws.Cols != nil && style == 0 {
for _, c := range ws.Cols.Col {
if c.Min <= col && col <= c.Max {
style = c.Style
if c.Min <= col && col <= c.Max && c.Style != 0 {
return c.Style
for rowIdx := range ws.SheetData.Row {
if styleID := ws.SheetData.Row[rowIdx].S; style == 0 && styleID != 0 {
return styleID
return style
......@@ -1150,6 +1152,11 @@ func (f *File) mergeCellsParser(ws *xlsxWorksheet, axis string) (string, error)
axis = strings.ToUpper(axis)
if ws.MergeCells != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(ws.MergeCells.Cells); i++ {
if ws.MergeCells.Cells[i] == nil {
ws.MergeCells.Cells = append(ws.MergeCells.Cells[:i], ws.MergeCells.Cells[i+1:]...)
ok, err := f.checkCellInArea(axis, ws.MergeCells.Cells[i].Ref)
if err != nil {
return axis, err
......@@ -1170,8 +1177,7 @@ func (f *File) checkCellInArea(cell, area string) (bool, error) {
return false, err
rng := strings.Split(area, ":")
if len(rng) != 2 {
if rng := strings.Split(area, ":"); len(rng) != 2 {
return false, err
coordinates, err := areaRefToCoordinates(area)
......@@ -592,9 +592,8 @@ func (f *File) positionObjectPixels(sheet string, col, row, x1, y1, width, heigh
// Initialise end cell to the same as the start cell.
colEnd := col
rowEnd := row
// Initialized end cell to the same as the start cell.
colEnd, rowEnd := col, row
width += x1
height += y1
......@@ -632,7 +631,7 @@ func (f *File) getColWidth(sheet string, col int) int {
return int(convertColWidthToPixels(width))
// Optimisation for when the column widths haven't changed.
// Optimization for when the column widths haven't changed.
return int(defaultColWidthPixels)
......@@ -658,7 +657,7 @@ func (f *File) GetColWidth(sheet, col string) (float64, error) {
return width, err
// Optimisation for when the column widths haven't changed.
// Optimization for when the column widths haven't changed.
return defaultColWidth, err
......@@ -707,7 +706,7 @@ func (f *File) RemoveCol(sheet, col string) error {
return f.adjustHelper(sheet, columns, num, -1)
// convertColWidthToPixels provieds function to convert the width of a cell
// convertColWidthToPixels provides function to convert the width of a cell
// from user's units to pixels. Excel rounds the column width to the nearest
// pixel. If the width hasn't been set by the user we use the default value.
// If the column is hidden it has a value of zero.
......@@ -289,18 +289,24 @@ func TestOutlineLevel(t *testing.T) {
func TestSetColStyle(t *testing.T) {
f := NewFile()
assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "B2", "Hello"))
style, err := f.NewStyle(`{"fill":{"type":"pattern","color":["#94d3a2"],"pattern":1}}`)
styleID, err := f.NewStyle(`{"fill":{"type":"pattern","color":["#94d3a2"],"pattern":1}}`)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Test set column style on not exists worksheet.
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetColStyle("SheetN", "E", style), "sheet SheetN is not exist")
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetColStyle("SheetN", "E", styleID), "sheet SheetN is not exist")
// Test set column style with illegal cell coordinates.
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "*", style), newInvalidColumnNameError("*").Error())
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "A:*", style), newInvalidColumnNameError("*").Error())
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "*", styleID), newInvalidColumnNameError("*").Error())
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "A:*", styleID), newInvalidColumnNameError("*").Error())
assert.NoError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "B", style))
assert.NoError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "B", styleID))
// Test set column style with already exists column with style.
assert.NoError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "B", style))
assert.NoError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "D:C", style))
assert.NoError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "B", styleID))
assert.NoError(t, f.SetColStyle("Sheet1", "D:C", styleID))
ws, ok := f.Sheet.Load("xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml")
assert.True(t, ok)
ws.(*xlsxWorksheet).SheetData.Row[1].C[2].S = 0
cellStyleID, err := f.GetCellStyle("Sheet1", "C2")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, styleID, cellStyleID)
assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestSetColStyle.xlsx")))
......@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ func TestOpenFile(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet2", "G4", time.Now()))
assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet2", "G4", time.Now().UTC()))
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellValue("SheetN", "A1", time.Now()), "sheet SheetN is not exist")
// 02:46:40
assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet2", "G5", time.Duration(1e13)))
// Test completion column.
......@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
package excelize
import "strings"
import (
// Rect gets merged cell rectangle coordinates sequence.
func (mc *xlsxMergeCell) Rect() ([]int, error) {
......@@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ func (f *File) MergeCell(sheet, hCell, vCell string) error {
ws.MergeCells = &xlsxMergeCells{Cells: []*xlsxMergeCell{{Ref: ref, rect: rect}}}
ws.MergeCells.Count = len(ws.MergeCells.Cells)
return err
styleID, _ := f.GetCellStyle(sheet, hCell)
return f.SetCellStyle(sheet, hCell, vCell, styleID)
// UnmergeCell provides a function to unmerge a given coordinate area.
......@@ -921,6 +921,9 @@ func TestSetRowStyle(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetRowStyle("Sheet1", 1, 1, -1), newInvalidStyleID(-1).Error())
assert.EqualError(t, f.SetRowStyle("SheetN", 1, 1, styleID), "sheet SheetN is not exist")
assert.NoError(t, f.SetRowStyle("Sheet1", 10, 1, styleID))
cellStyleID, err := f.GetCellStyle("Sheet1", "B2")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, styleID, cellStyleID)
assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestSetRowStyle.xlsx")))
......@@ -2613,11 +2613,11 @@ func (f *File) GetCellStyle(sheet, axis string) (int, error) {
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cellData, col, _, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
cellData, col, row, err := f.prepareCell(ws, sheet, axis)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, cellData.S), err
return f.prepareCellStyle(ws, col, row, cellData.S), err
// SetCellStyle provides a function to add style attribute for cells by given
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