提交 b8bcc142 编写于 作者: 梁森 Liang Sen

Update makefile

上级 453f2124
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ $(TOP_V): $(SCALA_FILE)
mkdir -p $(@D)
time -o $(@D)/time.log mill -i XiangShan.runMain $(FPGATOP) -td $(@D) \
--config $(CONFIG) --full-stacktrace --num-cores $(NUM_CORES) \
$(RELEASE_ARGS) --output-file $(TOP_V)
$(RELEASE_ARGS) --output-file $(TOP)
sed -e 's/\(peripheral\|memory\)_0_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_bits_/m_\1_\2_/g' \
-e 's/\(dma\)_0_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_bits_/s_\1_\2_/g' $@ > $(BUILD_DIR)/tmp.v
sed -e 's/\(peripheral\|memory\)_0_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_/m_\1_\2_/g' \
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ $(SIM_TOP_V): $(SCALA_FILE) $(TEST_FILE)
@date -R | tee -a $(@D)/time.log
time -o $(@D)/time.log mill -i XiangShan.test.runMain $(SIMTOP) -td $(@D) \
--config $(CONFIG) --full-stacktrace --num-cores $(NUM_CORES) \
$(SIM_ARGS) --output-file $(SIM_TOP_V)
$(SIM_ARGS) --output-file $(SIM_TOP)
sed -e 's/\(peripheral\|memory\)_0_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_bits_/m_\1_\2_/g' \
-e 's/\(dma\)_0_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_bits_/s_\1_\2_/g' $@ > $(BUILD_DIR)/tmp.v
sed -e 's/\(peripheral\|memory\)_0_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_/m_\1_\2_/g' \
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ sim-verilog-release:
# split rtl modules and sim top, copy extra files
python3 scripts/parser.py SimTop --config $(CONFIG) \
--ignore XSTop --include difftest \
--no-sram-conf --no-sram-xlsx --no-extra-files
--no-sram-conf --no-sram-xlsx
$(MAKE) -C ./difftest clean
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