提交 747e7ef8 编写于 作者: Z Ziyue Zhang

vector: add the connection for permutation

上级 8f293481
......@@ -323,6 +323,9 @@ case class XSCoreParameters
ExeUnitParams(Seq(VialuCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 0, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(1, 0)), Seq(VfRD(2, 0)), Seq(VfRD(3, 0)), Seq(VfRD(4, 0)), Seq(VfRD(5, 0)))),
ExeUnitParams(Seq(VimacCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 0, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(1, 0)), Seq(VfRD(2, 0)), Seq(VfRD(3, 0)), Seq(VfRD(4, 0)), Seq(VfRD(5, 0)))),
), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 2),
ExeUnitParams(Seq(VppuCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 0, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(1, 0)), Seq(VfRD(2, 0)), Seq(VfRD(3, 0)), Seq(VfRD(4, 0)), Seq(VfRD(5, 0)))),
), numEntries = 8, pregBits = pregBits, numWakeupFromWB = numRfWrite, numEnq = 2),
ExeUnitParams(Seq(FmacCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 1, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(7, 0)), Seq(VfRD(8, 0)), Seq(VfRD(9, 0)))),
ExeUnitParams(Seq(F2fCfg, F2iCfg, FDivSqrtCfg, VSetRvfWvfCfg), Seq(VecWB(port = 2, 0), IntWB(port = 7, 0)), Seq(Seq(VfRD(10, 0)), Seq(VfRD(11, 0)))),
......@@ -262,7 +262,8 @@ object Bundles {
// vector load/store
val nf = Nf()
val needScalaSrc = Bool()
val needScalaSrc = Bool()
val permImmTruncate = Bool() // opivi
val isReverse = Bool() // vrsub, vrdiv
val isExt = Bool()
......@@ -774,7 +774,8 @@ class DecodeUnit(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with DecodeUnitConstan
decodedInst.vpu.vlmul := io.enq.vtype.vlmul
decodedInst.vpu.vm := inst.VM
decodedInst.vpu.nf := inst.NF
decodedInst.vpu.needScalaSrc := Category.needScalaSrc(inst.VCATEGORY)
decodedInst.vpu.needScalaSrc := Category.needScalaSrc(inst.VCATEGORY)
decodedInst.vpu.permImmTruncate := Category.permImmTruncate(inst.VCATEGORY)
decodedInst.vpu.isReverse := needReverseInsts.map(_ === inst.ALL).reduce(_ || _)
decodedInst.vpu.isExt := vextInsts.map(_ === inst.ALL).reduce(_ || _)
decodedInst.vpu.isNarrow := narrowInsts.map(_ === inst.ALL).reduce(_ || _)
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import xiangshan.ExceptionNO._
import xiangshan.SelImm
import xiangshan.backend.Std
import xiangshan.backend.fu.fpu.{FDivSqrt, FMA, FPToFP, FPToInt, IntToFP}
import xiangshan.backend.fu.wrapper.{Alu, BranchUnit, DivUnit, JumpUnit, MulUnit, VIAluFix, VIMacU, VSetRiWi, VSetRiWvf, VSetRvfWvf}
import xiangshan.backend.fu.wrapper.{Alu, BranchUnit, DivUnit, JumpUnit, MulUnit, VIAluFix, VIMacU, VPPU, VSetRiWi, VSetRiWvf, VSetRvfWvf}
import xiangshan.backend.Bundles.ExuInput
import xiangshan.backend.datapath.DataConfig._
......@@ -493,6 +493,23 @@ object FuConfig {
dataBits = 128,
val VppuCfg = FuConfig (
name = "vppu",
fuType = FuType.vppu,
fuGen = (p: Parameters, cfg: FuConfig) => Module(new VPPU(cfg)(p).suggestName("Vppu")),
srcData = Seq(
Seq(VecData(), VecData(), VecData(), MaskSrcData(), VConfigData()), // vs1, vs2, vd_old, v0, vtype&vl
piped = true,
writeVecRf = true,
writeVxsat = true,
latency = CertainLatency(1),
vconfigWakeUp = true,
maskWakeUp = true,
dataBits = 128,
immType = Set(SelImm.IMM_OPIVIU, SelImm.IMM_OPIVIS),
val VipuCfg: FuConfig = FuConfig (
name = "vipu",
fuType = FuType.vipu,
......@@ -545,7 +562,7 @@ object FuConfig {
def VecArithFuConfigs = Seq(
VialuCfg, VimacCfg, VipuCfg, VfpuCfg
VialuCfg, VimacCfg, VppuCfg, VipuCfg, VfpuCfg
......@@ -133,5 +133,8 @@ object Bundles {
def needScalaSrc(category: UInt) : Bool = {
Seq(OPIVI, OPIVX, OPFVF, OPMVX).map(_ === category).reduce(_ || _)
def permImmTruncate(category: UInt) : Bool = {
Seq(OPIVI).map(_ === category).reduce(_ || _)
package xiangshan.backend.fu.wrapper
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import utils.XSError
import xiangshan.backend.fu.FuConfig
import xiangshan.backend.fu.vector.Bundles.VSew
import xiangshan.backend.fu.vector.utils.VecDataSplitModule
import xiangshan.backend.fu.vector.{Mgu, Utils, VecPipedFuncUnit, VecSrcTypeModule}
import xiangshan.SrcType
import yunsuan.encoding.Opcode.VimacOpcode
import yunsuan.encoding.{VdType, Vs1IntType, Vs2IntType}
import yunsuan.{OpType, VpermType}
import yunsuan.vector.perm.Permutation
class VPermSrcTypeModule extends VecSrcTypeModule {
private val srcVdType = Wire(new Bundle{
val srcType2 = UInt(4.W)
val srcType1 = UInt(4.W)
val vdType = UInt(4.W)
srcVdType := VpermType.getSrcVdType(fuOpType, vsew)
io.out.vs2Type := srcVdType.srcType2
io.out.vs1Type := srcVdType.srcType1
io.out.vdType := srcVdType.vdType
class VPPU(cfg: FuConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends VecPipedFuncUnit(cfg) {
XSError(io.in.valid && io.in.bits.ctrl.fuOpType === VpermType.dummy, "VpermType OpType not supported")
// params alias
private val dataWidth = cfg.dataBits
private val dataWidthOfDataModule = 64
private val numVecModule = dataWidth / dataWidthOfDataModule
private val vppuNeedClearMask = (VpermType.vcompress === io.in.bits.ctrl.fuOpType) && (vuopIdx(log2Up(MaxUopSize)-1,1) === 0.U)
private val mask = Mux(vppuNeedClearMask, 0.U, outSrcMask)
// io alias
private val opcode = VpermType.getOpcode(fuOpType)
// modules
private val typeMod = Module(new VIMacSrcTypeModule)
private val vperms = Module(new Permutation)
* [[typeMod]]'s in connection
typeMod.io.in.fuOpType := fuOpType
typeMod.io.in.vsew := vsew
typeMod.io.in.isReverse := isReverse
typeMod.io.in.isExt := isExt
typeMod.io.in.isDstMask := vecCtrl.isDstMask
typeMod.io.in.isMove := isMove
* [[vperms]]'s in connection
vperms.io match {
case subIO =>
subIO.in.valid := io.in.valid
subIO.in.bits.opcode.op := opcode
subIO.in.bits.info.vm := vm
subIO.in.bits.info.ma := vma
subIO.in.bits.info.ta := vta
subIO.in.bits.info.vlmul := vlmul
subIO.in.bits.info.vl := srcVConfig.vl
subIO.in.bits.info.vstart := vstart
subIO.in.bits.info.uopIdx := vuopIdx
subIO.in.bits.info.vxrm := vxrm
subIO.in.bits.srcType(0) := typeMod.io.out.vs2Type
subIO.in.bits.srcType(1) := typeMod.io.out.vs1Type
subIO.in.bits.vdType := typeMod.io.out.vdType
subIO.in.bits.vs1 := Mux(vecCtrl.permImmTruncate, vs1(4,0), vs1)
subIO.in.bits.vs2 := vs2
subIO.in.bits.old_vd := oldVd
subIO.in.bits.mask := mask
io.out.bits.res.data := vperms.io.out.vd
io.out.bits.res.vxsat.foreach(_ := vperms.io.out.vxsat)
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