提交 4006bffd 编写于 作者: L LinJiawei

FPToFP: opt timing

上级 809beace
......@@ -12,14 +12,16 @@ class FPToFP extends FPUPipelineModule{
override def latency: Int = FunctionUnit.f2iCfg.latency.latencyVal.get
val ctrl = io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.fpu
val ctrlIn = io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.fpu
val ctrl = S1Reg(ctrlIn)
val inTag = ctrl.typeTagIn
val outTag = ctrl.typeTagOut
val src1 = unbox(io.in.bits.src(0), inTag, None)
val src2 = unbox(io.in.bits.src(1), inTag, None)
val wflags = ctrl.wflags
val src1 = S1Reg(unbox(io.in.bits.src(0), ctrlIn.typeTagIn, None))
val src2 = S1Reg(unbox(io.in.bits.src(1), ctrlIn.typeTagIn, None))
val rmReg = S1Reg(rm)
val signNum = Mux(rm(1), src1 ^ src2, Mux(rm(0), ~src2, src2))
val signNum = Mux(rmReg(1), src1 ^ src2, Mux(rmReg(0), ~src2, src2))
val fsgnj = Cat(signNum(fLen), src1(fLen-1, 0))
val fsgnjMux = Wire(new Bundle() {
......@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ class FPToFP extends FPUPipelineModule{
val dcmp = Module(new CompareRecFN(maxExpWidth, maxSigWidth))
dcmp.io.a := src1
dcmp.io.b := src2
dcmp.io.signaling := !rm(1)
dcmp.io.signaling := !rmReg(1)
val lt = dcmp.io.lt || (dcmp.io.a.asSInt() < 0.S && dcmp.io.b.asSInt() >= 0.S)
......@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ class FPToFP extends FPUPipelineModule{
val isnan2 = maxType.isNaN(src2)
val isInvalid = maxType.isSNaN(src1) || maxType.isSNaN(src2)
val isNaNOut = isnan1 && isnan2
val isLHS = isnan2 || rm(0) =/= lt && !isnan1
val isLHS = isnan2 || rmReg(0) =/= lt && !isnan1
fsgnjMux.exc := isInvalid << 4
fsgnjMux.data := Mux(isNaNOut, maxType.qNaN, Mux(isLHS, src1, src2))
......@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ class FPToFP extends FPUPipelineModule{
when(outTag === typeTag(outType).U && (typeTag(outType) == 0).B || (outTag < inTag)){
val narrower = Module(new hardfloat.RecFNToRecFN(maxType.exp, maxType.sig, outType.exp, outType.sig))
narrower.io.in := src1
narrower.io.roundingMode := rm
narrower.io.roundingMode := rmReg
narrower.io.detectTininess := hardfloat.consts.tininess_afterRounding
val narrowed = sanitizeNaN(narrower.io.out, outType)
mux.data := Cat(fsgnjMux.data >> narrowed.getWidth, narrowed)
......@@ -77,11 +79,6 @@ class FPToFP extends FPUPipelineModule{
var resVec = Seq(mux)
for(i <- 1 to latency){
resVec = resVec :+ PipelineReg(i)(resVec(i-1))
io.out.bits.data := resVec.last.data
fflags := resVec.last.exc
io.out.bits.data := S2Reg(mux.data)
fflags := S2Reg(mux.exc)
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